
just as like islam fucked Constantinople to clusterfucked, turning every single one to a muslim. this happens after a major, change in resources and economical turns. this time is coming at hand at 2020 into 2024, food prises will soar. this coming crises by the end of november, will spark another religious revolution.

getting an eye for your real enemy in the land. .. you know. it .

you will join the muslims in the cause.

and you will surpass the invaders.

after the fall.

like what happened in rome.

15:87 "we have you the 7 oft-repeated and the great Quran

chances are 10:37

we have you the 7 oft-repeated = numerical value in arabic => 1477 = 14 letters
and the great Quran = 1440 =. 23 letters

as the earth turns in its axis. over 1440 minutes. the 7 is repeated. the angle is 23 deg to the equinox

1477 to base 14 => 777
more description here:

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Other urls found in this thread:

So, Half Life 3 confirmed?


Allah bless and protect the guy that btfo'd Connor so we may have our vidyagaymes.

the funny part is you are competing with your very best, and we are competing with our utter trash of society

Is Islam a sect of Judaism?

Let's examine some FACTS!

1. Muhammad was born into a Jewish tribe, Banu Quraish, and worked as a (((merchant)))
2. Banu Quraish lived in the Jewish Himyarite Kingdom in western Arabia
3. All of Muhammad's wives, except for one, were Jewish
4. Muhammad's top lackey and the first Caliph of Islam, Abu Bakr "Al-Siddiq", was a Jewish exilarch from Iraq name Rebe Shallum
5. The majority of 'biblical' stories in the Qur'an actually have their origins in the Talmud
6. Justifications for criminal acts in the Qur'an are justified with word for word quotes from the Talmud, the best example being Muhammad using Yebamoth and Sanhedrin to justify having sex with a 9 year old girl
6. The religious laws found in the Qur'an are identical to those found in the Talmud - i.e. Kosher is interchangeable with Halal
7. Jews and Moslems may pray in either a Mosque or a Synagogue
8. The first Ulema, which created the Sharia, was located in Kufa, Iraq, and was within walking distance of the Talmudic academies of Sura and Pumpedita, where the Babylonian Talmud was created less than 100 years earlier - most of this Ulema was made up of Jewish Rabbis who 'converted' to Islam

I could go on and on. Anyone who denies that Islam = Judaism 2.0 for the goyim is either totally ignorant or a liar. Stopped saying Islam is based and red pilled, you might as well say the same things about Judaism.

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1. Muhammad was born to a Jewish tribe.
2. All of his wives were jews.
3. Muhammad lived in the Jewish kingdom of Yathrib in Arabia.
4. His side kick Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq was, according to some hadiths, a Jewish Rabbinical Exilarch from Iraq named Rebe Shallum.
5. Most of the Qur'an's stories and religious laws are plagiarized from the Talmud, including his justification for marrying 6 year old Aisha (Yebamoth 57b) and sucking Hasan's dick (Metzitzah B'peh)
6. Muhammad was invited by a Jew nest to be their religious judge, which shows he was a Talmudist.
7. Muhammad was a mentally ill pervert, which is typical for Jews.

Islam = Judaism for the goy

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the outcome will still be the same. they will come for your fucking ass.

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so what. they will come for your ass. your kin will be replaced.

Constantinople is not proof enough . the muslim population in russia keeps growing. same in france, but among the WRONG KIN. fucking get this.

follow this verse.

Noam, idk what your point is. Go pilpul some normies, faggot.

Attached: world plans.jpg (629x629, 143K)

Lol all your pathetic countries are dependant on oil which will run out soon and you have no other major industries.

mur mur mur. faggeller.

>"so what if kikes made it, follow it!"

user, I...

your kin will be replaced. by this

Attached: 1538767005262.jpg (1080x1080, 137K)


>"so what if kikes made it, follow it!"


look at these shit skins.

whatever works works.

the end result is still the fucking same: replacement. of ideology. this will keep happening in million years.

only depends on what people practice it.

the turks were quick to adapt. somewhat retained their race.

nazi whatever, dude, listen to what aFD leader says about islam:

Biji PKK. Tu kike yĆ®.

Kent Hovind
