What's your opinion on this man

What's your opinion on this man

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Nothin but love
Kanye/Tucker 2024

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I just saged this thread

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It's a shame that Kim brainwashed him.

We all balked when he shut down Taylor Swift at that one awards ceremony. Oh how the tables have turned

are gold chains a jewish trick?

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uncle tom ass nigga

Love him.

Not a victim.

He is an entrepreneur who digs in deeper when attacked. Had sex with Taylor.

enlightened but too stupid to communicate it to the rest of us

I just reported this post for rule violations

he's a sick fuck that loves a quick fuck

I don't like how he's being shoved in my face as my buddy.
He's not my buddy.

But I kind of like him.

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He was right though. Beyonce's "Single Ladies" was better than "Love Story Baby" or whatever one of her girl next door pop songs was being rewarded. Taylor won that award because she was becoming the next big thing, not because her music video was the best

I used to think he was a nut job nigger. I was wrong. He was right. Right about everything.

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says the nigger

Lol ur scum

I hate this lunatic nigger zionist.

he's a dumb nigger but he's OUR dumb nigger

modern day MLK

He's not too bright and full of himself but he's not evil like most celebrities. Oh and his whore wife is divorcing him.

Strategically hiding his hatred of whites for the sake of gaining power & influence.

She unbrainwashed him

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Kanye is Terry's son. Prove me wrong. Look at their eyes. Their jaw line. Their smiles. They are the same. Terry said beware of glow in the dark cia niggers. Kanye's autobiography is called glow in the dark. Kanye was recently MKUltra'd and is on pills. Removed himself from the internet, just as Terry faked his death. They are reunited, father and son, and will return to lead the army of Christians in 2024.

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Better than most blacks, but still not allowed to perform surgery on my brain. That is all. That is the most I can learn about black from browsing Jow Forums.

He's America's Last True Rock Star.


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he's a gay fish

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I love him

He's just kind of there. I dont hate him. When he went into fashion he had to reinvent himself as a more esoteric person to trend harder. Its a gimmick. Hes a fried chicken eating black mf from suburban chicago





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Crazy dude but is actually thinking for himself, which Hollywood and the Dems can't stand..

kanye's jaw isn't real

I approve of this story

The spirit of Terry found Kanye after Terry's body left this realm

He's ok rn, I'm sure I will hate him again real soon

Based on his wild mood and opinion swings, he's really bipolar

>Dragon Energy

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He is right about slavery and the destruction of the black family

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Also the 13th Amendment

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That's what I was implying by slavery



Can someone tell me a song that would explain what's supposed to be special about him? All I ever heard was maybe one notch more exciting than elevator music at best.

lol who would have thought we would be on kanye's said and not taylor swift's

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He white

Unlike op, who is a shill nignog

fuck Kanye and all black people.

And fuck leafs!

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My favourite Negro and his family will be granted the priviledge to live in the ethnostate once we come to power.

Dumb nigger

Turned on his jew masters, probably not all "there" mentally (even for a negro). He took a big risk so he deserves at least a little respect.

Get Out is literally a movie about Kanye. The Kardashians are leeching off of his wealth and fame, taking advantage of his bipolar disorder and gaslighting him. The poor boy is so confused he hardly knows what's going on anymore.

I might agree with his own assessment::


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He is okay. Used to despise him but that has changed.

How many times hav they met?

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He's a nutjob

Have you even read the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin, you dumb low IQ jigaboo?

Uncle Tom was the hero in that book.

Based nigger
Want him to cuck me

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He needs to be imprisoned for hate speech. Sooner or later he will get what he deserves.

>civic nationalism
>biggers allowed if they support my favorite neocon

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Is Kim trying to subvert democracy? We need Mueller to investigate the Kardashians.

he's that rapper that said george bush doesnt care about black people. mike myers face killed me

Sweden YASSS

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Not relevant.

Known because he's in a tv show.

Hey I hope you know you're gonna be drafted into the IDF and killed like the pathetic parasite you are because Israel is going to go bye bye before 2018 is over.

He gay.

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Yea I hate uncle tom, that slave-freeing house nigger that won't even give up the freed slaves location under torture

I got a 2-day ban for saying I saged a thread, just saying. Rule 7 in FAQ on home page.

I like black people. The 'nigger' insult is getting really tired.

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At least one member of the Kardashians astral projects into every important meeting.



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Based and white pilled.

Racemixing nigger.

Who? hes some nigger from what i can see on the picture.

He sure is aging. Looks a lot older here.

I unironically think they would probably based and interesting to talk to when cameras aren't rolling.

Kanye West doesn't care about black people!

808s and heartbreak is one of the best albums this century so far

i think after being made fun of so hard, he has probably done a lot of introspection. hes probably spent a lot of time thinking about a whole lot of different things. to think that he is one of the few reasonable people in holleywood is pretty funny though

quite amusing

SJW witches are using black magic to siphon his energy.

I'd like to try and get some secrets out of them about the elites and where the future is heading.

He is honestly just not intelligent politically as far as policy goes
His stance that no one should be bullied for who they vote for as well as being black doesn't have to mean being a democrat both have a lot of merit