‘A betrayal beyond words’: The far right melts down over Taylor Swift’s endorsement

>The news caught Jow Forums and Reddit trolls mid-post. On the pro-Trump r/The_Donald board, someone had just written out a sexual fantasy in which Swift and Kanye West hooked up because “Trump being the best president is actually something they both agree on.” The author edited the post minutes later: “NVM didn’t realize Taylor sold out to the left.”
>“This is more than likely from Democratic MK ultra forces from above,” m3Me_Magic wrote on The_Donald. “I highly doubt Swift decided to become political at the 11th hour all on her own.”


This is what Jow ForumsThe_Donald and /ptg/ actually believe

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Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Who the fuck is melting down over this? No one.

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Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Every one of these "aIt-right controversies" has been a closed Ioop of shiIIs posting things themseIves and then reporting on it

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it



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>implying the people making those threads arent wapost and buddies themselves

are lesbians a jewish trick?

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>Literally a seething dog pic
You're having a meltdown.

>pop singer wasn't MK ultra from the beginning
Imagine believing that

>>The news caught Jow Forums and Reddit trolls mid-post. On the pro-Trump r/The_Donald board, someone had just written out a sexual fantasy in which Swift and Kanye West hooked up because “Trump being the best president is actually something they both agree on.” The author edited the post minutes later: “NVM didn’t realize Taylor sold out to the left.”

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Wow Nazis are so fucking ass blasted right now

This is great

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

She never betrayed anyone here because she was never Jow Forums's girl in the first place. She is a carpet muncher and all her past boyfriends were paid beards. Kylie was her first true love.

wow lugenpresse is lying i am so suprised and pissed, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

>Washington Post
What even is this timeline?
In other news Rick Astley says he did not make his 1987 hit classic Never Gonna Give You Up as an elaborate prank for future internet users.

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it.

>30 year old roastie turns out to be a leftie
Imagine my shock

And absolutely no one is melting down about this.

Taylor hates white people now.

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Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it


>this young bottle-blonde woman wearing skimpy clothing who dances with halfnaked black men on stage while singing about one night stands isn't a conservative?!!!
>I thought this person who is at the top of the most jew-controlled industry in the world was litterally OUR GURL!!!

It's pretty obvious Swifft is a dyke. and so is her "buddy" Kloss. I know a dyke when i see one and im looking at two right there in your pic. The dead giveaway is the effiminate men she dates. straight women like chads. Gay women like fags.

She's almost 30 and still doesn't have any kids, what did people expect?

Start reporting these threads they are off topic spam and mods will delete them.

I am fucking LOVING this. Yet again, Nazi scum are completely BTFO by reality.

For the record: Nazis were fucking idiots in 1933, they're fucking idiots now, and they're going to continue to be fucking idiots until the sun grows cold.


Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Look at that shitskin eye color. Hideous.

Hehe, did any of us even buy any of her crap anyway? Sure, we enjoyed her as a meme, but that was all she was. The way it didn't REALLY match realtity was part of the joke.

The absolute state of the Judenpresse


demobros!!keep resisting the orange while listening that sweet tay tay music

I'm getting real fucking tired of the circular logic bait.

turning taylor swift into the nazi queen was fun, but I'm not really into crappy pop breakup music

i love seeing alt-right incels getting btfo

this lmao

Karlie seems oddly quiet about this whole debacle.

>washington post is now reporting on reddit posts.
I literally can't even explain how horrible the fate these journalists deserve is (in minecraft).

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Look at the Nazis try to deny that they're fucking idiots.


Blue wave coming this November

Pol on suicide watch

Wait what?? All I saw in previous threads on here and /ptg/ is shills shilling this and people still saying they gonna use the Tay memes they got. You people from reddit are glowing so much that a blind man can tell the croocked nose on your face is there

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Maybe some real freaks among us were so obsessed they bought a CD to jack off to the sound of her voice, but I assure you for the vast majority it was limited to making photoshop collages. She won't lose any income from disavowing us!

I fucked Karlie's throat in a hotel so I'm pretty sure she's bi at least.

losing everyday since November 2016 has made all worth it

the TayTay thing was always just a meme to troll liberals. No on on Jow Forums gives two shits about Taylor Swift.
Jow Forums will move on like always.

also she was about to hit the wall anyway so who gives a shit

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WaPo reporting shitposting on reddit. wew. paper of record, indeed


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that looks pretty tasty, but it needs another layer of meat and fries


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Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it.

Every one of these "aIt-right controversies" has been a closed Ioop of shiIIs posting things themseIves and then reporting on it

We co-oped TayTay's Aryan beauty long ago. Her opinions have nothing to do with it. She is just trying to get the Jews off her back anyway

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it.

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All I got from that is that leftists are anti-racemixing apparently. Looks like another D vote in November.

How can mainstream, “respectable” media think it valid journalism to report on what fucking plebbit and Jow Forums are talking, about for fucks sake?
They could be coming here themselves and start the discussion themselves only to report on it later, creating their own stories. In fact, I bet my nutts that’s exactly what they’re doing
Anonymous internet boards are NOT a valid source BY FUCKING DEFINITION
Jesus Christ, it was bad enough that they got their content off Twitter, now they come here. Their absolute state, I guess...

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

you must like disappointment

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Denial. It's a helluva drug, isn't it?


You fucking IDIOTS.


Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it.

i honestly dont understand why people here tried meming her as some conservative icon

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>WaPo reporting on Reddit posting

Ha haha hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

lol last thread got pruned minutes after this was posted.

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Already known.

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

>On the pro-Trump r/The_Donald board, someone had just written out a sexual fantasy in which Swift and Kanye West hooked up
>/ptg/ and t_d writing blacked fanfic
Looks like everything checks out

>make post
>get one reply
>screen cap it

Thats how you make headlines, goys.

>written out a sexual fantasy in which Swift and Kanye West hooked up

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Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it.....

>m3Me_Magic wrote on The_Donald

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Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

If any journos are actually reading this, Tay Tay has been our longest running meme.

We have always supported the Ye, who called out this joker first.

>Nothing in life is promised except death

Who said we were mad. I've never loved her ayway

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sorry I dont listen to (((modern))) music, who's this thot?

Start reporting these celebrity threads they are off topic spam and are also waifu/avatar faggotry. Mods will delete them.
Leftists trying to generate media narratives will have to fuck off somewhere else.

>Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

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Why are people mad? Wasnt she fucking drake?

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Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it

Taylor has been a SJW operative all along.

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>post taylor for 2 years

>"we dint care about her,tho!"

the absolute state of /pol WEW



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>Washington Post reporters actually spend hours on Jow Forums and then publish articles about what they read

Every one of these "alt-right controversies" has been a closed loop of shills posting things themselves and then reporting on it.

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Don't let her troll you into giving her free publicity, ignoring her is the best way to hit her pocket book.

Start reporting these celebrity threads they are off topic spam and are also waifu/avatar faggotry. Mods will delete them.
Leftists trying to generate media narratives will have to fuck off somewhere else.

I see this board has at last reached its final form, morphing from /t-d/ to twitch chat. Sad!

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