/hue/volution General

Bolsonaro vs. Haddad run-off in 3 weeks (October 28th).

>We managed to elect over 50 of /ourguys/ to the lower house!

>1st round results
Jair Bolsonaro 46,26%
Fernando Haddad 28,95%
Ciro Gomes 12,51%
Geraldo Alckmin 4,78%
João Amoêdo 2,52%
Cabo Daciolo 1,26%
Henrique Meirelles 1,21%
Marina Silva 1,00%
Alvaro Dias 0,81%

Jair Bolsonaro is front-runner for president of Brazil. He is a conservative Christian, former army captain and the only candidate free from involvement in corruption. He's pro-gun legislation and whats the liberalization of the economy with a Chicago boy as minister and to align Brazil to the American foreign policy (fuck Cuba, Venezuela, Palestine and China). He's stable in the Israeli hospital after being stabbed in the guts by a former member of PSOL (Socialism and Liberty Party) and undergoing emergency surgery.

Memes by Bolsonaro:
>Pinochet should have killed more people
>Historical debt towards slavery? I didn't enslave anyone.
>The Portuguese didn't enslave blacks, but blacks enslaved themselves.
>I wouldn't rape you because you are ugly and you don't deserve it.
>Do you burn the donut? I don't care! Be happy! Hugs for you!

Plans for a new constitution:

>English Subtitled videos of his famous memes:

Bolsonaro's government plan (in English):

>US Youtubers about Bolsonaro

Previous thread:

Attached: 5b7a4089a246f.jpg (734x960, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>OP pic
Can someone photoshop a happy merchant face on the guy with the glasses in the pic.

Attached: merchant candidates.jpg (998x752, 145K)



Comparativo dos programas Bolsonaro/ Lula (Haddad):
(Links para ver na fonte:)

PLANO DO HADDAD=LULA: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000629808//proposta_1536702143353.pdf

PLANO DO BOLSONARO: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000614517//proposta_1534284632231.pdf


Bolsonaro: Redução da carga tributária e aumento da receita destinada aos municípios (pág 58)

Lula/Haddad: Criar imposto sobre a exportação (pág 41), criar imposto sobre lucros e dividendos (pág 42) e aumentar o imposto territorial rural ITR para grandes propriedades (pág 56)


Bolsonaro: contrariedade a qualquer regulação ou controle social de mídia (pág 7)

Lula/Haddad: implantar mecanismos de regulação da imprensa e criar uma empresa pública de comunicação para expor o posicionamento do governo (pág 16)


Bolsonaro: a justiça deverá seguir seu rumo sem interferências políticas (pág 15)

Lula/Haddad: promover uma reforma do sistema de justiça para reduzir o poder de investigação do ministério público federal (pág 6, 15)


Bolsonaro: tolerância zero com o crime (pág 10) e redução da maioridade penal (pág 32)

Lula/Haddad: desmilitarização das polícias (pág 31) e iluminação com led nas ruas (pág 54)


Bolsonaro: reduzir os 29 ministérios existentes atualmente (pág 17)

Lula/Haddad: Criar 6 novos ministérios (pág 19, 20 e 55)


Bolsonaro: deixar de louvar ditaduras assassinas socialistas (pág 79)

Lula/Haddad: desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de países do Mercosul (Venezuela) (pág 11)


Bolsonaro: Segurança no campo, políticas para consolidar mercado interno, abrir novos mercados externos, melhoria da logística de distribuição (pág 69)

Lula/Haddad: regulação do agronegócio para evitar ampliação de grandes latifundiários. Implantar reforma agrária e distribuir terras ao MST e indígenas (pág 56)


Bolsonaro: respeito e obediência à constituição (pág 6)

Lula/Haddad: Estabelecer um novo processo constituinte para aumentar o poder do estado (pág 6)


Bolsonaro: Prender e deixar na cadeia quem tiver cometido crimes (pág 30) e acabar com a progressão de pena e saída temporária (pág 32)

Lula/Haddad: Reduzir a massa carcerária do Brasil através da liberação de presidiários (pág 33)

Bolsonaro: o sindicato deve ser voluntário, contra a obrigatoriedade do imposto sindical (pág 64)

Lula/Haddad: valorização de sindicatos e associações de trabalhadores (pág 40)


Bolsonaro: Combate à ideologia de liberação irrestrita de drogas ilícitas (pág 26)

Lula/Haddad: Promover a descriminalização das drogas (pág 32)

Haddad will win! Fuck Old White Men!

According to twitter Bolsonaro will bring back a military dictatorship and kill LGBTQ+ peoples

We wish, but unfortunately he's not THAT based

From the guy who brought us "TRUMP IS A NAZI AND WILL NEVER WIN", we now have "British Billionaire living in London who has never seen a favela in his fucking life knows more about Brazil than Brazilians"

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god , i won't even watch it, i'll end up punching my monitor im already pissed there will be 3 more weeks of campaing if i watch this faggot i'll blow the fuck up


Reminder that brazillian girls with brown hair are the best

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fuck off leaf

Attached: in case of canadians, break glass.png (500x501, 47K)

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Where I can find a qt non slutty gf?


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Would a good dicking fix them anons?

Nah, they're a lost cause.

Post your city results.


Attached: Capture 02.jpg (1364x726, 110K)

why would you stick your dick in a
>B O N O B O

maybe this is a sign of good fortune
last time this cuck tried this shit the right-wing candidate won

For the good of the country.

>yfw Alexandre Frota getting elected is actually good 7D chess since he's a degenerate trap (gay) lover and will redpill the masses on gays being absolute degenerates

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O que significa o Q em LGBTQ?


Seriously are we going to just stay here talking or start planning a way to destroy PT on social media?(though i belive any type of strategy should wait until next week, wait for the election hang over to go away and then start flooding twitter)

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perhaps not
i would give them cock anyway



Viva o meu paraná.


Definitely start next week but the planning can start now. Haddad's plan of government is horrible and as long as we can show people, accurately so they can't call fake news, what he stands for we will gain several new supporters and even a few fervent ones.

I don't have any social media, I deleted Facebook and I don't talk to my WP contacts for years now other than immediate family or every once in a blue moon in those colleague groups.


I like this Bolsonaro where do I sign up to vote for him

It's not as bad as his trump stuff
He acknowledges that PT did a lot of shit for example

>though i belive any type of strategy should wait until next week, wait for the election hang over to go away and then start flooding twitter)
So,any ideas other than attacking haddas's plan directly?
What we should meme?
Nordeste will only cahngebecause of TV,something we cant control

i think an effctive strategy is just croping the best parts of palocci's talk and posting it everywhere on the internet, also reminding people haddad was minister of education at the time along with the part palloci says everybody in the party knew

The manipulation and lies are so obvious when you're actually aware of context of things, he constantly tries to downplay PT's corruption for example by saying it got "caught up" in corruption investigations and conveniently omitting the fact that PT is the CORE of these scandals.

You mad christcucks?

Attached: Christian Zionists 3.jpg (800x532, 174K)

I would say that pointing out that haddad wants to control the media is already enough to most civilised people
But this is brazil and I doubt nordeste will understand it

We don't actually need to change nordeste, as long as bolso keep his numbers the same and we gain number in other regions we will still win. Focusing on social media will still help us tremendously as the biggest electorate is still the southeast.


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>65,65% Bonoro, 23.523 votes

65% our guy

Going all in lads.


maybe the memes should contain comparisons between bolso’s plan and that of haddad (presented in a funny way, of course)
the list posted above by some user is a good place to start


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>only 46%
you disappoint

Well done anons, keep doing God's work.

literraly missed 3

É noix piá.

This shit will be fun, Haddad will get absolutely demolished in the debates

>The corrupt's (Lula) stooge proposed that I sign with him this "letter of compromise against fake news on the internet". The same guy who is spreading fake news saying I'll increase taxes for the poor people. He is a scoundrel! Since the beginning of this campaign we've proposed exemption for those who earn up to R$5.000. PT wants to steal this idea.

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He's already a lot more moderate than he used to be years ago, he's just saying he won't be cucked by SJW shit.

59,84% 231.492 votes

You know he's an ACTUAL fascist right? The man belongs in hell.

Fuck off KEK

All he needs to do is call out Haddad on being Lula's bitch, and that he is just gonna do the same old shit that the country has been going through.

So, among the 30 cities with the highest murder rates in the world, we find 8 Notheastern Brazilian cities... who would have guessed?

Apparently everybody except PT commies...
And Notheasterners themselves.


Attached: ciraodamassa.png (790x2260, 139K)

take care of the muslims in your country and then we'll talk

como é bom ver uma oposição que não é de mentirinha

Probably in another country? Or maybe in small conservative towns.

Venezuela inflation hits 488.865%/year reuters.com/article/us-venezuela-economy/venezuelas-annual-inflation-hits-488865-percent-in-september-congress-idUSKCN1MI1Y6

This is a good idea. Make sure to tell how important Palocci was for PT.

Huebros, I need your help. My college friends are all cirofags who are thinking of voting for Haddad in the second round.
What are the worst facts about Haddad and his plans that I can use to redpill them into voting Bolsonaro or Branco/Nulo?

It's not enough for those who think Lula's mandate was perfect and dilma is not associate with him. We need to hit with everything we have got.

Attached: bon.jpg (228x221, 6K)

omparativo dos programas Bolsonaro/ Lula (Haddad):
(Links para ver na fonte:)

>PLANO DO HADDAD=LULA: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000629808//proposta_1536702143353.pdf

>PLANO DO BOLSONARO: divulgacandcontas.tse.jus.br/candidaturas/oficial/2018/BR/BR/2022802018/280000614517//proposta_1534284632231.pdf


- Bolsonaro: Redução da carga tributária e aumento da receita destinada aos municípios (pág 58)

- Lula/Haddad: Criar imposto sobre a exportação (pág 41), criar imposto sobre lucros e dividendos (pág 42) e aumentar o imposto territorial rural ITR para grandes propriedades (pág 56)


- Bolsonaro: contrariedade a qualquer regulação ou controle social de mídia (pág 7)

- Lula/Haddad: implantar mecanismos de regulação da imprensa e criar uma empresa pública de comunicação para expor o posicionamento do governo (pág 16)


- Bolsonaro: a justiça deverá seguir seu rumo sem interferências políticas (pág 15)

- Lula/Haddad: promover uma reforma do sistema de justiça para reduzir o poder de investigação do ministério público federal (pág 6, 15)


- Bolsonaro: tolerância zero com o crime (pág 10) e redução da maioridade penal (pág 32)

- Lula/Haddad: desmilitarização das polícias (pág 31) e iluminação com led nas ruas (pág 54)


- Bolsonaro: reduzir os 29 ministérios existentes atualmente (pág 17)

- Lula/Haddad: Criar 6 novos ministérios (pág 19, 20 e 55)


- Bolsonaro: deixar de louvar ditaduras assassinas socialistas (pág 79)

- Lula/Haddad: desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de países do Mercosul (Venezuela) (pág 11)

Day of the rake when?

page 20 of Haddad's plan of government

Attached: saude.jpg (1087x462, 152K)

Guys what happens if Haddad wins?


- Bolsonaro: Segurança no campo, políticas para consolidar mercado interno, abrir novos mercados externos, melhoria da logística de distribuição (pág 69)

- Lula/Haddad: regulação do agronegócio para evitar ampliação de grandes latifundiários. Implantar reforma agrária e distribuir terras ao MST e indígenas (pág 56)


- Bolsonaro: respeito e obediência à constituição (pág 6)

- Lula/Haddad: Estabelecer um novo processo constituinte para aumentar o poder do estado (pág 6)


- Bolsonaro: Prender e deixar na cadeia quem tiver cometido crimes (pág 30) e acabar com a progressão de pena e saída temporária (pág 32)

- Lula/Haddad: Reduzir a massa carcerária do Brasil através da liberação de presidiários (pág 33)


- Bolsonaro: o sindicato deve ser voluntário, contra a obrigatoriedade do imposto sindical (pág 64)

- Lula/Haddad: valorização de sindicatos e associações de trabalhadores (pág 40)


- Bolsonaro: Combate à ideologia de liberação irrestrita de drogas ilícitas (pág 26)

- Lula/Haddad: Promover a descriminalização das drogas (pág 32)

If you think they are rabid lunatics when it come to bolso just omit his part of the deal. AT least it will convince then to not vote for haddad.


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Look at his government plans and statements by both Retardd and Lula, they will try to make this another Venezuela as fast as they can.


Sempre quem decidiu as eleições no brasil foi o Nordeste
Não adianta ganhar sul e sudeste. O Nordeste sempre vai ser vermelho.
Já realizei minha aposta de metade do meu salario contra o Bolsonaro(Eu vou votar nele).

Continuem a campanha de vocês, mas nunca apostem a favor.

Why is every election outside the us so convoluted and retarded?

I might try doing some sort of infograph in photoshop late using this information, I'm kinda lazy tho


Show them videos of current Venezuela. The protestors getting run over by a tank, the misery, the hunger. Talk about the horrors of Soviet and Chinese communism. The famines, the concentration camps, the millions of deaths. Tell them that Lula, when he founded the Foro de São Paulo with Fidel, said he wanted to "recover in Latin America what has been lost in Eastern Europe", referring to the fall of the Berlin wall. And indeed, Venezuela is getting close to last century Ukrainian famines. Ask them if they want this shit in Brazil. Tell them that Ciro's and Haddad's parties both belong to the Foro. Tell them emphatically that Bolsonaro is the only true, strong anti-Foro candidate.

Hell, show them Yuri Brezhmenov's videos. Tell them it's not about left vs. right, but about the Brazilian people vs. Foro de São Paulo.

Haddad's plans are such a easy target that i can see him creating a new "book of proposes" , much less radical so he can try getting the "centrao" voters. Fortunally its rather easy to go after them because they tried to accomplish every one of those objectives during Lula and Dilma's mandates already (my Knowledge is limited so if any user has more information feel free to share):
>Oh we wont regulate media anymore/it isnt censorship
We have Danilo gentili's multiple lawsuits and how the invest money on journalists that only praise them
>Oh we wont turn Brazil into Venezuela
We have the speeched from PTs president supporting Maduro, their support for Cuba and how Dilma tried to control the prices of energy(something that socialist goverments do, maduro did the same with food) and with that she started the energy crisis and the black outs. And she did the same thing with bank's interest rates )
If they dont go back in any of that then we just need to use all the data showing the increase of crime, degeneration and violance in schools and universitys, goverment spending and good old corruption. But i personally belive this should all be done under hashtag that isnt related to bolsonaro, to convice all ciro voters to vote null since they wont vote for bolso anyway
Create some fake twitter perfils or whatever just to boost the hashtag when its created(bby either us or by the normies)
Definatly but the problem is that there is people who dont belive any of that. I belive Dilma's mandate is our best weapon to prove that they wamt to turn us into a new venezuela

Attached: a28.png (600x719, 169K)

How are your inmigration policies doing over there?

"Globo Golpista" is unironically shilling for PT now, scissor theory is real.

i feel like they need a good shower.

>First round between all candidates, if one gets more than 50% of all votes he wins, else the top two candidates go into a second round. End.

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if they're into identity politics, there is no convincing them
anyway, since they are cirofags, your friends aren't reasonable people to begin with


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calling people fascists isn't an argument

fascism is a superior form of government over anarchy, narco-democracy and communism

That would be great
There are some interviews with refugees too. I havent watched bt therebis a video on mbl i think, where they bring someone that ram away from venezuela

Helo hue anons.
I've seen too much blackpilling since the end of the first round of the election.

I am just going to invite you all to consider the following:
Let's think about the structure of the second round.
If we are to understand what normally happens in the second round, we have to take into consideration that a first election has already taken place with lots of candidates and that THE TWO CANDIDATES GOING INTO THE SECOND ROUND ARE SUPPOSED TO INCREASE THEIR PERCENTAGES, as they face only one oppositor now and they are supposed to maintain the votes they were able to get in the first round.

So, in the second round of the Brazilian elections we can discern four types of electors:

1) The electors that have voted for Bolsonaro for the first round and are supposed to do the same in the second;

2) The electors that voted for Haddad in the first round and are supposed to the same in the second;

3) The electors who voted for other candidates who have now been eliminated. These electors are supposed to vote for either Bolsonaro or Haddad in the second round, increasing the percentage of both candidates in this manner;

4) Those electors that didn't vote on the first round. These electors are supposedly few and are not expected to wage a noticeable influence in the second turn.

So, let's see:
Assuming that the number of votes in the second round will be the same of the first one, and assuming that both Bolsonaro and Haddad mannage to maintain the votes they already got - as in whoever voted for Bolsonaro will do it again and whoever voted for Haddad will do so as well - we can deduce how many votes each need to reach the 50% mark.

Because the total number of votes in the first round was 107.141.291, half that number plus one is 53.573.646. Who ever gets 53,5 million votes wins.


(bear with me anons)

> Would be wonderful not having to live with this bunch of Nazi sonovabitches. You may keep the south and drown in your own shit.

Attached: jana.jpg (625x292, 28K)

ah! sadly it's an appropriate response...

Mas isso porque os outros estados nunca foram muito a favor de ninguém. Sempre foi perto neles e ai o Nordeste fechava. Nas eleições anteriores o PT teve uns 4x% no 1º turno. Dessa vez quem teve isso foi o Bolsonário. Muitas capitais do Nordeste também tiveram maioria Bolsonário no 1º turno.

the left is united and will terrorize northeasterns to the point of 80-20
southeast will be 60-40, 65-35 at best.

>Those electors that didn't vote on the first round. These electors are supposedly few
20% of the population is "a few"

>Those electors that didn't vote on the first round. These electors are supposedly few
>20% of the population is "a few"
>40-ish million people is a few
Nice analysis genius

if you put it like that...

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