This is everything that's wrong with the US. If you want to know why this society is fucked up, go to your local walmart and look at the average shopper and get instant redpills. Canadian walmarts are okay though.
Walmart epitomizes what's wrong in America
>Canadian walmarts are okay though.
not really, just got more nigger varieties up here
What makes Canadian walmarts better?
what about bong walmarts?
>Went to walmart sunday afternoon
>la horda de las creatura
people aside, it's a great store.
Depends where you are. Small town Canada is still mostly white. They're working on changing that.
Former Wal-Mart drone. Escaped before more staff restructuring happened to a hard labour high pay factory job.
is walmart a jewish trick?
i'm in the biggest toilet in canada, kek
I believe that "Walmart People" are NPCs that are randomly generated by Walmart and only exist on Walmart property.
>go to WalMart in Texas
>be the only white man in the store
fuck texas
Protip: Walmart is a Chinese Communist psyop to erect reeducation camps all over America.
less morbidly obese people and niggers. Its still a shithole for the lowest class of society though.
Toronto or Vancouver? Im gonna guess Toronto.
Walmart is the ultimate corporate welfare nigger. Hires employees that STILL get aid from my tax dollars. Fuck them, they should be forced to pay all employees more. Walton kikes can duck my dick.
>Toronto or Vancouver? I'm gonna guess Toronto.
Hamilton maybe ?
Essentially. They structure their stores to run primarily on part time. I don't know about the u.s. but full time in Wal-Mart is 28 hours, not 40. Part timers will usually be over hired for the tax breaks, run on 12 hour weeks of fluxauting schedules but required full time availability.
Poo in the loos doing it for extra drinking money and have everything paid by daddy's credit card are the only ones who can take the job.
God damn! Even Walmart’s in MEXICO are better than the USA Walmart nightmare experience
Manitoba reporting in. Not true at all, chugs of all shapes and sizes, wee little meth head squaws to big fat muk tuk annies all over the place. Saw one the other day with a cart literally full of delissio pizzas, dragging a second cart full of frosted flakes. We're talking over 20 fucking pizzas and the same amount of boxes of cereal, and that squaw was shaped like a turkey drumstick. Yuck.
In the city it looks like a chinese migrant boat crashed into a poo boat and they both washed up on the shores of bangladesh and a few confused white people saying sorry got thrown into the mix. Most of the employees don't speak english, just that mlaaaneeeaaanneeaaammoogoooobuuuh moon rune language. Wal mart is just as bad up here I can guarantee you, and with the canadian peso and tarriffs on everything, it's more expensive than the US as well. Truly a sad state of affairs.
Why is walmart losing its ground while costco is in expansion like never before
Yeah the average Walmart goes is someone I probably would not want to associate with but I see nothing wrong with it otherwise.
Honestly I went to Walmart a few weeks ago after nearly a decade, and holy shit it was filled with immigrants and non English speakers.
It was actually shocking
Name one other store where I can go and get a new set of tires, an oil change, my weekly groceries, fill my prescriptions, get my glasses adjusted, and get the latest vidya all in a single stop?
Walmart epitomizes what makes America great. Capitalism.
membership fee filters out the niggers who lack basic math or planning skills to figure out they'll save money in the long run
Not in my state, all are fulltime. They don't like part-time because they can't control them at all times.
This, even walmarts version. Sams club, is way nicer because of a lack of niggers.
It's pretty simple. Walmart sucks. Costco doesn't.
>Manitoba chugs
arguably worse than niggers
>t. NPC bugman
It might just be a Canadian thing then. Something happened under Harper that completely upended minimum wage worker structures from mostly full times, to massive part timers to hide the real.unemploymrnt numbers.
It is by nepotism and my whiteness I got a decent factory job. Saving for a house.
>t. communist faggot
I would say it's leafland is the only place it's happening. They make most people Fulltime after seeing if they are compentent at working here in America.
Yes true
>America's largest employer is the problem.
Checked quads of truth
No but for real though, WalMart literally has downies and crips working the registers. You just don't see that shit at other retailers.
>says the guy who buys everything from the store full of Chicom goods
Christ you free market retards are dense.
How bad can it be?
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
An obese women died huffing duster on the crapper at my local Walmart. Same bathroom not long before that some tweaker bitch was caught making meth in a stall. Ya I live in Oklahoma.
Fucking this. Getting sick of my tax dollars going to support people that work just so the Waltons can buy an extra mansion this year. That's not even counting all the tax breaks walmart gets, and what it's done to the economy. I don't even fucking shop there.
No, it's not. It's a miserable experience from start to finish. There's trash in the parking lot, there's trash leftover in the buggies, and the wheels don't work. Every buggy is a piece of shit. Every product category that can be stocked with low grade shit is on the shelf. Literally every section except for the toilet paper and the mustard is low grade shit products. The employees are moving in super slow motion, if they're moving at all. None of them know shit about where anything is in the store. The meat section looks like cancer. There's 36 lanes of cash registers and only two cashiers with 12 people in line at each one. And I have to show my fucking receipt when I leave. I avoid Walmart as much as possible.
Spent a couple hours at walmart today. It's dysgenic as fuck. I saw thousands of people walk by, all at some intermediate stage before full-blown 56% face and many, many full-blown guac-goblins. I only saw one young fit attractive white mother with two white babies. $10 bucks says she didn't make it out of that zoo alive. Oh, and to the user I saw with his mom and granny. Dress shoes don't go with cargo pants. You have a beautiful thick head of hair, it's true. But keeping it in that ponytail's gonna make your shit go thin. Get a proper haircut and enjoy it longer. WalMart in Fayetteville. Talkin' to you.
Pic unrelated. Random Fayetteville pig for reference.
Just got 1.5 lbs of whey protein, a decent safety razor+blades+shaving cream, a box of Quest bars, and a steel blender bottle for 60 bucks; didn't have to go out of my way on the drive home or wait 3-4 days for amazon delivery. Seems fine by me, idk
yep.i cant go in here anymore. the amount of lifeless deprivation i experience here throws me into a depression usually...i will never be these people...
It's the pinnacle example of consumerism and corporatism. No more mom and pop stores, just the big names. Who cares if it's cheap.
It's literally fine - Amazon will put them out of business within a decade.
Oh wait ...
I walked into Walmart for the first time in months yesterday, and immediately felt like I needed a tetanus shot. They have the cheapest range ammo, so I suck it up when I absolutely have to.