Which country is objectively the best to be in when shit hits the fan with global warming and ecological degradation?

Which country is objectively the best to be in when shit hits the fan with global warming and ecological degradation?

Global warming deniers and other brainlets not welcome.

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Melting ice will provide new resources and it will be too cold for nonwhites (other than natives obviously).

Where are you going to get food?

Hey look these retarded kids again.

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fish or something.

the have grocery stores in Greenland too, idiot

If you was older than 12 years old, you would've notice the warming yourself.

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import migrant steaks

>CO2 growth rate is modeled as such
>nations freak out and roll back emissions
>haha scientists btfo.

>massive immigration problem
But immigrants are always a good thing. What could this racist science bigot mean by this?

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> But immigrants are always a good thing. What could this racist science bigot mean by this?
Funny enough, they see immigration as a problem only in the context of more immigrants -> more people support right-wingers.

Even if this is true, this is another good reason to build a wall on your borders.

If the planet's only getting warmer, then our country is one of the best because our hotter days would still be cooler than Austrian's coldest days. Everyone else is fucked.

Not so fast sweety.
> implying whites won't shoot themselves in the head with their pathological altruism

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Our country will be happy to take all the enriching refugees, especially given that in 3 years we will get leftist gov for at least 5 years.

>global warming
proof? no? thought so.


Cover for forced migration, no one's buying this horseshit.


Fuck off Muhammed. Shill your globalist joo climate nonsense on the grauniad. Sage goes in all fields.

Why wouldn't war, and a consequent population reset, conveniently solving all the problems, be just as likely "okay everyone just squish together"?

Nope. We would just not let them in. They can stop fucking like rabbits on aid shipment rice meals.

>he doesn't know about global cooling
>sunspots low
>gulf stream at lowest level for thousand years
not going to make it
go north and freeze to death like a brainwashed retard op

Buy land in AZ deserts. The ocean is coming UP not down. You'll be in the new garden of Eden.

>Which country is objectively the best to be in when shit hits the fan with global warming and ecological degradation?
island nations that aren't so low lying to get flooded: australia, new Zealand, japan.
other good places: nova scotia and any place with defensible natural barriers to the hordes of people trying to get in. Chile will probably be fine too.

Any country because that shit isn’t happening

>Buy land in AZ deserts.
even with sea level rise, unless precipitation patterns change dramatically AZ will still be desert. and it will be hot as fuck too. Avoid.
Go for the Canadian rockies or plains.

Desert seems to be a meme, AZ has deserts but it gets pretty green. It's only going to get better with more water.

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