Taylor Swift is now the queen of /leftypol/. Where my democrat bros at? The midterms cant come soon enough jeez

Taylor Swift is now the queen of /leftypol/. Where my democrat bros at? The midterms cant come soon enough jeez

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meme flaggot, saged and reported

Take her. God, take her now.

My wife hated her long before she came out yesterday. I guess my wife has been more red pilled than me this whole time.

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>She is our queen
Yeah just like a Dem to want used goods.

Is it true she fucks her opening acts?

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It's obvious she was forced to do this by her handlers. The left is panicking, and they're using every trick they have to stop the red wave. They knew she never said much about politics and knows she has a lot of fans, so they probably forced her to do it, under the threat of smearing her reputation.

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Have you seen the average Jow Forumstard? Just releasing their pics would be enough to ensure a democratic win.

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The only queen you should have in your life is your wife who cooks and takes care of you. Women in media and entertainment are useless.

ok dumbasses

you remember the porn star with the comfort lizard? same shit different day

sorry but you have been had by marketing
>hey guys taytay lurks /b/

no she doesn't some ad campaign just launched here to make you think she is like you so you would click her videos, it was all a ruse, now go vomit and get over yourself, and fine a real grill


are boy shorts a jewish trick?

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the irony here of course being niggers only attend right wing events, while their "protectors" are a mob of angry whites

Based Swift.

Pol destroyed

Being a right wing minority is one of the easiest grifts imaginable.

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Tay raped me, but I didn't want to come out about it since she has so much power. Now that its clear we cant let her get the nuclear codes Im ready to tell my story.

Are you a grill?

where can i find said leftypol?

She looks kinda hot, explain a boomer who she is plz.

She's fucking best friends with Lena Dunham. Of course she's always been a bleeding heart brainwashed feminist


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Republitards SEETHING

We'll cut her scalp too. The war cant begin soon enough