If extremists from both sides want a race war, why hasn't it happened yet?
If extremists from both sides want a race war, why hasn't it happened yet?
quit shilling here, you fucking garbage bag. Canada is going right and there is nothing you can do about it. sage
I am on the right though, what's wrong with my post?
Everybody wants to be a gangsta untill there's gangsta shit to do
Because we don't. Only the few jews in the media are inciting it, but we normal people don't give two fucks about them and won't kill each other so they can make their shekels.
We're not there yet. We haven't even reached 1970's levels of Happening yet. It's coming, though.
Glad you posted a photo of me. Fighting since Greensboro 1980 with the old Loyal Knights.
Which one are you?
Checked. If half of us walked the way we talked, there'd be a lot more headlines
Did you know Covington?
This. The American civil war and World War II were both scams that directly led to an overwhelming percentage of white men being slaughtered by one another and a massive long term profit for kikes. If history starts to repeat itself I refuse to be a part of it.
The kikes have a natural defense army of brainwashed goyim and the only way we'll ever be able to kill kikes without killing 5x as many goyim is if we red pill the masses first so they don't get in our way. If we go in guns blazing we will repeat our grandfathers' mistakes.
because its only on the internet
Black Panthers/muslim brotherhood are no longer receiving a lot of government funding so they got nothing to do, and the KKK is nothing more than an ancap BBQ group in all but like 5 small towns that no one goes too anyway.
BP are irrelevant and KKK are extremely irrelevant. Both need media attention or prison inmates to even survive, and even then the bigger pro-black or pro-white groups like the Aryan Broherhood or the many black gangs provide more for race supremacists
because it would stop our normal lives and leave our future up to a huge nasty brawl that once starts , will not stop until the goal of living without niggers is reached.
I vote yes for a race war.
imagine a world without niggers, pic related your local burger king with bulletproof glass , a deterrent to niggers thinking of robbing their sisters cash register
>Woman has no hood on
even in the klan women only care about themselves
We're already in a race war you fool.
who in the fuck would want that in their neighborhood. goddamn sink that disease carrying shitboat
I am waiting for the insecure fucks at the IMF to finally decide the insecurity they have for themselves reaches critical mass and they sign in edicts to topple everything everywhere
after that happens I am turning 180 degrees and consuming everything with no mercy or relent
I will go full conflagration and no living man (or woman for that matter) will have what it takes to stop me and I will only stop when I'm done harvesting souls
We are living in almost Weimar equivalent times but whites still haven’t woken up yet. But we will, atleast here in America. There are still whites that still believe in (((Democracy))) and believe they can vote whites out of the mess we and Jews have dug us into. But soon, it will be demographically impossible for another Republican to win anything of importance ever. Texas, and my state Florida, along with many other states are turning blue. My Generation, Gen Z, is already minority white. We’re already around 30 to 35% white if I’m not mistaken. Maybe 38% if we’re pushing it. Once whites realize that their votes are now meaningless to the brown hordes outbreeding us and outvoting us, things will pop off real quick. I give white America 5 to 10 years max. Europe even sooner. My only problem is that in wars, the young are at the forefront of combat. My generation is a minority white generation so that already lowers our numbers right there. Curse all boomers and every generation of whites that came before us and did nothing. Regardless of the outcome, if we win, then we secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. If not, then atleast we will have gone out fighting. If you’ve actually taken the time to read this shit that makes it look like I think this place is my personal Tumblr blog, then I thank you.
are fingerless gloves a jewish trick?
In the hood, leaf.
they both know the racists will win and neither side actually wants to live without the other kek
They tend to kill their own race.
Harold yes, I was with McAbee in Greenville during that year and the NC Klan was infiltrated by the FBI. Most of the KKK I am with are trusted long time friends and trusted associates. When they look for you it's suspicious as this is a tough life. We look for them. I go to normie political events and hear them rag on the Klan and just take notes.
Niggers think they're fighting in the race war every time they kill a white man or rape a white women. White people in general are law abiding citizens. Whites are waiting for the government to collapse, that way the cops can't protect white liberals and non whites. Why would anybody risk going to jail for life over a nigger or faggot leftist? It's not worth it.
Because they don't. The extremists predict and forcast a race war, that doesn't mean they want it, just that they think it's inevitable. If a weatherman predicts a deadly storm, that doesn't mean he wants everyone to die.
You post this shit in every thread, you subhuman kike. Kill yourself.
Because most members of extremist groups aren't true believers. They'll recite the party line, but deep down they don't actually want an apocalyptic end.
Because the military would fuck everyone up for the sake of doing it. Have you seen the shit the DOHS is packing?
I'm telling you now, there is going to be some sort of civil war in the western world. If America starts one, the rest will follow. I just think that the masses haven't woken up or haven't chosen to just yet.
Most people are selfish, dumb, docile, cowardly sub-humans who can't see the necessity of short term sacrifice for long-term gain.
There is nothing more degenerate than a stoner.
One side is too pussy to do it, the other has too much honor to shoot the first shot.
The masses will be forced to choose when a roadblock appears. (((Democracy))) doesn't mean shit when other groups of people are a unified voting block against your people and once white america *just* doesn't have enough votes anymore is when the great white chimpout will commence. civic nationalism is just the inbetween stage of white genocide and anybody that says otherwise is a jew
Klan was a local solution to occupation by Union forces. now it's more of intelligence gathering and the occasional rally. No use brawling in the streets, unless you can conquer the Federal government with one million of your friends. Won't happen without big league backing and financing.
If anything the commies and leftists will make the move and have the numbers, they will either take the Feds down or the Feds will do the work for us and eliminate them.
There is a civil war going on, they just call it domestic terrorism and seems to be only orchestrated by lone wolf "extremists"
working on it
They arent extremists.
Good luck organizing that shit, the best we could do is make terror cells like sand niggers and that shit only makes the normies bitch to the government about "muh safty, stave us goverbit"