As an early 20's white man (from the south) about to graduate a top 20 university in the South and begin a career in Finance, how/what should I do to prepare for the inevitable race war in our country while still creating/raising a family?
I start my first job in a couple months, and I have a great girl. What steps should I take at this point to achieve the goals outlined above?
Tell me more about your girl user, is she redpilled?
Ethan Campbell
Just fucking impregnate her now. Children dont need all this shit we give them, even the poorest kids in Haiti love their life. Have a child, now. I'm serious, take the condom off tonight and impregnate her. Tonight.
Easton Moore
Extremely, she went to school for a great degree and just got a high paying job so she can save up $$ before she becomes a mother.
Ayden Wright
I’ll come down there and kick your ass again, pencil pusher.
Wyatt Howard
Im not a dumb nigger my girls on BC. Shit aint happening overnight im not spraying and praying
Julian Carter
Before she dumps you and finds a better man. What she’s really waiting for is your dumb ass to propose and give her all your wealth.
1. I should have specified, top 20 public. 2. Youre projecting your jew niggerness 3. Go practice your hebrew
Christian Powell
Change your major to accounting and minor in CIS
Jose Garcia
This is my ultimate goal. However, I need to provide my children with top tier educational/professional opportunities that are just not achievable if my source of income is a farm in the Southern country
Evan Young
I realized about a year too late I shoudve majored MIS and minored Comp Sci and gone the big 4 route
Cooper Foster
Move to Texas or Quebec, only Independent Energy Grids in North America.
Have four strong sons. It may take having 8 kids to do it with how full of estrogen any male born after 1996 is, but we need allies more than anything else Johnny Reb.
Connor Hughes
you know saying > saged and reported is a bannable offence
Its never too late if you haven’t graduated. As long as you are in same school. I was in your shoes last spring and am in same geo. All done with computers now - entry level positions in field require 2-3+ years industry experience and background with tech from what Ive seen. Hopefully job you’re starting at good firm and not jew scam where they have you sell shit to family and friends then set a unrealistic sales goal and fire you once your connection dries up. Good luck user.
Aaron Baker
Luis Brooks
Reminder southerners are brainlets. They are Anti-American and go against the Founding Fathers
You are a fag from UGA and I hope you get one in the pooper.
Bentley Bennett
Since you're becoming a family man your best bet is to simply dig in and wait it out. Live in a nice area in the suburbs or the country. Get to know your neighbors and community. Buy some guns and have you and your wife learn to use them - make it fun too, guns are great. Buy some general "emergency preparedness" stuff like a generator, food, first aid kit, etc, and always be sure to keep a good stockpile of canned goods in the pantry. Start a vegetable garden. Do basic car repairs and home improvement yourself. Really it's all about becoming at the same time self-sufficient but also building trust with your community.