White girl posts pic of monkey being hanged (PART 3)
tweet it at her
9/10 would bang
Fap Fap Fapity Fap
Same here desu
Fuck NIggers
fucking niggers trying to get her expelled
White women are a lost cau-
you win the internet xD ...Hilarious!
>literally nothing to indicate that this meant to be racial
>if it were any other animal nobody would give a fuck
>but because its a monkey niggers are getting uppity
I think she's watching The Goonies in the background.
Bitch is get what she is deserving. Imagine how much you people would got angry and violent if we took a picture of hanging a white doll. Stop being hipocrits. Everyone must be equal punish.
this is only racist if you assume the stereotype of black people being monkeys. there's nothing racist in this picture, just a girl having a bit of morbid fun. I'd sue that nigger into the ground.
>White girl
Look at the fucking nose
That's a jazz jennings lookalike
ebic trole x3
Damn you guys never fail to amaze me.
no the difference is that blacks should actually be hanged dummy
I was told in the last thread the negro was on its way here to chimp out. I am disappoint.
How many more (part X) threads are you going make?
It was all outrage trolling and zero discussion in the previous one.
just look at this "white" aryan goddess
Based Lindsay Graham in the background
>nose equals jew
Looks Italian to me.
it just shows to the minority's, race is only skin deep.
mfw a niggress calls herself a monkey and writes without using backspace.
This. Most Jewish face I've ever seen.
Mind your own business wh*toids
Who fucking cares this isn’t politics stupid nigger sliders
The nu(fe)male O-face combined with the pixels make it difficult to make proper assessments.
this. tweet it at the black chick
Buncha hipocrits itt desu
Unto us a new queen of pol is born. All heil Mads McCollister.
That's what white americans look now-a-days, so yes, white.
>ruining your life for a edgy joke
shes everything you expect from a NPC drumpf fan
I guess this just confirms that niggers actually think of themselves like monkeys too.
>Google's solution to accidental algorithmic racism: ban gorillas
>Google’s ‘immediate action’ over AI labelling of black people as gorillas was simply to block the word, along with chimpanzee and monkey, reports suggest
With all the harassment and doxxing she is gonna get she is probably gonna full liberal now and suck Tyrone's cock to apologise for her race.
why can literally nobody spell a sentence correctly? I haven't seen 1 tweet from the black twitterverse so far that even comes close, even if you want to type how you speak, they don't even bother to erase the mistakes in their own dialect
See if she’s Jewish. Just for closure
I feel bad for her. I know these silly sorority girls and they usually don’t bother anyone, they just like hanging with friends and other girly shit. That’s probably her stuffed monkey that she brought to school with her. Fucking niggers, I swear to god. The moment they smell blood they all jump in like a bunch of cowards. She shouldn’t have apologized.
top 5 NPCs
>those fucking nigger chimpout replies
You just know they got their top people to try to resolve it too.
>She shouldn’t have apologized.
this. it only made it worse.
>its a monkey niggers are getting uppity
I agree this is dumb and she deserves what’s coming to her. However, whites wouldn’t go out of their way and tell the school. No other group of people would give a shit if you did this toward their race.
So you admit blacks and monkeys are the same thing?
yeah, to her that is just a toy from her childhood, the last thing on her mind was black people. Probably just having some fun with her new friends and now everything is fucked. Hope she isn't cucked in any way, job or school wise.
top lel meight
>blacks and monkeys are the same thing?
Dont worry, she will just have to suck a few niggerdicks for redemption.
The only group more fragile than niggers is muhammid worshipers
>evidence of history of racism
So if she actually was racist then it would be grounds for going after her...
Coming up next: racism officially becomes a punishable crime!
A completely unnecessary one. She has no foresight, not worthy of being in our society.
premium jej
If we go by average IQs then yes.
Nice run on sentence, retard
shes watching GOONIES on
fuck I was close to digits
>Imagine how much you people would got angry and violent if we took a picture of hanging a white doll.
So a monkey is a black doll?
Can niggerdom be explained by a lack of imagination? Or is that just another symptom?
Why instead of being keyboard warriors for once you actually do something you mutts?Noone is telling you go whiteknight mode. But here you have the perfect opportunity to turn a white girl into a redpilled one that hates niggers and hates this fucking world where she has to tiptoe around every faggot's feelings.Just redpill her and doxx the niggers that will go full chimp on her for sure. If you don't chances are she is gonna become another roastie apologist that fucks Tyrone to get back at the patriarchy and her white father.
ps : Make sure she is not a kike first though
I wonder why blacks always assume people view them as monkies.
the coons are retarded
What does an actual apology look like?
Every time i see someone mess up and apologuze , people always have to say that apology sounded fake or something. Is this just something people say just to say
her last name is McSomething though
that wasn't my point you pedantic faggot
>identifying with a toy monkey
It's all so tiresome
>mind your own business
The fucking irony...
there are two different people involved.. the girl in the pic is a different one (the Hispanic name)
the girl the nigger is going after is the one who posted it (not the one in the pic
Fuck off back to r*ddit faggot
well you need to sauce me then because I saw it as Martinez
Same reason why Jews always bring up the holocuast. Oppression identity.
Where’s the white girl?
Of course the first thing on their nigger minds was violence.
Report the fuck out of her tweets for targetted harassment. Let's find some background and get her gibs taken away
for starters she a stoner to no ones surprise
wish nobody had to post pix of monkeys hanging worse than they hang from trees but man they do it to themselves
>in tears
This. I'm tired of niggers chimping out with no reprecusions. If they want to behave like animals then they should be treated like animals. Take away her families food stamps.
This. Niggers need to see negative repercussions to this ooga booga fuck wypipo bullshit.
>hanging a toy monkey
>equivalent to hanging a nigger
And the best you can come up with is a white doll
White women continue to prove themselves the fucking dumbest race/sex combo imaginable.
Is this intentionally/ironically hypocritical? Are black bitches actually THIS brain dead?