Why are so many upsessive about fake celeb and e-celeb bullshit like /notourgirl/ tay who was whore out by her own family through investment bankers to be come a jew puppet shill, especially when we have an actually /ourgirl/ fighting for us who rarely gets recognition?
Marion is the real queen yet most do t even know her name
Is worthless career woman whore. And she smokes, fucking trash whore. If was good woman why is she in politics instead of being a hausfrau? Because she is trash whore.
Her father was Mossad. What the fuck do you think?
Matthew Morgan
>Maréchal-Le Pen married businessman Matthieu Decosse on 29 July 2014, at the Saint-Cloud town hall.[12] Their daughter was born that September.[13] They divorced in 2016.[14]
>single mom
eww gross
thanks for bringing me to my senses, user
id still bang her though
Ryan Evans
she is a zionist traitor.
Ryder Smith
>married 29 July 2014 >daughter was born that September So she was already heavily pregnant when they were married? Probably not even his. How much child support and alimony you think he's paying this whore?
Ethan Gonzalez
by the way, she, and her mother sold the nationalist party to the kikes. Her mother got what she deserved, falses promises, the kikes fucked her over and made her daughter (marion) the leader of the party, she will get fucked later, it's just a question of "when".
She came out as a democrat today by endorsing democratic senators and house representatives in Tennesse.
Nathan Walker
Seriously... you have nothing better to do then find some random person on the internet and speculate about conspiracy theories concerning their lives? If you are soooo interested in ruining peoples lives with baseless bullshit I will happily enter your home and ruin yours with a few real ones for you to whine to the cops all about kk? Stupid shits, Broken fucking fingers.
Best way to Teach/tame snakes is with Vibrations, Again... Saturn.
Anyone who watches porn is a cuck, that is your god in real life (Vajjay/Pandora/Others) That your willfully watching other men thrust into. Since I decided to protect Pandora by running a blocking game (gotta get through me to get to her) This means having sex with women = gay. Watching others have sex = cucked. It's really very simple.
Another clue... When you come in or on a woman you are subconciously leaving your mark on them (like a cat or a dog spraying) this is why males get upset when someone else pee's on their territory. It is simply un true that I would ever mark up your Harem Queens, total bull, why Not sure how you would ever forgive her for letting me do that. you might just have to spend the next few days fucking me out of her head, since everyone already knows I AM the best that might take awhile, enjoy :D.