To own libtards

>to own libtards
That's all these fucking dumb retarded brainlets believe matters anymore. They're psuedointellectual and making themselves out to be assholes with no actual substance, just run of the mill right wing conservative talking points

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Stop spamming that image and these threads. He's a supreme court judge. Get over it.

Reactionaries are the easiest to manipulate, even easier than antifa radicals. They're the majority of right wing conservatives these days. Shallow smug cunts who think they're better than shallow smug cunts with different opinions. It's the most pathetic and frustrating thing to watch. Absolutely disgraceful to the human spirit.

>hurr left vs right and right is always good
Unless you go issue for issue and policy by policy, if you take a "my side good and their side bad" approach, you re doing it wrong.

Democrats are pushing out the corporate corruption plaguing their party while the Republican party doubles down on their corporate corruption. Kikes win no matter which side swallows corporate cum. Most right wing conservatives as well as far left radicals are useful fucking idiots for the kikes

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No it isn't just rhetoric, it's their actual agenda. Democrats dont control the majority of political power though so it's an uphill battle. Corporate sellouts block progress naturally, and you'll find many more of those being Republican than Democrat

They love money and they look up to kikes. The Republican party is the party of sucking Israel's cock.

is that man jewish?

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Isn't your OP reactionary to Kavanaugh getting confirmed?
Aren't lacking just a little bit of self awareness?

Oh wow this thread again.

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Yet you like Hitler since the internet told you to everyone but me gotta learn ur an idiot

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Way to project onto me faggot. Nowhere, not in this thread or out of it, have I claimed to like Hitler. Secondly, you need to learn to write in complete sentences with proper puncuation if you want the adults in the thread to take you seriously.

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OP, what's actually funny is that, if Democrats were legit, they could actually have righteously gone after this guy on 4thA stuff (patriot act, etc..)
But instead, they made up some ridiculous shit that will end up destroying their entire party.
Great job!!!

wow you suck isreal cock. sad

>implying your dream judge or any other would get confirmed if we allowed it to be acceptable for any accusation to be presented as infallible evidence of wrongdoing.

OP you are a gigantic faggot and should stop making these gay threads.

You fascination with Jews and sucking cock is telling faggot.

>Democrats are pushing out the corporate corruption plaguing their party
my goodness I hope you don't actually think this is the case

This is the funniest shit I've seen in years. Leftist autists in full blow retard mode. Unable to even formulate a sentence, let alone function properly since he was nominated. Incredible lads, absolutely incredible. MAGA

How many times you gonna post this same thread, Carey?

Keep crying shill.

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