

>A Democratic senator outsourced parts of the investigation into possible Trump-Russia collusion to a former Senate staffer with links to George Soros and Fusion GPS, according to a New Yorker report.

>The New Yorker reports the unidentified senator contacted Daniel Jones, a former Senate Intelligence Committee staffer, around March 2017 to review data regarding a possible link between the computer servers of the Trump Organization and a Russian bank called Alfa Bank.

>Jones, who worked under California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein when she chaired the intelligence panel, had just formed a non-profit group called the Democracy Integrity Project. The organization worked closely with Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele, the tag-team duo that produced the Democrat-funded dossier accusing the Trump campaign of colluding with the Kremlin.

>Jones’s operation was also funded by a small group of billionaires, including left-wing philanthropist George Soros. Jones told the FBI in March 2017 that between 7 and 10 billionaires had put up $50 million to continue an investigation into Russian meddling in elections. (RELATED: Cabal Of Wealthy Donors Secretly Financing $50 Million Trump-Russia Investigation)

>Jones also told the FBI that he had secured the services of Steele and Fusion GPS “to continue exposing Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.”

>The goal was to provide the information to lawmakers, the press and the FBI, he said.

>Allegations about Alfa Bank and the Trump Organization first surfaced in an Oct. 31, 2016, article published by Slate’s Franklin Foer. The article alleged that servers for the two companies were secretly communicating with each other, possibly as part of a back-channel communications system related to the election.

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>The article received heavy criticism from cybersecurity experts and tech reporters who said the server communications appeared to have an innocent explanation, such as spam or mass marketing email traffic.

>According to The New Yorker, a handful of Democrats pursued the Alfa Bank theory. One was Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence panel. A second Democratic senator was also exploring the angle, and approached Jones.

>According to The New Yorker, Jones, who also runs a consulting firm called the Penn Quarter Group, hired two teams of computer scientists to analyze web traffic from the Alfa Bank and Trump Organization servers. The experts, who have held top cybersecurity jobs in the White House, Pentagon and intelligence services, were unable to definitively say that the server communications were part of a back-channel communications system with the Trump campaign. But according to The New Yorker, they believe the server communications could still have been part of a nefarious operation, as initially described in the Slate article.

>But The New Yorker article also raises questions about why Democrats would seek out Jones to conduct an investigation into the servers’ activities.

>Details of Jones’s operation were first revealed by Adam Waldman, a U.S.-based lawyer for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. A close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Deripaska had also previously hired Steele for work on a legal case. Steele had been in communication with Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr regarding Deripaska’s visa to the U.S. The New York Times has reported that Steele and Ohr were part of a U.S. government operation aimed at flipping Deripaska.

>Waldman told both The Daily Caller News Foundation as well as the Senate Intelligence Committee that he met with Jones on March 17, 2017.

>During the meeting, Jones told Waldman that Soros was one of the financiers of the Democracy Integrity Project’s investigation. He also said that Fusion GPS was involved. A spokesman for Soros recently confirmed Soros’s involvement, telling Washington Post columnist David Ignatius that Soros indirectly funded Fusion GPS through the Democracy Integrity Project.

>Jones also suggested to Waldman that his team of investigators was behind several anti-Trump news articles.

>“Our team helped with this,” Jones said in one message to Waldman seen by TheDCNF. The link was to a March 17, 2017, Reuters article about Russians investing over $100 million in Trump properties in Florida.

>Jones also sent Waldman a link to a March 20, 2017, article at McClatchy, which reported that federal investigators were looking into whether right-wing news sites like Breitbart and InfoWars played a part in Russia’s election-oriented cyber operations.

>For his part, Foer, the Slate reporter, appears to have received the Alfa Bank information from a lawyer from the firm that hired Fusion GPS on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC.

>According to a report released in April by the House Intelligence Committee, Michael Sussmann, a partner at the firm Perkins Coie, told then-FBI general counsel James Baker about the Alfa Bank server activities. (RELATED: Top FBI Official Met With DNC Lawyer On Russia Prior To 2016 Election)

>The House report also says “around the same time as his meeting with FBI, [redacted] shared the information with journalists, including [redacted] of Slate, who published an article at the end of October.”


hmm, The New Yorker, isn't that Jared Kushner's company?

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I'm asking a question you cut-dick retarded slave of jews

50 shekels says it was Mark the Shark Warner

Or at the very least he was also involved

if someone can give a name I will kill him telepathically so as to avoid the crime of murder

is it Blumenthal?

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just declassify this shit faggot god damn. "immediately" my ass.

If you follow dan bongino this was already known sevelral months ago.


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So many slide threads today

Vote this

ol leatherface


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fucking slide threads today jesus christ

is soros a jewish trick?

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israel is gonna be wiped out

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oi you're fucking fucked ain't ya mate
if true

Once the FISA is released everything will be revealed. TRAITORS!!!

Shills spazzing out hard. Bots posting shit like this in every thread.

theyre afraid


please please please let this be blumenkike

Oh shit. They found out about this?!

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No, that's the New York Observer, stupid leaf

I remember this
The Alfa Bank communications were a complete hoax trying to frame Trump

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I’m not a kike, but if they are throwing soros and the other kikes under the bus, doesn’t that mean there’s bigger kikes to fry, like these are the ones doing the dirty work, while the other ones control the planet.

So this is hang-them-from-the-cherry-trees level treason, yes?

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>this stupid fuck actually thought Soros was a big jew
If he was, you wouldn't know his name

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yah I'm wondering what side he's playing, that 666 building purchase where he overpaid for it is still making me question his motives

Hey Israeli faggot you're gonna watch your country burn.

It always has been...it always has been.

>muh soros

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Except they admitted they take a paycheck from Soros, kike. Maybe keep up with your own co-workers interviews? lol

its like you stupid people truly take your news from late night comedy shows lol


Except that she was paid. She literally works for a Soros funded organization. She said so on TV. I can't find the clip now, just the news about it.

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Melania is TALL.

No wonder Barron is already 6ft

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Well if a respectable journalist like John Oliver says it, it must be true.

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>muh Russia probe

Entirely designed by Israeli pedos and Communist chink spys.

this gif disturbs me

Imagine everyones shock.

theyre glowing

What a shocking revelation, the seditious oligarch who paid for the fake piss dosseir that enabled subsequent illegal spying on Trump's campaign said he dindu nuffins wrong when paid to investigate himself and the orgs on his payroll.

I personally cannot wait until it becomes official that an user on Jow Forums trolled intelligence agencies with that pee story.

LOL I forgot about those fake alfa bank server logs the glowing colored fellas spread all across the news. Jesus Christ these people are incompetent. How hard is it to manufacture a crime when you have unlimited resources and unlimited corruption. Im actually not sure what offends me more the attempt or the incompetence of our so called elites

What are Josef mifsuds ties to Israel? I see none.

Legit infuriating. What strength does he have that makes him so influential? Is it his ability to just look at things and "know he doesn't know?"

Rothschilds fund Soros and then Soros funds NGOs to undermine countries.

How does any of this matter? Anyone that's not an NPC realizes the Russian collusion "investigation" is an absolute sham at this point. How does this specifically matter? Help this brainlet.

Soros: Teen Nazi collaborator, pays jews to shame senators for standing behind a man victim of scandalous allegations of rape against...

Kavanaugh: Drank as a teen while in Highschool and College.

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Is it really? What about all these proof?

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>Nazi collaborator
More like the Jews are responsible for the holocaust and it was a false flag to blame on Hitler so jews could move to Israel.

Hitler was a jew, the war was real. But essentially, yeah.

No he wasn't. You're a zionist shill.

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The same way shills call Trump a hardcore Zionist is what you're trying to do to HItler. Except they both aren't.

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You sound like the shill here, trying to protect the legend, the myth, around which the entire 6 gorrillion lie is built. Professionally equipped and prepared to pasta and smear infographics.

Thesis: British and French power hegemony after World War 1
Anti-thesis: Hitler
Synthesis: USA hegemony

I provided ample evidence to counter your claim. You have talking points. Good thing Israel gets wiped out after the FISA is released so nobody has to put up with your shit anymore.


Yeah, ok.

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I apologize that my shit country only does retarded things. The only time it appeared in the news this last year is Daphne Caruana Galizia being murdered by car bomb, and Joseph Mifsud.

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Lets be honest, trump is the goodist of good goys. Everything that he has done positive for america so far is a shadow compared to what he has done for fucking Isreal.

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WW1: First Jewish planned mass culling of White Europeans. Started with a simple assassination. Jews financed both sides of the war, and secure the clay for Israel by getting the USA involved.

>muh 6 gorrilion kvetching for 20 years, to no avail.

WW2: Second Jewish planned mass culling of White Europeans. Jews financed the rebuilding of Germany and both sides in the war. Jewish paint themselves as the ultimate victim, despite losing only little people, in order to garner moral support from the League of Nation, to then invade the clay they got in ACT1.

White nationalism is dead.
Fascism is dead.
Jews are a protected specie.
Jews rule their new world, USA.
Mission complete.

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Jew lose

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Problem (thesis): Russia refuses to enter the New World Order
Reaction (anti-thesis): Destabilize Ukraine and Syria, forcing Russia to act aggressively
Solution (synthesis): Create pretext for removing Russian leadership and installing Western rulers.


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Yep, you're 100% a Hitler worshipping Stormfag. Too simple minded to understand politics.

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100% retard

More like you're a Jew whose mind is stuck in the old status quo paradigm that has since been BTFO in the last 2 years.

Trump is too much of a pussy to go after Soros. He knows who's in charge.

Mr Sheen


Gotta learn a bit of subtlety Moishe.

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If Trump could do something about Soros he would have done it. :^)

Meanwhile a second summit with Kim Jong Un is planned. They will never have a central bank and they are openly asking the USA to deal with Israel which is a total paradigm shift. Assad is alive and the Syrian army is larger than before the attempted regime change. S-300s have arrived. Turkey is calling for all out assault on Israel. Iran is threatening Israel. The USA is pulling out of the middle east. Russia and China and filling that void and the FISA will be released making the USA no longer an ally of that illegitimate terrorist nation.

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You do know in a RICO case you move UP THE LADDER right?