Europeans, we are better than this

Do better, guys.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-10-08 at 8.38.53 PM.png (2670x1606, 1.12M)

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>white europeans
is there any other?

Well I guess some jews have been in Europe so long that they have to be called European. Not white though.

Care to post the source for this image?



Checked. Here's a better image. tl;dr Protestants committing suicide.

Attached: file-20170425-12650-16jxfww.png (754x835, 343K)

based portugal at it again

Italians, modern greeks, turks.

turanic and jewish europeans yes

Oh noe, how could we be so mean to the big noble chimp?
After all they are only sending their best to us.

It's always some anglosphere leftist trying to impose its slick derangements on the rest of the world: "look how progressive we are, far past those times when we were bigots imposing our ideologies onto others, now you must think and act like we do or you're a troglodyte"
Leftists are generally dumb beasts but anglosphere leftists are below animals, litteral talking fecal matter


>what white Europeans
So... Europeans?

Attached: A Great Man.jpg (616x468, 88K)

>modern greeks

>CZ with the high score
Right on.

Attached: CZ75_P-01.jpg (434x313, 50K)

>Balkan countries
WTF man, I knew the west was cucked but jesus, the Balkans

>serbia be like

Attached: 8AF4812C-8202-4CDA-A808-75E81FCC91B8.jpg (962x716, 98K)


Oldfag here. Old enough to remember being a kid in the 70s and seeing shit on TV and in my school curriculum about how we’re all the same and equal and blah blah blah. It’s been forty fucking years and if anything the blacks are even worse now, and they’re still repeating the same shit to the kids now. There’s a bunch of Asians and spic families that weren’t even here when I was a kid, and in my lifetime they showed up and blew by the blacks in terms of assimilation and financial success. How many more decades are we going to promote this charade?


>live in slovenia
>literally two black people in entire country
>asked by interviewer about race
>idk, man, blacks are pretty cool, they play basketball and rap and stuff

they didn't have any opportunity to interact with nogs, hopefully it will stay like that since they're too poor to attract them


Slovenia and Serbia YYAAAAASSSSS!!!!!
Merkel will send all the niggers and muslims there.

Why do you think they balkanized?

>Countries that have more regular contact have a lower opinion
Imagine my shock

If we should trust anybody its your country when it comes to nogs.

Some Europens are black, get used to it you bigot. What's next? You're going to say that only men can have penises?

>Serbia and Slovenia

to think that some niggers view themselves as europeans, "do better, guys" with this? I HOPE FOR FUCK SAKE NOT YOU NAIVE ANTI DARWIN FUCK

we could have won if it wasn't for that faggot and cuck central Prague

damn, didn't know those based kebab remover Serbs CRAVE for bbc

Jesus Christ, you can see Germany and Sweden just fading away.

Attached: 1538697403210.png (576x864, 921K)

I guess Tupac must be indeed alive in Serbia.

looks like map of average iq


Attached: iq_by_country.png (1357x800, 25K)

>Tfw Africa is the country of uneducated cavemen

China is only that high because they only tested the coasts where the trust fund babies are. If they did test the iq of china mainlanders it would drop a lot.


This country is lost

>Hrvats and serbs with that ebony-posting

It finally checks out

No. I hate the term 'White European' for that reason, it suggests that there is another kind.

Attached: ModernSlavery.jpg (1023x575, 106K)

doubt it, somehow in every single research the Chinese seem to be consistently as smart as Koreans and Japs

white americans
white canadians
white australians
white expats

and then there are Europeans that are not white like Sicilian and immigrant groups and south spain

Because they only test their smartest and most urban people. Have you not seen all the death videos from China or studied in university with them?

based south korea

Attached: 1476145216398.jpg (640x905, 404K)

they tend to be massive cheaters though
not that they aren't smarter than nogs or the likes but i'd take claims with a grain of salt

You have to be human to have a race, gypsies and blacks fail to meet that criterion