
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVE LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/18

>Pres Trump departs DC 10/8/18
>Pres Trump speaks before departing WH 10/8/18
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania visits Nairobi National Park 10/7/18
>SoS Pompeo meets NoKo Leader Kim Jong-Un 10/7/18
>NECDir Kudlow on SunMornFutures 10/7/18
>Pres Trump on Judge Jeanine 10/6/18
>Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Topeka KS 10/6/18
>Pres Trump speaks upon arriving @Topeka KS 10/6/18
>Pres Trump speaks before departing DC 10/6/18
>Senate votes to Confirm SCotUS Justice Kavanaugh 10/6/18
>FLotUS Melania arrives in Egypt 10/6/18
>FLotUS Melania visits Kenyan elephant orphanage 10/5/18
>GOPAd: Their Answer Was Always No 10/5/18
>Women For Trump Summit in DC 10/5/18
>Sen Collins speech on Judge Kavanaugh 10/5/18
>PressSec Sarah on FoxNews 10/5/18
>PressSec Sarah Outside WH 10/5/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



only the panhandle and then straight to fucking alabama or georgia
panhandlers aren't even really part of florida so it doesn't count

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>be me
>mufflerman in the Deep South
>65 year old boomer from local transmission shop comes by weekly
>gets sleeves made for where they cut the head pipe to drop transmissions
>river rat that always has some dirty joke to tell
>refers to random shit as “equayla mechinga”
>”can you make me an equayla for my mechinga?”
>weird but funny I guess
>the other day I’m showing him my go-to hardcore sex machine porn compilation on xvideos
>hand it to him as we are waiting for it to load
>taking forever
>Sarah Sanders giving the press briefing on the waiting room TV
>he says I can’t stand that fat lying bitch
>excuse me?
>her on the tv. She’s a fat lying bitch. All she does is lie.
>you don’t MAGA? I asked him as I gently took my phone back
>what the hell is MAGA? And you ain’t gonna let me watch it?
>Are you retarded?
>I mean well hell.. depends on who you ask. My old lady probably say ya he is.
>you got $20 for that sleeve?
>you said you wasn’t gunna charge me
>pulls a wadded up $20 out of his front pocket
>can I at least watch the video?
>it’s not gay porn, you old faggot.

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What did RCP mean by this?

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When do (((coincidences))) stop being (((coincidences)))

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Why are you racist?

>I always say that despite the fact people say we're slowly becoming more and more red, there's always something about us whether it be the citizens and especially our leaders with Kasich that are hellbent on keeping us purple.
You think Ohio is becoming more red? Unfortunate few leaders to match, as you say.


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How many burgers until Kav is confirmed? I gotta go to the gym

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Panhandlers are what helped pull Trump across the finish line ya thankless cunt

thank god for them tho they save us from the liberal whites from NY in soflo

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That's it

Impeach Flurmpf now

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Why not just report her to the FBI?

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I'm not. but the jokes are funny. well maybe a little.

Trump is the best

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Why are you?


10:40 AM
The President departs Washington D.C., en route to Orlando, FL

12:40 PM
The President arrives at Orlando International Airport

12:50 PM
The President departs Orlando International Airport en route to Orange County Convention Center

1:05 PM
The President arrives at Orange County Convention Center

1:35 PM
The President delivers remarks at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Convention

2:20 PM
The President departs Orange County Convention Center en route to Orlando International Airport

2:45 PM
The President departs Orlando, FL, en route to Washington, D.C.

4:40 PM
The President arrives at Joint Base Andrews

5:00 PM
The President arrives at the White House

7:00 PM
The President participates in the swearing-in ceremony of the Honorable Brett M. Kavanaugh as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States (pre-set: 5:15pm | final gather: 6:30pm) (Pre-set: 5:15PM | Final Gather: 6:30PM)

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>ywn watch a sunset with lindsey before retiring to bed

no,,,NO! no! NO NO NO!

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Based Styx going mainstream

Kek, would read again

True, but the panhandle is basically south Alabama.

(And that's a good thing)

prev thread wordcloud
afternoon anons. any happenings today?

Attached: 296.png (800x800, 179K)

Boy I sure love taking dicks up my ass.

He's already confirmed. You mean sworn-in? Soon.

Not til 7:30 EST, you have plenty of time to go lift.

Liberal (((white))) people

>those eyebrows

Attached: woolywilly.jpg (650x650, 129K)

except everyone under mueller has now already pled guilty to some bull, manafort made a deal. theres no conflict now.

Old enough to remember Bill wasn't the president then.

Was gonna say personal army but yeah report her to the FBI or secret service.

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post pepe vids


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I would swim across the English Channel replaced with shit and piss if it meant I could be her bf

He's already confirmed, and already sworn in. This is just ceremonial.

I live in a minority majority city

Such is life for a female reporter...

Attached: Sleeping with sources.jpg (624x697, 70K)

Does she use a sharpie for her eyebrows?

much beetttaaa

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>mean women based redpilled

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Attached: delete this right fucking now do you realize how close i am to offing myself because of how sad you (354x267, 30K)

I like how niggers is always up there

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This site is closely watched by many alphabet agencies.

no they are white, these are the same whites in the NE who are liberal.

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>niggers half IQ


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lindsey is for

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>when there's no happenings

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>Boy I sure love taking dicks up my ass.
>Democrat flag
It checks out.

Oh so you live in one of the 80% of urban cores? How many coal burners do you see daily.

Yeah I meant sworn in.

Might still be in the gym. Maybe I'll have a beer to celebrate

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>apologizing for being insensitive.

Well, given your post it seems that you think that the ability to gain a girlfriend is tied to someone's worth as a human being. Why not stand by that sentiment?
Sure it would be able-ist and anti-asexual but if that is what you believe you dont need to apologize for it. You should explain why you feel that using one's romantic life or lack there of against them bolsters your argument. Speak truth, debate, dont bend the knee cause someone's feelings are hurt

oh woe is she who has dick on tap.

>professional drinks

fucking women want it both ways

wit ya sexy ass

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No more senseless cruelty.

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I'm observant.

>Drumpf is not allowed to have a meeting with his own deputy attorney general.
He's usually just a little bit smarter than this.

For the lols.

why he's peeepee so small

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>have everything you need to be a First World + nation
>perfect agricultural weather
>hoards of cheap labor who lay thousands of eggs
>some of the best beaches in the world
>access to TWO oceans
>good food
>share a border with the richest nation that has ever been
>have a slightly better position to have a space program than them
>literally none of this matters because you’re Mexico

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Id fuck her, cunts only act like this when theyre dick deprived

You take that back you Cuban dog, Panhandle is true Florida

>Implying cults are bad
>Implying the Imperial Cult is not our end goal

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How is that thing teach children

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(You) for awoo

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>bullshit holocaust
>nigger half iq
>dying lefist


>apologizing after hitting on a girl

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In Southern Florida the liberal white people are Jews

her page is deleted

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This honestly

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partially yes, but sadly there are a TON of wanna be Beverly hills, sex in the city types.

We could all use some Hope...

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haha you wish i'm just a non-native floridian living here

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Fucking checked

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As above, so below
As within, so without

>professional drinks
the only thing that dude did wrong was apologise like a faggot

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Quite a few (dad nowhere in sight) but more ogros de las americas if anything.


Trumps america

>nate tin is listening to stxy

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All anarchists are just dejected and blackpilled lefties.

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