Is this the one Jow Forums?
Ideal Europe map thread
this is definitely not it chief
Post one better
>all this fucking crypto-globalism
>giving Deutschland die Niederlande but not Prussia
>Turkey exists
>Andorra exists
>Israel exists
>Romania owns Transylvania
>Russia owns Carpathia
You should feel bad.
The only good thing you did was remove some of the cockroach from Yugoslavia
balkan subhumans need to be seperated
>Isreal exists
choose 1
will never happen again
>one big Germany
nah nah nah
this one is fine
meme flaggot, saged and reported
I said ideal Europe. I agree that we can wipe off Turkey and Israel. But as for Europe itself, it's fine.
>Eire in the UK
>Finland paired with Russians (i.e., Balts)
Literally KYS yourself
Fixed your map bro
Even the current map is better.
>Romania owns Transylvania
Nothing wrong with that, burgers not being nuked into orbit on the other hand...
>geen groot nederland
>Turdy should be divided between Greece, Armenia and Arabia
>Albania divided between Greece and Yugoslavia
>Finland independent
Otherwise it's perfect.
Pretty much anything. It is clear you have no understanding of history or Europe.
>Israel exists
>no independent and united ireland
>no Portugal
Forgot about Israel, it mustn't exists.
The frog is right /thread
>Turks back in the Balkans
Change Spain to Iberia, and yeah, pretty much
No. Unions and empires are bad.
The ideal Europe is as Europe was for hundreds of thousands of years before Christianization -- that means a Europe based on the native European people themselves, a Europe without any nations, yet where where the people all are 100% united in Blood and in Soil and all look like Nordid Hallstatt or extremely similar (all Europeans did indeed look like that for hundreds of thousands of years).
From best to worst:
People living locally in small communities, close to nature, and using permaculture, and not moving around much > the same but using agriculture > small kingdoms > nations > unions > empires > bigger international unions > one world government
The Iberian peninsula was originally called Hispania.
unironically based and redpilled
Keep you fats away from this thread you burger faced shithole
Whatever you say globalist jew
>Loves the British