Leaf Healthcare

My country is such a joke. My girlfriend just met her state appointed doctor today and turns out she's a fucking chink. There must be a total of 4 chink in my town. Universal healthcare was a mistake. I can't even opt out since its directly taxed out of my paycheck. Why should I have to pay for all you poorfags health bills. Fuck you all. Reeeee

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Other urls found in this thread:


chinese doctor>>>pajeet doctor

this times a thousand

This. I still remember the time I waited for a month to get in to see an Indian specialist when I was younger. He handed me a printed article from about.com and read it to me. That was it.

There are no "state-appointed" doctors in Canada. You see who you want so long as the provider is accepting patients, or you can get a referral.

what exactly are you mad about?

If you're spazzing out Blaise your "girlfriend's" Doctor is Chinese, you have bigger problems than that.how about not getting a life crippling bill when your so called girlfriend get a much needed syphilis medicine.

>complains about healthcare for others
>ignores the news of millions being imported who aren't intelligent enough to work but smart enough to breed

>Why do chinks always have high education and income
pic related is (you)

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Obvious Pajeet shill is obvious.

I go to private because Im not a nigger that cant pay insurance.

Sauce my good man.

Also even thoigh we don't have oublic healthcare, we still have medicaid which most nigs and spics are on.

There's a waiting list of over a year to get one. Then when there's an available doctor the gov calls you to give you your appointement. That's a state appointed doctor. You know nothing kid.

And you love paying for nigs and spic's shitty lifestyle am I right?

Just be thankful it's not a Paki, they're the lowest of the low. I would honestly take a black female over any Paki one.

I make more than that chink doctor. The point of the thread is Im forced to pay both your healthcare and mine through private. Then when a doctor gets appointed its a fucking chink.

>just be thankful you're not in congo
>just be thankful you don't have cancer
>just be thankful...
Not an argument retard.

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please detail this process for the world to learn about "state sponsored doctors"
in the decades that i've lived here this is new to me

>Then when a doctor gets appointed its a fucking chink.
Then you should be mad at all the Canadian doctors who fuck off to Dubai or the US the second they graduate. We realy have no choice to bring in doctors from shitholes to backfill.

Try dealing with a cancer diagnosis here then come rant. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Pajeets are literally webmd.com via text-to-speech with a gross accent

>state appointed doctor

Lol what the fuck are you talking about, you can see any doctor you want faggot.

My family is also a chink but he knows enough to know that he's just a GP. Getting a referral to a specialist is EZ-PZ if you need it (I haven't but family members have), and he writes scrips like JK Rowling writes shit books - you can get any pills you want if you really want them (again, not me, I only self-medicate with alcohol).


He's just trolling

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Remove the CPP scam, abolish universal healthcare, cut taxes. Too bad all of our politicians are too niggerish to do this.

are dumbbells a jewish trick?

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>My girlfriend just met her state appointed doctor today and turns out she's a fucking chink
You needed a doctor to tell you that?

A referral sometimes takes months, if you're diagnosed with a serious illness, good luck shopping around like this is some fucking free market. I can't even get an MRI here outside of the scope of the system, it's illegal to get a private MRI. This place is fucked beyond belief.

>unironically shilling for a chink doc that hand out scripts like candy
Fuck youre retarded. The moment the government picks your doctor its state appointed. Sure you can try to search for one who accept patient but good luck with that.

>bring in more migrants
>they are doctors and engineers
Fucking kys

Nice retort, Paneet.

What's even your fucking point? You hate immigrant doctors? You hate paying for universal health care? You hate your girlfriends syphilis?

You're shilling so hard, you've lost the plot.

>state appointed doctor
Government isn't builder or doctor in capitalism, just manager. There are no state doctors. Every doctor goes to university. Country just manages finances instead of private corporations.

Then start doing something about the immigration. Third world scum are literally killing you and your family by clogging the health system with their 5 kids and constant ailments. Stop complaining about the doctors and start complaining about the third world shitholers that are bogarting them.

I literally moved to a new town and called a few doctors' offices seeing who was taking patients. Of the 6 that I called, 4 of them were taking patients. An old jew doctor, some guy who got low reviews but had a white name, and two chink doctors. I picked the chink doctor that got the best reviews.

I've seen him about 6 times in the last decade, because I'm not a sickly faggot. He's been fine every time.

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Your gf had to go to the doctor to find out she was Chinese?

>pajeet pajeet pajeet
Projecting this hard. One line you call me pajeet then the next you say I'm anti immigrant, which I am btw. Don't you see how these two statements contradict themselves? Probably not because you're too low iq. The fact that my anti immigrant doctors discourse triggers you so much just shows your true color which also happens to be the same as shit.

This joke was made twice by amerimutts and nobody laughed. What made you think a third time was going to be the charm?

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>do something
Quebec voted right in mass and ontario got a conservative. Bernier will get elected as pm. We are doing something but its hard when faggot like you keep giving business to chink doctors. Face it you admited to self medicating with alcohol which tells me your life must not be top tier and your supposed chink doc with good review is a major player in the opioid crisis by handing script to whoever. You have discredited yourself in only two posts... just go down a bottle it'll make you feel better.

>giving business to chink doctors
Believing there is abudant choice of white doctors

Immigration is a federal matter you cumstain, we're talking about access to qualified medical professionals. If your main gripe is about their race then you should probably just curl up in a corner and die right now lil faggot.


Fuckin retard, I don't care who picks up my garbage every week, or who fixes my car as long as they're honest and they fix it properly. Who gives a fuck if you don't get your first pick of the race of your doctor if they're competent?

Go to the US and pay $10,000 deductible before getting any healthcare you stupid shitfuck. It's not about the system itself, it's about the shitholers ABUSING the system by using it too much and for every little thing.

If we're letting ANY immigrants in, they SHOULD be doctors, not some guy who's going to drive a tow truck or stock shelves at Walmart.

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You didn't realize your girlfriend is a chink?

Who's the guy in pic?

Is the chink foreign? Foreign doctors are vetted 10x harder than domestic ones when it comes to medical hiring. That chink was probably practicing the MSAT from the time she could walk.

>unironically shilling for civic nationalism on Jow Forums
Just stop you're embarassing yourself. You're the reason leafs are hated. Kys.

that guy should just go into the deep end.

I wish there were state appointed doctors, I've been looking for a family doctor in Toronto for the last year.

>My girlfriend just met her state appointed doctor today and turns out she's a fucking chink.
Its hard to believe you never noticed that before about your girlfriend.

t. Chang
I see all the chink chang are out in force in my thread. You're not fooling anyone.

>He's just trolling
kek yeh

I know we kid a lot but I want you to know we love you guys and if you want you can always come down here and not have any health care.

>Health Care Connect

Its called health insurance. Take some you obama care leeching nigger.

Never go to a foreign doctor.

The UK keeps records of doctors that have been reprimanded for malpractice and unprofessional behaviour:


Notice anything about the doctors' names?

Canada doesn't release these records to the public, probably because it would be deemed racist.

Yeah and then he will be put on a waiting list and some government/State agency, paid by taxepayer, will find him a doctor. STATE APPOINTED. How fucking dense are you?

Nice proxy burger fag.

I have you covered, burger. pic related.

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Hey, a chink is better than a two-year wait for a basic eye exam (Slovenia; socialist healthcare and very socialist wait times).

I wish we had some chink doctors.

Not a burger but thank for the pic.

>All good white doctors have waitlist of three years
>only available doctors are poos

What the fuck is a family doctor anyway? You need personal doctor and personal dentist. Well if you are sick constantly you need personal doctor, if your family is sick constantly then you need family doctor. Instead of family doctor i get constant calls to get free examinations and blood tests and all kind of other tests. You aren't sick non-stop.

>drinking gutter oil is more healthy than drinking diarrhea water.
yea... or you could, ya know, drink water like a normal white person.

>wanting to import migrant rather than fix the problem at its core
You're not even worth my time. Be gratful I even acknowledged you.

Fuck universal health care. You guys got it right. Now you have issues of pricing which goes beyond the medical field ie: price of degree, insurance over inflation etc. But it sure as hell beat what we have here.
>but muh free healthcare
What are taxes? Fucking leafs delude themselves yet thousands of us cross the border to get proper health care.

I'm not on obama care. It's $400/month for me to get health insurance. I'm young and in perfect health.

We don't have Socialistic healthcare you retarded Christian and Canada doesn't has Socialistic healthcare.

>The government ensures the quality of care through federal standards. The government does not participate in day-to-day care or collect any information about an individual's health, which remains confidential between a person and their physician.

Healhcare in Slovenia:
>Leta 1889 ga je ustanovil nemški kancler Otto von Bismarck. Po tem sistemu je urejeno zdravstveno varstvo tudi v Sloveniji.
>In 1889 German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck founded this healthcare. Under this system regulates health care in Slovenia.

>She has also been called the "Iron Chancellor", in reference to Otto von Bismarck.

Who created this, Socialists? Nah.
>Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije (kratica ZZZS) je slovenski javni zavod, ki je bil ustanovljen 1. marca 1992
>The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (ABZZS abbreviation) is a Slovene public institute founded on March 1, 1992

>Lojze Peterle 16 May 1990 to 14 May 1992 Slovene Christian Democrats (DEMOS)

>Alojz "Lojze" Peterle (born 5 July 1948) is a Slovenian politician and Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Slovenia
>the DEMOS-led Slovene Parliament declared the country's independence from Yugoslavia

BTW we pay 200 euro per year for healthcare, Canada pay 5000 euro per years, USA pays 15000 per year for shit.

>taxepayer funded healthcare
>not socialism
Pick one you nigger lover. Pic related.

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That how capitalism works. It's cheaper to import a doctor than educate one.

Communism didn't had tax you retard. Capitalism has tax. Why can't you retarded Christian capitalistic shit understand kindergarten logic?
Is Trudeau a doctor? Is Trudeau a banker? NO, YOU DUMBASS.
Capitalism: government collects taxes and employs private businesses.
Communism: collective collects and votes for taxes in specific street and hires businesses.

Communism is literally the one system where taxes don't exist. Political party is a private company. Public space is run by private company political party and you pay taxes for it to be run like public park, healthcare..etc. In Communism collective runs this. Wait lines exist because private insurance companies are profit companies and they pay only limited amount of procedures, they delay on purpose doctor visits, it's not like doctors couldn't work, they wait and don't work. Everything about capitalism is broken. You know what happens when doctor takes you and insurance company says no? The doctor gets sued or doctor pays himself or you pay yourself.

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Then don't get insurance if youre so healthy. Isn't the free market awesome? Save money instead and if shit hapoens youre covered if nothing happens congrats you got money to invest. Wow amazing concept I know. Oh wait Obamacare made it obligatory for you to pay darn it.


Americans don't have universal healthcare, they have universal insurances. There is no standard in place how much your money covers healthcare costs in USA, it's up to insurance plans and different companies associated with it. Americans don't have any universal healthcare specifications, you can get insured and basically nothing will be covered when you get sick, you still pay everything out of pocket.

communism is slavery. And we live in a crypto communist environment..and so do the americans. A graduated tax is in the communist manifesto and is actually against the international covenant on human rights. They have instituted communism at the local love to hide it. What are property taxes? What are building permits? Permits permits permits. WHo could enforce permits onto something you supposedly own? the communists won ww2

>Communism didn't had tax you retard.
You shouldve been aborted.

Faggot you got BTFO shut up and lick your wounds, I'm lmaoing @ ur life right now.

When was value added tax(DDV) invented:
>Ljubljana, dne 6. novembra 2006

After Socialism.

When were interests invented:
>Ljubljana, dne 28. oktobra 1991.
>Sklep o načinu obračunavanja, zaračunavanja in plačevanja aktivnih in pasivnih obresti Banke Slovenije
>Decision on the method of calculation, charging and payment of the Bank of Slovenia's active and passive interest

After Socialism.

When were homeless invented:
>there were no homeless, one was free to travel around the world (thanks to Yugoslavia's position

After Socialism.

When were abnormal expensive prices invented:
>Communist countries succeeded in providing nearly-free housing for all workers. Rents were set at 5 per cent of income (in the UK today we spend 52 per cent of our income on rent, and 72 per cent in London).

After Socialism.

When was inflation invented:
>picture related

After Socialism.

Christians are retards, capitalists are retards, you combined are more retarded than my fart, you are more retarded than pig's fart.

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>Choose chink doctor because tolerance
>Chink doctor known to write script for druggies
>Keep chink doctor because tolerance and back up drugs in case alcohol doesnt cut it anymore
>lmaoing at anyone's life
I think you are confused about who got btfo. But you're probably just drunk.

Yeah, if you didn't have "universal socialist HC" doctors wouldn't need to go abroad to be paid a deserving wage. The left truly has the WORST ideas/ideals in nearly all things.

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A white male surgeon will operate you with 100% sucess and in the least ammount of surgery possible , and will prevent any complications in the near or long future

A jewish surgeon will operate you but wont fully fix your problems, so you have to keep coming and pay for more operations and will also prescribe 1000 pills that you have to keep paying(he is just tecnically gifted as the white surgeon but he chooses this method for shekels)

A chink surgeon, will operate you for a lower price but with dirty/unsterilized surgery tools, you will probally die of a infection or have complications later.

A indian surgeon will open your body up and shit inside of it.

>mfw getting a hernia surgery, I paid ~$2,000 cash for a private surgeon and got to schedule it myself, and it also covered a few days of recovery in what seemed to be a hotel room instead of a hospital room

You guys are seriously becoming like an Eastern European shithole country. I can't wait to buy Canadian women as prostitutes for the night for $20, smokes, and some fire wood

Don't sell education to every foreigner who then gets visa and you won't have Chink doctors. If you have visa for as long as doctor's education you basically have long enough visa to become a citizen and they sure not going to go back home. Now who sells private education if not just another round of retarded Christian capitalists.

>At ACSI, we serve almost 3,000 member-schools in the United States, over 20,000 member schools internationally, and help more than 5.5 million students worldwide connect to Christian education.

>Here at ACSI we understand that it takes many contributing factors to run a successful International Student Program. From achieving successful homestays to finding reliable agents/recruiters, we're here to help! Our goal is to support your International Student Program- spreading the love of Christ from our schools to students from around the world.


There will never be anything in existence that Christian capitalists touch that will improve, not fruit, not vegetable, not drinks, not school, not healthcare. Christians are simply evil shit that came oozing from rotten anus and they have no intelligence whatsoever.

This is a common Jewish/communist tactic where they flood a post with dozens of links to make it seem like they know what the fuck they're talking about. KYS kike

wait a minute, your girlfriend went to a doctor today to find out that she's a fucking chink - you're dating a fucking chink??

t. chinese guy

Urgent update on the LEAF HEALTH CARE.

"Canadian member of ISIS caught"

>Medical Errors – The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US

Ok, here's just one post.
You suck, your country sucks in race, culture, healthcare, family...etc. you name it. And everything that touches anything to do with dollars slowly turns into shit too. You are cancer of the planet.

well, if this isn't a good old-fashioned ownage, i don't know what is.


Americans wanted to control Italian waters and British wanted to control the planet, it's not hard to predict war will happen when you declare that your sea doesn't belongs to you, but international waters. It's because those waters are international that UN can transport refugees and UN is just another American organization. They don't want you to own anything, this is why they hate Communists, because Communists want to own waters, want to produce own food and control own land and race.

to be honest, i think H.G. Wells himself was surprised about his own prediction. if you replace his face with pepe's face, you'd see what i mean - he's one of the original trolls.

Sometimes when I'm fucking yellow pussy I tense up my ass muscles and push extra hard to ensure that I get balls deep when I cum.

It's either war or migration, they simply can't leave you alone. It's contra to logic that importing more people will have more of anything. We already import food, when we import more migrants we will have to import even more food and get even more into debt and have even less space to grow natively. Capitalists and Christians are retarded to the maximum.

You get to see the doctor? Must be nice.

underrated and checked.

> you should have your life ruined after going to the hosital

i got an exam on my foot once because i injured it and it was over 1000 dollars. I decided to never got to the doctor again after that. i don't care if i am dying. if i were dying, it would probably cost over 100000

fuck the american healthcare system

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I get to because im not a nigger on foodstamp. You're alive thank to white american taxpayers faggot.

on another note: fucking vile.

capitalists (believers in individual liberty) and christians would be absolutely based if they didn't stop willing to fight and die for what they believe in.

Take more English classes, Chang. I can't tell if your gf is a chink or the doctor that's the chink.

What were you doing to hurt your foot?

herro chinks

I would like those Christians following 10 commandments, but none ever do. But lets go back to topic on related matters, which is in EU we sold pharmacy companies to Switzerland, so now you can imagine the price of glorified salty water aka medication will also go up and on top of that we will import it, so double price increase. This is what they want, similar story with migration. And then also EU now makes inspections what is good food and drug, so you can expect more crappy medicine and crappy food with higher prices, because they also charge you to inspect you, HA.

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Whiter than you.

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mate, that's pretty interesting. i've heard something similar regarding agricultural regulations in the EU. thanks for the info, sloveniabro. fancy some african cuisine?

why so angry leaf? it's not only you fault that you are a pleb poorfag, you parents and your cuntry are also responsible.

So because you feel like it was overpriced, which I agree it could be lower, you think a better alternative is what I have? Let me tell you what would have happened here: you wouldve waited at least 10hours sitting in a waiting area after taking a little number as if you were in a deli, then you wouldve been called to the doctor. Then more waiting in the doctor office. Then youd be move arpund everywhere until you finally get your cast. At the end it will have costed more than paying for a private inssurance if you calculate the hours lost as well as your taxes that you paid for that shitty garbage service. Was the 1000 a deductible? If not, why no insurance?

No thx, i eat mostly bio homegrown anyway and never needed doctor in my life. Those outbreaks of Ebola are just mother nature crying in pain to leave her alone. Interesting how they don't learn from Africa, since Africans run away because there's no food, they ate up all the nature and there's too many of them. Seems like they want same scenario in EU and that will increase prices, increase importation of food and prices of medication and at end of it you will have no forests left.