If you could go back in time and do one thing, what would you do?

I'd probably go back to our founding fathers and show them a whole bunch of videos of modern day chimpouts in hopes that it'd change their mind about slavery and send all of the slaves back. I think America would have been much better if slavery either never existed or if the slaves had all been sent back for their freedom instead of just being sent free.

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go back and kill every Habiru, Hittite, Hivite, and the entire Sea Peoples union.
This will ensure the future will have no jews

Convince the King of England to exterminate the Puritans instead of sending them to America

shit, forgot to mention killing the entire Hyksos dynasty too

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That's a good one.

find every jew and shake their hand

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Stop Adam and Eve from eating that evil fruit.

Or at least stop Adam from eating it.

I would probably go back and stay there. fuck modern women and the bullshit
I just want to go back and have a simple life and a housewife

>be me
>return to Germany in March 1933
>hand over my laptop to the NADSP
>show them how to use it
>include full text of English Wikipedia for their reference
>return to current time in the pristine ethnostate and sip beer

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>go back and show videos to European conolizers in Africa, Middle East, and Americas
>suddenly no more brown people on the entire planet
>world peace and prosperity the world over as God intended.

Imagine how beautiful the world could be.

find adam and eve
Kill eve
tell god he fucked up.

How would that work when they are fictional characters?

You can do that now. My wife is baking with both of our mothers atm and soon they will start on the turkey.
You'd just cling to a different set of excuses in another time. A time machine can not help you, unless you used it to go back in time and teach yourself to be a different person, but if you could do that you wouldn't have to.

Guess with a time machine you could find out whether or not it's true.

It's a joke you fucking retard.

Whether or not it was true the moral to the story is important. Values like purity, hard work, giving ten percent of your harvest back to the ground such as compost, teaching your kids not to steal and so forth can grow a healthy and righteous society. Whereas the opposite such as violence, robbery, rape, and going against the Law of God will lead to pain and suffering.

>The original meaning of the Adam and Eve story

I’d go back and publish an article in the London Times in 1912 that world war 1 would be a big shitshow, so I avoid that and today Europe would be strong and America weak.

>not going back to simply be eaten by a dinosaur after some sightseeing

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The serpent is more than a interest, and corrupt banking system. It was more about lying in order to justify evil. The serpent tricked Adam and Eve into transgressing the law of God in order that humanity be punished. The human condition can be summed up by stating that the first humans used knowledge to make other humans their slave. More proof of the occult, satan, and the snake that will forever be on its belly (not upright).

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Shoot the common ancestor of jews in the head.

Make sure social media never happens.

I would go back and kill all the founding fathers. And ensure America remained British.

convince slave holders to use the civil war as an opportunity to clean up

id go back to last week and eat those pop tarts

Make it so that I am never conceived.

He'd use the fictional version of the time machine obviously.

they would think youre an escaped indentured servant and shoot you for adressing your betters

Well, we can't move back in time only move forward. Our timeline is the best timeline.

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I would destroy the earth every five minutes until dinner was ready.

go back and knock up his mom. re-conceived doublenigger.

you can move back in time. You just create a new timeline. Star Trek Next Generation even have an episode like that

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Block myself from coming here.

They already thought slavery was bad, what happened was some Southerners decided they liked it and resisted abolition.

No, since moving into the future is possible and doesn't create new timelines or multiverses. There is only one and it is moving perfectly according to God's plan.


watch this if you can find it on torrent or something, good movie.

Use my credit cards to buy bitcoin and say fuck it to the debt collectors. I had cards in hand, coins were dirt cheap, but I pussied out.

Funny that coincidentally many of the (((owners))) were from a certain group of people.

>implying the kikes would listen to you

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The year is 1969. Norma McCorvey has become pregnant with her third child, but wants an abortion. She makes up a rape story, but because there is no police report she can't get one. Her lawyers will file suit for her in 1970, but seek something far different than she has in mind, sending her on a path through life that would result in her becoming an anti-abortion activist until her death in 2017. She will speak to Congress multiple times in an effort to reopen her case, Roe v Wade, but her efforts will fall on deaf ears.

On Christmas of 1969, a ghost the future will appear to her, and convince her of his authority through manipulation of time. To her, this seems a miracle. Posing as the Spirits of Christmas, this traveler shows her parts of her life she could never foresee, including her dying shame.

"Before I draw nearer to that stone to which you point, answer me one question. Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be, only?"

Still the Ghost pointed downward to the grave by which it stood. "Men's courses will foreshadow certain ends, to which, if persevered in, they must lead. But if the courses be departed from, the ends will change. Say it is thus with what you show me."

The Spirit was immovable as ever. The finger pointed from the grave to her, and back again. "No, Spirit! Oh no, no!" The finger still was there. "Spirit! Hear me. I am not the woman I was. I will not be the woman I must have been but for this intercourse. Why show me this, if I am past all hope?"

"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh, tell me I may sponge away the writing on this stone!"

Having seen the fate she brought on herself, she was as good as her word

Behold! Come and See!

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I'd tell myself to never drink alcohol and to never go to Jow Forums.

Timelines shift and rip as swaths of people people who should have been become, while who were become naught. You see, the traveler had a secret. He only existed because of an abortion. So whereas others might create a paradox in an attempt to change the past, the traveler was bound by no such seal for this specific event. He was a living quantum eraser.

Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singin'
Multitudes are marchin' to the big kettledrum
Voices callin', voices cryin'
Some are born and some are dyin'
It's alpha and omega's kingdom come

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts
And I looked, and behold a pale horse
And his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed with him

Kidnap Generals Montgomery, Patton, Mcarthur and Charles De Gaulle, take them on a time-place tour through the worst parts of the worst major Western cities and to three or four gay pride parades and force them to watch 8 hours of the worst of MTV.

while those who were become naught*

The founding fathers planned it out exactly how it is now

For personal issues, I would go to my 15 year old self and tell him to not start university two years early and instead get a job in high school, save up money, get into the trade I am in that makes good money and that every woman I have been with has betrayed me.

Would save me 10 years of pointless effort and a divorce.

For changing the world, I would leave a pile of radioactive shit in the swamp that would become dc to shorten the lifespans of all who live there.

Go back to Dallas 1963, shoot LBJ, tell Kennedy that LBJ and the CIA was trying to assassinate him for pulling air cover on Bay or Pigs.

Yeah but then you wouldn't have had the experience that made you who you are today. Right now is all that matters, the only real currency is time and attention to being a good moral person. Invest.

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Almost none were Jews but Jews per capita owned slaves.

I would warn the Jews in Nazi Germany that they will be deloused and several thousand of them will starve after allied bombings.

I would've saved Alexander the Great from his death and advised him on various medical facts, like the truth of disease, introduce modern medicines and various means of improving the overall health of his army.

Probably open a medical learning institute in his empire capital to help educate doctors in the past.

Go back in time and leave hidden warnings about 9/11 in the media over a 30 year period.
>Oh wait, nevermind, they already did this and no one noticed.

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Underrated comment

The better option: America should be colonized by the Nordics only instead of the British (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland).

selfish. with time machine you should wipe out entire human race.

I would go back and tell Hitler to wait until the spring to invade Russia.

Oi mate you got a license for that shitpost?

I'd go back to me being conceived, i'd just be watching from the corner of the room

Go back in time and make sure that the quran never was created.

fire a nuke onto the british isles

Anyone who doesn't say "1955 + almanac" is retarded

You could live like a king and not have to worry about todays' degeneracy.

Get you aborted before birth

I'd go back to the 40's and show every Brit, French and American pictures of their cities today.

Fuck that goth girl in highschool that secretly liked me and then was fat at 22 when I finally clued in.

Nice digits and good decision.


Nothing wrong with what America has done its what America has become, Israels bitch just like the rest of us.