Is there any real chance of the Dems winning in November?

In all measurable categories, the state of affairs have gotten better since Trump took office. ISIS is essentially gone, the economy is booming, illegal immigration is down, the situation in Syria has dried up, and the tensions with both Russia and North Korea have diminished to an almost miraculous degree.

What exactly do the Democrats have to offer voters in November? Beyond dumb shit like muh diversity, faggots, and trannies--stuff most voters don't care about--what possible carrot can they offer to people?

I've been struggling to see how the fuck Democrats can win in November, and I come up dry.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>What exactly do the Democrats have to offer voters in November?
Fuck Trump and everything he touches, that is there entire platform

Absolutely not. Trump's controlled opposition has spent the last 2-3 years criticizing him on unsubstantial complaints and utilizing nonsense nicknames that don't stick. Trump's controlled opposition has effectively shifted normal people right.

kill blumpf

...the sleeper has awakened...

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Yes. Women WILL vote.
Get ready for the blue wave you alt right dumbasses.

it's not only possible, it's probable. rightwing snowflakes are fucking monsters and are going to be punished accordingly. the pendellum is going to swing back hard.

t. dog mom

Less women believe Ford than men.

That's literally not true sweety. Read a book for once in your life.

Women don't vote.

Republican complacency

You're vastly underestimating the stupidity of the average voter.

If the Democrats don't have a platform to run on, they'll make something up like they always do. And it works when half of the population believes everything they hear on (((cable news))) and (((late night television))).

All they have to do is use the -ist words and it doesn't matter that the economy has been getting better, that ISIS isn't a thing, or that we're closer to peace with North Korea and Russia (who undoubtely will "hack" this election if the Dems lose again). All that truly matters to these people are feelings (IMPREACH DRUMPF NOW, KAVANAUGH IS A RAPIST, JOHN MCCAIN WAS A WAR HERO AND NOT THE DEVIL LIKE HE WAS IN 2008), and as long as they're being fed their propaganda they'll never see the truth. Or rather, they'll never be willing to even consider listening to the truth.

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Their success depends on getting their voters to actually bother to vote. Midterms tend to have older and whiter demographics for both sides so they're trying to get people all amped up to go vote. It all depends on their being able to keep the energy level high for another month or so.

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>I've been struggling to see how the fuck Democrats can win in November, and I come up dry.
look at the pols brainlet. it is going to be a bloodbath for the House.
t. not a democrat

Here's a new one ......

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>Beyond dumb shit like muh diversity, faggots, and trannies--stuff most voters don't care about--what possible carrot can they offer to people?
They COULD offer substantial economic improvement.
Of course, they won't, because they too are bought and paid-for by the (((1%))).
So yes. The party that brought you Barak "Drone King" Obama and seriously considered "America is Already Great" and "It's Her Turn" as presidential slogans is going to lose hard. Again.

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none, they have no identity or platform other than being the party of fuck drumpf and fuck whitey and that will motivate no one.

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I think your right. No news reports on what republicans are going to do though when they win more seats in couple of weeks. I think first thing on the menu is Mr.Magoo.

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They will win if people decide to hate Lindsey Graham for putting the foot down on absolute bullshit.

They are dumb commies, so it could happen.

Screencap this, the dems are going to win in a landslide because you retards gave them no choice but to full full sperg at the polls. Should they somehow actually lose(I hope they do) then all that is left for them to do is resort to violent revolution and they can be purged for good. With the growing minority populations soon to become the majority, this is your last chance.

If the democrats keep talking impeachment and protesting like a mob then yea that will continue to fuel republicans to vote

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>the economy is booming
>the economy has been getting better
So this is the power of zoomers.
People who have had it beaten into them that this sort of economy isn't simply "normal", but outright "booming".

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>omg women will stand up to sexism and blonarld blughmplff

Woman disagrees

>listen sugar tits get back in the kitchen and be quiet before I rape you

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>All that truly matters to these people are feelings

exactly what dems tried with ford stunt. it doesn't matter that no evidence would ever be found, that the timing was pure political assassination attempt, that she couldn't remember shit except that it was him, all that mattered was that she choked at the right moment and angry mob issued death threats to his children. Good to see trigger words didn't win for once.

Everything about the democrats and the media is hollywood fake. We the anons don't believe your shit anymore. You should see my neighborhood. Trump flag after American flag. We out number democrats in my precinct by 600. Red Wave

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They will win the Senate but not the house. Gridlock for the rest of Trump's presidency.

>types like a moron
>makes grammatical and spelling errors
>is a dim-witted lefty
Either bait or it checks out, you’re retarded

That’s how a woman naturally looks when facing her attempted gang rapist who has traumatized her entire life and given her PTSD

>tee hee!

are combovers a jewish trick?

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You forgot open borders, giving tax money to illegal aliens, and war with Russia.

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But we need all those things, my beach friends told me so.

yeah but they frame it as that if you don't support those things you are a Nazi or other insulting trigger word they like to throw around in order to guilt-trip you into agreement and compliance. It works on many cause most people are followers, not leaders.

>the economy is booming

Wallstreet is booming and our economy is riding on a trillion dollar stimulus. Wages are stagnant and Trump has had to subsidize certain industries due too the trade war. Our economy is a ticking timebomb cause conservatives nowadays don't know what the fuck fiscal conversatism is.

But yeah, North Korea might very well unify with the South and ISIS is pretty gone. Which is swell.

fuck the republicans and all their faggots!


It works on leafs, not Americans.

Women do vote...but they shouldn’t be allowed to.


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Make America Triggered Again?

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Common man votes with his wallet shill. Good economic times means the party in power. stays there, no one wants the Democrats and their socialized economic policies back, no matter how much you cuck for muh diversity.

Every news outlet except Fox bashes Trump 24/7, calling him everything from a nazi to a russian agent. Every late night talk show host bashes him and every celebrity.

The left controls every major institution in this country and they have mobolized them all against Trump. This election will be an interesting experiment... How much influence do these institutions still have on average voters?

There is a a large segment of the US population that doesn't follow politics that closely and that doesn't have any strong political beliefs. They see that the economy is doing good, but they also hear everyone on TV bashing Trump. Which will have a bigger influence on them?

How do they see the economy is doing good if they don't follow politics?

there's also overkill. relentless bashing is overkill.a MeToo a day is an overkill. Etc. overkill creates fatigue.

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>illegal immigration is down
No it's not. I wish

Best one

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It doesn't matter that Trumps Making America Great Again or that he's fulfilling his promises. If anything, that's hurting his chances. When people feel things are going good, they care less about voting. As Republican's feel things are going good, their turnout will be lower than expected.

Democrats, on the other hand, are convinced Trump is the next Mussolini (I can only hope he is). They don't care that the economy is doing well and illegal immigration is falling. Trump has directly wounded them and they're fired up to return the favour. It'll satisfy Democrats nothing more to take the House and frustrate all Republican agenda till the end of his Presidency (this is what they will do in November).

I expect the Republicans to extend their lead in the Senate in November while the Democrats take control of the House. Very very little legislation will be passed between November 2018 to 2024 (when Trump's time is over). It'll be within this period that the next economic shitstorm will start and so the cycle of Republican to Democrat will begin anew.

If Republicans win in November it's because BLM and AntiFa weren't screeching loud enough. If only they would have blocked more highways and attacked more people while wearing all black we would have listened.

>illegal immigration is falling
If anything, I'm frustrated with Trump because illegal immigration isn't falling. Nothing has significantly changed on that front.

Women will vote
>Nice logic Hillary.
The liberals I know are all exausted right now. Until losers are able to vote with their phones, you're sunk.

Your theory will likely be proven wrong within 30 days. It's now possible that the gop will lose the Senate in addition to the House.

>Controlled opposition
Fuck I wish I could believe that.

Remember the "ripped from the arms of their mother" debacle where rightwing cucklords all turned on Trump because CNN showed some crying babies and shit
Some things Trump cannot get done until the GOP gets out of his fucking way

Democrats leaders openly went out and said they won't roll back Trump reforms (e.g. tax cuts)

Jow Forums doesn’t realize that Trump was a con all along created by the deep state for radical immigration reform. Everything going on now is just pushing the population further to the right so that we’ll let it happen without arguments. Deep state knows that demographics have shifted too radically and they knew the Bush republicans Party were nothing but a bunch of Koch brother supporting globalists. Stabilise the country and also safe money as cheap labour is rapidly becoming obsolete as automation improves. Prediction, trump will make massive gains in the senate this year and then make additional gains in 2020 (plus taking the house) allowing for him to bring in his 4 pillar plan.

>the Bush republicans Party were nothing but a bunch of Koch brother supporting globalists
As somehow opposed to the Trump Republicans?
The guy had literally SIX Koch Bros people in his cabinet.

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I don't think the people you mention make it to the box this November

>unironically saying dogmom
Kys fucking roastie whore

Read a book so you can learn to spell, dumbass

Yes you fucking faggot, why do you all keep ignoring the demographic realities?

WE ARE FUCKED AND HAVE LOST THE WAR while you fags are worried about tiny battles.

They will always have a chance as long as they cheat

If many Republicans feel too confident to vote after Kavanaugh, dems may use that to their advantage.

best post in this thread. Don't get complacent just because of the victory of Kavanaugh, conservatives.

The Republicans will gain some seats in the house. Its all but certain. Whether they gain enough to control the house remains to be seen

Just don’t rest on your laurels, that’s the reason the Democrats are in their current situation. Learn from your foes and don’t let up even when things look like you can

>They will win the Senate but not the house.

Other way around.

Just do some basic analysis and make your own conclusions based on previous elections:

>Media Status
Full moral panic mode. People have generally 'disavowed' the media en masse as they have jumped the shark one too many times

>Funding Status
DNC is broke, Perez spent all their money. That former 'interim' DNC chair Donna Brazile wrote a book that claimed that the Clinton campaign was in full control of all DNC party donations and misspent them. The same cabal is still in control of said funding lead by Perez.

All show almost even, when variance for error is taken into consideration. Due to the media moral panic undoubtedly the Trump 'secret voter effect' is still happening, where most Trump voters decline to say they actually intend to vote for him. Add at least +3 to any published poll after factoring in error.

>GOP primary status
Entirely being won by pro-Trump politicians

>Economic status
Trump achieved a GDP everybody said was impossible, so no economic reason to be motivated against voting for him

>Identity pandering status
Freaking Yeezy Ye is going on every TV program telling black people to stop voting for Democrats

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>ISIS is essentially gone, the economy is booming, illegal immigration is down, the situation in Syria has dried up, and the tensions with both Russia and North Korea have diminished to an almost miraculous degree.
As a foreigner, it is actually amazing how Trump managed to do that by shitposting. I doubted him.

You know what doesn't happen during 4%+ GDP growth in the US? Wave elections.

Establishment media missed the '92 GOP takeover of congress. They missed the '04 GOP election gains in the House. They missed the '10 GOP takeover as well.

Trump is going to have gains in both the house and the senate next month.

I was also surprised Trump managed to create a situation where North and South Korea are openly talking about formally ending the war, and it was solely achieved via shitposting. No armies of diplomats or concessions given just a 'I solved that shit let's go end some other war next'

Actual negotiation happens in secret behind closed doors. What you see is just theatre.

>any chance of dims winning

lol, no


The left doesn't have substantive solutions besides importing more brown people, but Trump and the Republicans' only successes were unnecessary tax breaks and two supreme court judges.

Florida will lose the governor's mansion. Once that happens we are so fucked. Lines will be redrawn and florida will be a blue state. We need all the volunters we can get.

>Trump's controlled opposition has effectively shifted normal people right

I hope you are right but that is wishful thinking really.

You can't /thread your post. How faggy.

Back in August, I would of said Pubs pickup +1 or 2 in the Senate and lost the house to the Dems.

Now, I would say Pubs pickup +5-6 in the Senate and might retain the house, or at the very least Dems will only win by very slim margins and would leave potential for swing votes from Trump state Dems that will be readying for 2020 re-elections.

This is what winning looks like.

On your knees, bitch.

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You're in a total bubble if you think the dems don't have a pretty good chance of taking the house. I say this as someone who will be voting down ballot red. The White House's party almost always loses seats during midterm years.

Haha yes my bros, Trump has already won! No need to vote, we've got this in the bag. There's not a chance of us losing!

So far the only accurate poll is the one spelled with one less L and two /

Free stuff, that's really appealing to a lot of people

they wont win the senate, but I would say 70% chance of winning the house, as it sits it looks like they pick up about 25 seats, just barely enough for a majority.

if you look at recent history, the presidentys party always loses house seats in the midterm. obama an clinton had massive losses on the average of 60 seats, the bushes and reagan had more modest losses on average around 25, the only time they picked up seats in a midterm was after 9/11

Go fuck yourself .The correct tax rate is zero.

I still don't understand what their platform is.

I didn't understand it during elections either, which is honestly more the reason why I voted Republican. The Dems spent so much time REEEEEEEEEEing at Trump, both during campaigns and in the news cycle that they never gave themselves time to actually state how they'd improve the country.

And they still haven't.

This guy gets it.

>Yeah goys don't trust him! Immigration reform is just what the deep state wants!

At least have the courage to show your star like your fellow heeb here


>Less women believe Ford than men.
I don't think so, after having looked a Jewtube comments.

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They don't have a chance in hell, but only if you all vote. So make sure you're registered and FUCKING VOTE! I'm voting ASAP Wednesday morning I'm Ohio when the early ballots open up.

I think Trumps wet dream is the abolition of most of social welfare, lowering minimum wage and destroy workers rights/unions. Thats his real flag.
Walls, mass deportations and assorted drama are BS to attract emotional dumb people.
>hint: he will promise a wall for 2020 lol

There has never been a long term political majority in this country (holding all branches of gov). It swings back and forth. The bigger question is how long Rs can hold onto power. Usually the midterms go to the party that does not hold the presidency. Of course if the Dems take house or Senate then will just say it is a referendum on Trump, just like the Rs did during Obama's term.