How did the jew take over the world ? When ?

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tribes without contact from the west until the 1970s. elders who walked out from the desert, now their grandchildren look like this.

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Ever read Uzumaki?
The Nazi's made a mistake letting all of that tainted ash go up into the air.

when the european nobles were fully habsberged into the Black Nobility

black nobility ?

the nazi tried to resolve the problem and failed but since when that problem exist ?

they infiltrate positions of power. One of the things during the spanish inquistion was getting rid of the jews that infiltrate positions of power. They kick them all out of spain

they never did, it's just nazi (and pre WW russian) BS made up to find a scapegoat for their own mistakes, the protocol of zion sages BS was writen by a russian newspaper (just before the first russian pogrom) and nazi's just surfed the wave....

the reason the jew hate began comes from the early dark ages where at the time church forbad christians to have a banking job & muslims religion forbid loans... so they put the jew in the banks "because they where religiously able to"

now add to that the fact that peoples don't like to pay their debts... and here's the whole story... yeap it's that stupid

The Holocaust.
They play the eternal victim, then get other people to give them things as reparations for their suffering. Its how they got a country from people who already lived their without their consent, and it is how they avoid being blamed for the shit they are responsible for. Notice how antisemitism is way worse of an accusation than racism? Its by design.

and if you wanna see how they did it you just look no further than the recent "kids in cages" propaganda

here are their names, you may recognize some

When dumb asses like you started believing in it!

and how make it end ?

shut the fuck up you idiot you know you're wrong and we know why you're saying all this

ending the law of incorporation, it will do the most damage to their power structure than any war or revolution can. Every country with a central bank is under incorporation contract so to break it would free every nation and people will be sovereign in their own country, also all debt will be cancelled

T.kike fuck, look up the rothschilds op, along with other rich blood families.

yeah "history's wrong, we are right,it's the jews fault"

you fucking learn'd history by watching fox news and reading cereal boxes, you ignorant fuck can't do anything expect spilling what you read on Jow Forums or facefucking book, go get educated then come back have a real talk

Q E fucking D


just by being overall better in the brain than the goyim.

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hahaha... no

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pretending getting fucked by nazi , not a single contry really like you or are really your alies only politician and get the most hated contry of the that being overall ?

why do you think hitler hated them?

and remove the skin of your dick being overall look so great