Who else wants Tarl to stick his dick up their ass?

Who else wants Tarl to stick his dick up their ass?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-08 Populist Bolsonaro Wins First Round, Will Probably Win Runoff on October 28th (1244x700, 1.44M)

what are mad about this time Jared? her fee fees hurt about the new SCOTUS

fuck off (((soros)))

No, I just want a Styxhexxenhammer666 Plushie.

Jared if you keep naming the kike, daddy soros won't fund you anymore

Probably the only youtuber who I have been able to watch for this long and still have the utmost respect for. Truly a based individual.

gas every libertarian

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Mad that his worst vids outrank your “fuck Trump” rap?

no thanks

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You can't handle the 10.2

No, just circle the rim of my asshole with one of his spoons.

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I talked to styx privately on Google hangouts and he told me he was a Muslim lol

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I wish I could go to Vermont and hang out with Styx, discuss occult shit etc.

I don't but I'd definitely hang out with him.

Styx corrected predicted the 2016 election...what have you correctly predicted?


Back in the oven, kike.

Did this faggot really need to add 666 to the end of that handle? Was Styxhexxenhammer really taken?
He took something passable - in PSN circles at least and fagged it up into tryhard vagina tier

Can anyone explain to me why is his channel unavailable in Poland?

You don't understand the reason behind the 666. It's above your head one might say xD

I would endure all the discomfort his 10.2 inches could dish out for that moment he finishes and leans over and whispers in my ear, "thats about all".

Did you ask him why he doesn't name the Jew in his latest video? Why does he always refer to them as "globalists" or "elite"?

Kek. Poland + China = Polina.

Duh, cause he doesn’t want to give ammunition to the S(((J)))Ws who would get him defunded.

Catholicucks have a problem with the occult and channels that discuss it. Enjoy your 1984 style dictatorship, I sure its great without all those pesky migrants!