Is there a more beautiful politician?

is there a more beautiful politician?

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Mummy thread!

post tits or GTFO


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Yup, now this is epic.

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Do you have to ask?

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>more beautiful

Yes, though she's liberal scum and his father is a banker who used her position in the government to commit frauds.

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Don’t mind me
Just passing on through

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i-is that photoshopped?


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What about that Ukraine qt?

hag face but nice bobs, very nice bobs actually

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> conservative
> beautiful
> president of Croatia
> Smart

A politician, u fucking retarded burger

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No Surrender

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>Cokhead single mother with fetish for cuckolding

She's OK, but she's no Kristi Noem

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Yes. I only fap to Merkeks milkers.

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Her face gives me courage for some reason.

IIRC she's a lawyer not a (((politician)))

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Fuck you you sick fuck

Pic related this is what peak femininity looks like. An angel.

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alenka bikar has a better ass


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Nah just shit angle and lighting also no make up

change that to
>is there a more beautiful woman?

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I you only knew.

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Would be kinda cool if she ran for president.


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>Russian, single mother, atheist and commie
>Basque, mother of 5, catholic and right-wing

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stupid sexy ricardo

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I'd refer you to The God Emperor as an answer to your question.

>tranny first "lady" mail order bride

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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>single mother
She's married
Devout Orthodox

god i wish i was that fishe

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>She's married
with whom?

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I loved the food when I visited Germany but rollmops are the one thing I flat out refused to try

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Do her feet stink?

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Some Russian guy who's richer, more successful and more white than you

>She's married
But her only child is from a previous partner.
She's married with a cuck.

What game is that

some russian dude
but don't worry, he's doing a great job supporting his wife and his wife's son

Daughter actually

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she deserves better

so he's a literal cuck? lmao

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lol dude your a fucking cuck and a faggot bitch get a life

fuck repeat captchas and fuck this site your all dead to me

god, I wish that were me

She's like 40, that guy's pretty good for her I would think.

>wearing pants
>not wearing a veil

She's a non-traditional degenerate.

now that I see her close to another person that is also as old as her I can see that she is actually a really pretty woman

She's looking old now. I don't find oldhags attractive, sorry.

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This will haunt my dreams, you cunt.

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>Ordering the execution of an unknown nigger and his spawn while bearing another proud member of the white race

Why'd you open the pic then you nigger? I didn't.


It didn't need to be opened to see it...I've seen some awful shit over the years but that one is up there.

I dunno man, it probably doesn't even crack the top ten.

>that slavic face

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How did they get Tim Roth?

Damn she is beautiful

>husband is not in military uniform
>is not referred to as "the captain" more often than "your husband"

she deserves so much better.

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Answer is no.

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Probably not, but it's a contender for top 25. I'm going to go look at pretty Russian ladies to cleanse my mind and soul.

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I want to sniff those feets.

How dare you speak about mother that way.

No, that was her 90s brapper.

no way faggot. gtfo

What's her pussy smell like?

I'm going to be straight with you shit Australia, she's as hot as the surface of the sun and I'd fucker twice a day and all weekend. She's an evil progressive though.


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Kicking U.N. asses and taking names

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Man, you missed out. Its fucking delicious

cabbage and vodka


I despise that pooish zogbot.

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Siphon Filter

Eww stop posting this old used up bitch.

i'd eat her asshole alive

She needs to go to the bathroom?

Solyanka and potatoes.


She is married and happy

Leave her alone and find a new waifu

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