>shit skins coming to invade
>leonidas says no
>jew monsters say yes
>bribed by shitskins with gold and pussy
>leonidas fights with 300 men to defend his home and inspires a new generation
what are Jow Forumss thoughts on this movie?
>shit skins coming to invade
>leonidas says no
>jew monsters say yes
>bribed by shitskins with gold and pussy
>leonidas fights with 300 men to defend his home and inspires a new generation
what are Jow Forumss thoughts on this movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
Anachronistic but also aesthetic and inspirational af
Persians are actually white aryans, not a nigger as portrayed in this jewish flick. The negroes in this movie are slave armies. Leonidas and the Spartans are not white in real life. How the fuck would you know this?
Go and eat jewish hollywood propaganda more you fucking normies
The 50s movie was much better.
Pretty based, but it was 12 years prior to current year. Still easily one of my top 5 favorites
>"Sorry Ephialtes, you can't be a Spartan because you can't maintain a phalanx
>Immediately breaks formation
It was a cool movie and the ending speech did put fire in my belly.
Made me read more on the Spartan civilization.
They were pretty based all round.
Silly Goyim. 300 was anti Iranian propaganda, created during a time when the American political establishment was using all economic, legal means and soft power to justify a war with Iran. You’re falling for NeoCohen propaganda, like the dumb Burger you are. The Persians shown in the movie were far removed from the historical depictions of apersian culture.
much inspire
Didn't they do a sequel with a female main character that no one watched?
Come on! He would have completely ruin the aesthetic.
Stop watching movies and shows.
Based and redpilled
Sequel was pretty cool too but choreography was lamer
Spartans literally constructed the only sustainable civilization. Since good life leads to decadence it is necessary for the state to artificially create hardships in order to constantly forge generations of strong citizens. The Spartans were the only ones to understand this
I read an article somewhere by an SJW that this movie was radicalizing people into right wing ideologies, also I love Sparta and ancient Greece in general
thats a "based n redpilled" in my book
She was the antagonist. Themistocles was main character.
You watched it? What was it about, did it have a hidden (((agenda)))?
And butthurt Persians are here.
You actually have to inform people that Xerxes wasn't a 10 feet tall bling giant faggot in real life?
Also, Persian Empire relied heavily on Greek mercenaries. Spartans were fighting much against other Greeks.
It was basically a rerun of 300 where the Athenians had become Spartans, but dressed in blue instead of red. It's basically what you get if remake 300, but remove all the (usually historically correct) Spartan oneliners
Plus the massive jump in logic that suddenly made the Athenians fight like Spartans