Climate change

So Jow Forums. Are we fucked or are we fucked?

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we need to close the ozone hole as soon as possible and at any cost

If you want to re-enact Children of Men, it'll be a grand old time.

if we all stop breathing out co2 the planet will be saved.
you start

>ozone hole
I forgot that was a thing

Don't worry, nuclear winter will cool things down before then.

no climate change is fake

but in real news, I pulled my hand out of my crotch after a scratch today and it smelt like man! I was shocked. only been on hormones for 6 days now

Awesome, I thought we were going to be underwater by 2020.

I can make it all go away possibly

I'm pretty sure it went away.

Why are banks still giving loans to build condos in FL?

We'll get to 2040, nothing will have changed at all, and everyone will forget this and the doomsday date will be extended again.
As it has been, as it shall be.

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Because people are applying for them.
You meant, why are insurers insuring the properties.

How do you short Florida real estate?

I thought the ozone hole was going to rip away our atmosphere by 2000

Nothing close to what has been predicted will come to pass by 2040.

At which point the climate alarmists will pat themselves on the back and say, “We did it reddit, we saved the planet.”

>Unironically believing that humankind has impact on climate change

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Government stole weather modification technologies from Tesla in the 40s.

only way is to genocide nations with out-of-control populations, like China, Africa and India.

Coincidentially, those nations are also destroying the environment by shitting on environmental safety standards

"Transforming the world economy at a speed and scale that has no documented historic precedent".

A huge societal change is needed. I believe that that change cannot be anything other than SOCIALISM.

The relentless pursuit of capital and growth is what has brought us to this point.

Capitalism is now an existential threat and must end as soon as possible.

Then find ways to mitigate the impact, that's not an excuse to do nothing.

"socialism" is a pyramid scheme, fuck off jew

You are fucked

>HAHAHA the future of the world belongs to the brown hordes!!! Africa's population will explode!!! Whites BTFO!!!
>OMG!!! White people please pay your carbon tax to save the world!!! China is the biggest polluter but we would rather make you pay for the carbon tax!!! Don't you want to pay to save the world that will belong to the brown hordes and Africans?

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and only a strong, authoritarian fascist government, detached from the global corporate interest and embracing the traditions of old, will be able to muster the change needed to save this earth

It's been gone for quite a while now. Also I'm pretty sure that was the last real man made dramatic environmental destruction thing to happen.

I don't think there will be an impact.
We'll get there an you'll have forgotten about it, because you have a short attention span.

>economy controls the climate
Kikery is afoot

Enjoy having refugees balloon to 100 times their current level. Do you have the guts to gun down women and kids at the border?

Well....why are they? If sea level raised a foot, London would be under water...yet, everyone is still building.

For 50 years now these same people have been saying
>We've only got about 20 years left, then the earth is going to be a literal hellfire
It never happens.
>Hole in Ozone Layer!!
>Acid Rain!!!!
>Sea levels will rise and by 1990 Florida will be under water!!!!

Do you really think that we can can "transform the world economy at a speed and scale that has no documented historic precedent" with capitalism still intact? Absolutely not.

Capitalism is the vast amounts of money in the oil and gas industry.

Capitalism is the wasteful single-use plastics and items that fill every home.

Capitalism drives the wasteful cheap clothing industry.

It is tight-fisted politicians refusing to invest in renewable energy.

It is the giant vehicle manufacturers clinging on to petrol and diesel vehicles so as to not risk their profit margins.

Capitalism drives low wages which leads to working class people relying on low-quality products that break quicker and must be replaced.

oh my god a skeleton on an animal, must be climate change

Let the "global warming" kill them. Not going to give a shit about the future of the planet if nigger keep being pushed as the future.

Also, fuck off Old Jersey.

so it's jews who control money, weather, media, entertainment, military..............

>reddit spacing paki believes in the Jewish hoax

>avoiding the damage requires transforming the world economy

Oh let me guess, into a fucking communist economy right?

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**perception of.
Same thing when you think about it.

remember when al gore said we'd be underwater by 2016?

Shut up racist.

Well they're not going to let themselves get killed by global warming. They're going to flee to high ground where crops can still grow. Again, are you willing to gun these people down in their droves?

The average global temperature has risen .4 degrees Celsius since 1860. That means the world population went from 1 billion in 1860 to 7 billion as of today. Global wa-, I mean Global co-, I mean climate change is not real.

Yes, now fuck off with your jewish scam.

Easy thing to say when you've never done it.

Did you see the IPCC report from today?

Get out of your retarded fucking pol-mind and wake up. It is the greatest threat facing humanity and all life on earth. Look out of your window and the trees and birds and shit. All gone.

This. is. real. shit. dude.

Perpetual alarmism. Goalpost moving pseudoscience and religion.At least, end of the world suicide cults had their good points!

> something will happen in a couple of decades

> I won't tell you but you have to accept my totalitarian vision of society to save yourselves

it DOES sound like propaganda from the chinese communist party

It all starts with China/India

See, climate change is a hoax. It is all about money.

note that so-called climate scientists are actually part of a climate data cartel

this data cartel has a track record of denying the public access to the raw data and obfuscating the process that produced it

Climate change predominately fucks over the chinks, poos, and nogs, so overall I consider it a win.

I'm from the south I beat little niglets all the time.

the people that tell you there are climate problems are the same people that told you a man went to the moon, NASA

these people are experts at getting the Americans to accept assertions without evidence or proof

You know what's bad.
Niggers will cut down all the forests in Africa and Brazil, pretty much getting rid of the air we breath.

>no documented historic precedent

Lol. We've been here so many times you'd think they'd just come down and tell us to knock it off already.
>Vatican Archives

>this *clap* is *clap* real *clap* shit *clap*
back to plebbit

>yet, everyone is still making monies

Tell Trump to stop letting NASA divert taxpayer dollars to this left-wing political propaganda scandal.

Don't forget we must help all the Africans to keep breeding, and also Europe must take them all in.

Sea algae is majority producer of atmospheric oxygen.

why on earth do these totalitarian political hacks think they are doing science

yelling and screaming at the public is not science

this is not how scientists announce their findings

been fucked, for like more than a century, just continue on with the simulations

You dont make money paying out more than you take in toothpaste. Most of the loans are 30years+.

if there's a 4c rise in temp you'd have to go like 500 miles north and bam, same temp as before. Just gotta make sure we shut off the southern border and let the spics cook down there.

>we get a legit thread on this topic made by a legit poster wanting to debate
>OP get BTFO as usual
>thread gets to bump limit
>suddenly a 1 post by this ID thread show up
>same topic and OP image
Are the bots watching which threads get the most replies then recycling the topic?

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this thread again?
fucking climate change hoax shills are out in full force today, aren't ya

Too kek you fucking spastic. So food will get scarce. Good. You could do with dropping a few bra sizes you fat cunt maybe then you won't need Google earth to find your dick.

>insurers insuring the properties
was the topic burgerfag. they do it because it brings in monies

>Do you have the guts to gun down women and kids at the border?
yeah i did it in iraq already. the mudshits used to use women and children standing in the road to stop our convoys to set us up for a complex ambush. orders came down to stop for noone and we mowed down slime women and children somewhat regularly until they wised up and stopped that tactic. no nightmares. no regret.

you moved the goalpost to insurers. the burger is right: banks would never give out a long term loan on coastal property if it was going to be flooded in less than 2 decades.

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>Studies have shown that IPCC reports constantly are postponing the doomsday date.

>jew york times

Give us your money to fix this, goy.

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B-but, muh shows of Kilimanjaro were supposed to be totally melted by 2015!

what an utter cesspit this board is lmao

>continuous process continuously makes things worse
>hurr it's not as bad as that one guy said it would be by X, better ignore it entirely
Go on, tell me how China and India are making it so much worse that western emissions being some of the highest per capita in the world still doesn't mean we have to change anything. Let's hear all the same retarded logical fallacies that get posted in every single one of these threads. Even better, blame the phenomenon on the Jews, or just deny the evidence it's actually happening.

>no nightmares
Lel, you're being saved for death then, that's all. Enjoy life, I guess? :/

i'm sure that i would have no problems shooting these subhumans as they attempt to invade our countries. just thinking about how they refuse to integrate, leech off welfare, rape women, kill people, rob, cheat, and steal would fuel my desire to kill them before they could enter. i would say that they're easy to dehumanize but i don't consider them human in the first place

Yes, but not in the way the liberals and media want you to think.
Winter chan has been memed into reality.
Look up adapt 2030, ice age farmer on youtube

Meh protectionism would do exactly that, too. At least that's what its opponents claim.

tfw i will finally get to larp as lord humungus

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why aren't you clapping for emphasis anymore? it was really convincing me

i don't believe in myths made-up by people who didn't even know how rain works

>being this autistic

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>implying the people working in insurance/finance give a FUCK about the 30+ year loans they can package up and sell in 5.

>i don't understand capitalism
and the burger asked why insurers would....not me

we are not fucked because Jesus is probably going to install himself into the most fascist state possible (likely the one country where the Bible was left open for reference by the founders) to fix the world with a compassionate but iron fist while overseeing the colonization of Mars

Nothing is happening and nothing will happen.
You want to radically, forcefully make people's lives worse in order to "address" a boogeyman non-problem.

If things actually changed and got worse, then people will change their activities insofar as it's worth the cost. YOU are not going to DICTATE that people radically alter their lives for a doomsday that's not fucking coming.
Go fuck yourself you controlling vitriolic cunt.

Is it just me or do climatologists push the doomsday timescale further down the line every decade?

>So,sea levels rise.
>Coastal areas become unihabitable.
>Greatest concentration of Leftists are concentrated in coastal urban areas.


Yeah it's closing on its own. So we must done now right?

chinks are the ones calculating western emissions. no real science refuses to release their raw data.

I wonder what would’ve happened if the ice age was slowered or halted and glaciers were still on top of the Great Lakes.

Oh fuck. First we avoided a new Ice Age in the 1980s, got by Peak Oil by the skin of our teeth, just survived the Y2K millenium bug and Mayan doomsday calendar and now this? When will our luck finally run out, senpai? I'm worried.

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It was all austerity with our current government, but after this IPCC propaganda hit they all of a sudden have money to spare.

It really does activates your almonds.

Either they kill themselves or they postpone the date. Those are the option for cult members.

you imply banks make money on long term loans even if the property is reclaimed by the sea. That is flat out wrong.

Gasp (clutches pearls) you meen Al Gore LIED?