If the globalists want to ruin the west, why don't they increase the proportion of NPCs instead of flood it with unskilled immigrants?
If the globalists want to ruin the west...
More NPCs means more white people. Only white leftists are NPCs. Non whites are naturally retarded due to their low IQ and hivemind.
>why don't they increase the proportion of NPCs
They already do this with propaganda.
They do both and more. Ruining the West is a multigenerational project overseen by fallen angels.
t . npc
Nothing wrong with a hivemind. It's just lack of self-reflection that's wrong.
>what is halogenated water
NPCs are easy to control but that swings both ways, they can be convinced back to nationalism too given the right incentives
Barbarian hordes are hard to control but they have a natural predilection towards destruction so if destruction is your goal anyway...
Those are NPCs with line code
>>make it no matter what
It = money, sex with women, anchor baby.
Other anons can contribute to basic NPC programming of the unskilled immigrant
What? That's the same fucking thing. 3rd worlders are NPCs by default. Why do you think their societies are so shit?
Because NPCs arent a real thing, and the meme is a Jewish psyop. But you already knew that, didnt you Shekelstein?
The NPC meme is propaganda.
doomer detected
Unskilled immigrants are NPCs.
They want a replacement.
What exactly is wrong with football, pop music, fashion, and reality TV? This is our culture. Listen, how miserable are you all? Thinking about conspiracies is a buzz kill.
Jow Forums basics
>Who we are against.
>What we do. What we want.
White supremacist,Nazi,Alt-right among others are just labels given to those who speaks for white people and to those whites who want to preserve their culture,heritage & identity. So situation is like -Die or be the "bad guy"
Americans are already NPCs by default similar to women.
functionally, yes, NPCs do exist.
not a psyop