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Can you imagine how great the world would be if every feminist was run over by tanks?

wtf i love the GOP now

hahaha you made my Columbus day/northern thanksgiving leaf



He couldn't even drawn Ford on the logical position on the second frame.

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The age of thots finally being removed is upon is. What a time to be alive.

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And that's a good thing!

iSN'T THIs what HAppened in REAL CHINA?

If only.


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womp womp

this is totally absurd

it should be the opposite

Kavanaugh is tank man

Kavanaugh stood up to the leftist totalitarian state that seeks control over the cycle of life

Did she dive under the tank? why is she laying face down?

Comparing an act of standing up to an oppressive dictatorship to some dumb cunts trying to ruin a guys life, classy.



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>that last turret in the second frame

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> powerful
tanks are indeed

Yeah because the GOP is Communism. These people are too stupid to be saved.

only someone with a baby bird brain would liken one of the greatest anti-communist moments in history to allegations made by some boomer thot

why is she laying in this direction if she was rolled over from the other side ? what the fuck is going on here


what about it?


we'll do it again too

at least it wasn't like the REAL Tiennamen Square that was so bad the chinks had to come up with a way to censor their insanity and so invented the Mandela Effect to get away with tricking everyone into thinking the dude wasn't run over

Hopefully they raped her while the body was still warm.

wasnt he just arrested and presumably killed in prison?

wow spot CNN.
i don't think anyone here see her as a sexual assault victim.
she was a desprate woman manipulated by a power hungry jew lawyer

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why isn't anyone bitching about the labels?

The joke is that Feinstein threw her in front of the tanks at the last second.

This is powerful. GOP BTFO.

are tanks a jewish trick?

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why did they swerve? What a waste of tread.

Shake dat

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this, he wanted to skip out on drawing her face


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No leaf, not really.


Needs a prequel frame of Feinstein shoving Ford in front of the tanks.

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Ford accused a man of rape and failed to produce four male witnesses. According to Sharia she should be flogged, but I guess tanks are okay too.

This really got me thinking. Maybe China was right to kill all those screeching retards.

What did the Dems think would happen? Such shitty leadership in the party ranks baka

no I dont really buy this narrative. I think she was totally in on it and aware of what she was doing. She was a leftist college proffesor who had been to womens marches and stuff like that before. I think she just saw that she had an opening to #BeAHero in the eyes of the left and stop blumpfs facist agenda. the narrative that shes a victim as well is just a way for GOP officials to say they dont believe kavanaugh raped her while not saying they think shes a subversive lying whore. Oh well its all over now and a good man reputation is ruined for good and that thot walks away with 1 million dollars from gofundme.

If she was facing the tanks and the tanks run her over, how is her body lying forward and face down.
Shouldn't she be on her back face up?
Does this mean she intentionally through herself under a tank?

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She was so brave!

>Do you have actual evidence the rape took place
>Can we see the evidence
>No but trust me it exists!
Why did a federal court hearing that would basically determine one of the highest positions in the country play out like half the episodes of Judge Judy?

serious question

how is ripping a woman's clothes off assault

you are just getting her used to the cycle of life

practice at the cycle of life is not assault

we can't have women complaining about ordinary life like this

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Wow a bunch of marxist communist Jews try to take down a Conservative White man. this cartoonist is comparing the GOP to Chinese Communists in tanks, at Tiananmen square, uneducated and pretentious as fuck. If anything the #MeToo Commie Bitches were driving the tanks. Not powerful, just garbage.

This shit has redpilled the fuck out of me, and I thought I was red pilled already.

The depth that these cunts are going, to take a literal conspiracy theorists words as literal truth is beyond the fucking pale.

They might as well have had Alex Jones up there calling him a reptile.

The only difference is Jones would have at least attempted to bring evidence.

The poor confused man was taken off the street and given the mental help he so desperately needed

chink here, i do agreed with that.
in both cases, they are all students that are freshly brainwashed thinking they can change the world, screaming on the streets.
you burgers really need to flatten unis and colleges with tanks.

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She was thrown under the tanks by DiFi ()

oh i fully agree, but let's not forget that lawyer is equally to blame if not more

it is triumph over left-wing totalitarian anti-life attacks



the left makes no secret of its opposition to the cycle of life

the record of totally gratuitous attacks on the cycle of life for political power is FACT

that god damn fucking Stanford idiot Christine Ford is a fucking PSYCHOLOGIST

that means she is a PSYCHOPATH that tricked academia into thinking she was a reasonable person

these god damn psychopaths DO NOT REPRESENT WOMEN

you would not let the god damn psycho at Stanford that ran the Stanford Prison Experiment, P. Zimbardo, represent men

he cute

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lurk a few more years

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She got ran over obviously.

are you the guy from the emma thread AND the incest thread?

another winner from politico

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Hm, really jangles the bangle.


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I never realized how much the dough boy looks like Jimmy Kimmel. Not a fat thing, talking facial structure here

Women liars should be treated equally with men liars.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

Some resources that may help:
TTB.org has a verse by verse Bible Study for download or daily listening.
Chuck Missler’s Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (youtu.be/PZ3hESj__M8)
Robert Breaker’s Bible Study and Topical Sermons (youtu.be/H124iZiyGUs)
J.D. Farag’s Bible Study and Prophecy Updates ( youtu.be/U4AMM93cXz8 )

Clearlywrittendotnet YouTube channel details near future events. (youtu.be/zRrkUymeST4)

BlueLetterBible.org has a free online bible & apps with cross references.

OneForIsrael.org is a group of Israeli Jews who know Jesus is their messiah.

Unsealed.org tracks information that points to Jesus’s soon return.

Watchfortheday.org shows how many world events are prophetically and numerically linked.

The End is nigh. Tomorrow may be too late.

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Why didn't the chinese just run him over?

Is this supposed to convince me that the GOP is bad? Because it just makes them look badass.

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she should be laying face up. this looka like she dove under the tanks.
>mfw the cartoon is actually accurate af

Should've been a train.

Move bitch get out ma way, get out mah way bitch, get out mah way.

You forgot to take off your meme flag jew, now stop spamming.

Is this anti or pro GOP? I can't tell.

Why would she fall forward if run over from the front?
Just like her "testimony" this is fake as Stormy Daniels tits.

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This is like Spider-Man 3 Tobey Macguire


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Depends which timeline you are from. Did tankboy get run over? That's the real question

>a flimsy and insubstantial meat shield is run over by a column of powerful and in-charge tanks

Pretty good analogy.

i know

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>turn on news the other day
>feminists are loudly protesting Kavanaugh's voting-in
>by shouting "NOOOO WE DON'T CONSENT!!!"

What the fuck is wrong with people

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Motherfucking D.

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Good thing she laid down to avoid getting hit, she could have been crushed!

>Holomen Squarecaust
pick one

more like standing next to the tanks while they pass her by, then she lies down on the road after they're gone

I like how they felt they had to write Ford on her briefcase like we're all too retarded to realize who and what this cartoon is about.

Why the hell are you leaves so obsessed with our politics? Are you one of the few Hollywood lefties that ran to Leafland when President Trump got sworn in? Wait, none of them actually left.
I know, you are one of those illegal aliens from Central America that went all the way to Canada because they are much too polite to ever throw you out!

Just goes to show you that an Abrams is superior to a Ford.

>Can you imagine how great the world would be if every jew was run over by tanks?

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No. In my universe he got escorted out of the way of the tank by military personnel and then disappeared from history. Probably into a hole in the ground with a bullet in his head. But then again I wasn't born yet so it's not like I can misremember the incident.

I thought she dove under the tanks. The metaphor being she dropped all charges and avoided being prosecuted for her lies.
Or something.

Tanks for the grin, Leaf.

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>The only difference is Jones would have at least attempted to bring evidence.
This made me laugh heartily, you're alright Cortez

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These feminists should actually move to the so called progressive country of china and see how they treat women, dissidents, and christians.

Its very disrepsectful to tank man to compare them selves to him.

why the fuck would she be lying in that direction? fucking leftists cant do anything right.

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He actually did. Hes alive and well today but has broken legs.