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How did this happen..?
Connor Reed
Jonathan Stewart
>how did this happen?
it didn't
Luis Foster
Women and minorities decided nerds don't need their own space.
Noah Davis
Maybe not in Germany, Ahmed, but in the US I have yet to meet a white nationalist under 30 who doesn’t watch anime.
Landon Hughes
It didn't, most anime fans nowadays are degenerate LGBT supporters which is why modern anime should be destroyed and burned
Leo Thomas
>Why did you make us do this?
>We just wanted to watch big tiddie animoos and not be called white misogynists
Benjamin Turner
The programming is taking effect.
Dylan Nelson
is naruto a jew?
Kayden Collins
funny you say that, every "otaku" i've seen outside Jow Forums has always been a lefty cuck
faggot who hates men and wants big black niggers to fuck them
Nolan Martin
Yeah, but they never called themselves "Otakus" or posted rainbow symbols.
It's quite easy to understand why. All animes are white ethnostates.
Brandon Moore
>Women and minorities decided nerds don't need their own space.
we don't really need our space anymore since nerdom is mainstream now
thanks Big Bang Theory
>>We just wanted to watch big tiddie animoos and not be called white misogynists
big tiddie animoos still exist
it's called porn
Eli Johnson
>I have yet to meet a white nationalist
Jace Wood
if only SJW shit didn't invade video games and anime everything would had been hunky dory
A communist regime could have been established and people who like anime and games wouldn't care so long as it didn't affect anime/games
Jace Butler
I always knew you were secretly communist
Jonathan Torres
Because we were so close to anime vr porn, but it got stomped on by “muh rape” lefties worried that being 3D wouldn’t matter anymore.
Xavier Richardson
most niggers watch it too, I guess escapism isn't limited to white failures.
Chase Brooks
>He's not an anime nationalist
Easton Martin
They wouldn't stop making fun of us, we just wanted to watch sugoi anime.
Lucas Gutierrez
You can't say you're an internet veteran if you haven't seen anime fans on all sides of the political spectrum. It's strange how most anime fans are either radical far-left extremists or radical far-right extremists but there are never any liberal or conservative anime fans. Why is that?
Isaiah Ramirez
(((they))) did this to us
Joshua Adams
Because they wouldn't leave us alone and decided to come after our vidya
Jose Williams
Matthew Howard
>all groups that one might ridicule belong wholy to the opposite political party of mine
>thats right you fat, neckbearded, fedora-wearing, atheist, anti-vax, bible-thumping, gym bro, corn-farming, hillbilly, anime-watching rapist, incel, nazi, russian, billionaire bots!
t. leftshits
Elijah Flores
Missed by one loser, saged
Hunter Diaz
Landon Diaz
Weebs usually like videogames
You can blame these 2 cunts for all of this.
I came here when those faggots infiltrated bioware and started shitting over a couple of my favorite franchises
Matthew Thomas
people in the center are slaves to their current circumstance and don't derive their ideology from "timeless" theories, but rather the overton window
anime is not within the overton window, yet
Luke Martin
>the absolute cognitive dissonance of the left
Oliver Rogers
Women using videogames and cosplay as a front when in reality they are disgusting sex workers.
Cooper Sanchez
V4 is working.
Cameron Moore
They attacked cute girls doing cute things. We have this one thing and they try to destroy it with their diversity propaganda.
Ryan Rogers
i don't anime is degenerate and so is this site but its like an addiction and i keep coming back so i blame the jews for propigating this shit along with other degenerate trash like booze, drugs, or vidya. the best thing for the white race is if we completly eliminated all technology and started again.
John Long
And this
Quincy and sarkestein begun politicizing something that was way outside of politics.
Weebs and nerds have to take a side and those who didnt choose a side to oppose those who kept politicizing their hobby.
Matthew Martinez
Fuck off luddite trash
Take away all tech and your blubbery ass is the first to go
Aiden Sanchez
David Gonzalez
It's very simple, we are 10 years wiser now
Sebastian Rodriguez
why do thay lump woman and minorities together all the time
Ayden Mitchell
Assorted useless people.
Nolan Phillips
Honestly this. Most of us would have let women completely trample society and run civilization into the ground and wouldn't have cared if they'd just left our hobbies alone. Now, they pay.