Is there any white country that successfully civilized niggers?
Is there any white country that successfully civilized niggers?
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What the fuck is this nog even saying? Translation?
China: huwite's are just too low iq
Is there any black country that ever civilized niggers?
No American chink wants to live in China because China is shit.
What does run my 30 mean. Does that mean hes going to shoot her with a 30 caliber gun or something?
i assume it's a charity marathon he puts on to benefit his community. why else would you run 30
>"This bitch gonna run my 30"
Rhodesia was okay
30 yard dash. She wants to have a race, a race war
We came close here in America but then the civil rights movement happened and it all went to shit
there it is
>What does run my 30 mean.
She's a drug mule. People don't say the drugs by name when ordering, they just say the amount thats being paid "I need 20, 30, 40, etc".
I still don't understand any of that.
He wants to make her his drug mule.
this is a trick question: you whitoids stole civilization from africans
Angola did well and will likely get better.
Subversive niggers or retarded niggers?
No, you just couldn't advance since Africa is a shitty continent to live on excluding the south and northern parts. Your people are malnourished due to the unforgiving environment, and as a result your societies (with some exceptions) have never been anything other than some huts and your cultures revolve around finding other tribes, chimping out, and then dying of some sort of disease. This is probably b8 but I don't care kek
>"A cuhh you sorry in football."
It's as if they make an effort to speak like retards.
>run my 30
Imagine having to run muh 6 million
its niggerspeak, it isn't supposed to make sense
>you just couldn't advance since Africa is a shitty continent to live on
No, they couldn't advance because they are subhuman homo erectus spawn that would probably have had a Darwinian moment by now if it wasn't for fucking white people trying to constantly lift them up.
I believe in it's native tongue, that is some sort of call to arms.
Oh and also you'll hang along side it on the day of the rope, fag.
holy fuck return to reddit you absolute cucklefuck
Vastly underrated lol
this desubh
Never met a nigger in my country that would be socialy, intelectualy, or in any way inferior than other people, so there probably is a way. They dont really differ in their cultural values here, you see them being slightly diffirent due to their skin color, accent etc. but honestly nobody gives a sht about that. On the other hand we have gypsies which fit american description of niggers perfectly (ruin economy, crime participation on daily basis, overall unintagrable as shit). I would like to hear a legitimate explanation of a certain minority becoming problematic cuz it sure as hell ain't niggers here.
They literally had the most resource rich contintent to themselves for years and did NOTHING with it. They still do NOTHING with it. In fact, they kill white farmers because "wypipo bad n shieet" then they starve because none of them know how to farm. They weren't built to be good at sports, they were built to be slave labor. Period.
God the Monkey Madness quest sucked
>they were built to be slave labor. Period.
Slavery is bad, m'kay. And if I remember correctly, they weren't even that good at it, they are just inherently too stupid and lazy and complacent to free themselves from any form of slavery. I would argue that if they 'were built' to be anything it is clearly to be that of an animal, living awash in a sea of time, never solving problems more vexing than finding enough food to eat for the day. Wait, do animals destroy their environment and each other due to stupidity? Nevermind, niggers are worse than animals and are only built to be deleted because they are a gigantic wrong direction in evolution.
I know you all hate black people out here but to reach far enough and act like a single word that was a single letter off makes the entire sentence incomprehensible is fucking ridiculous
Civilized Nigger, Oxymoron.
It's almost like the answer to the question: [x] niggers into humanity?
now this sentence right here thats some incomprehensible shit right there
You are a fucking newfag and must either lurk moar or go back to the normiespace. Preferably you kill yourself.
I'm not a nigger so sorry for not understanding it. democrat pos
can anyone translate this?
where are the other 11 nigger facts
There's more than 11. I'm not going to post them here because you can simply not-google it and find them all. Maybe you'll even get inspired to make your own fun nigger fact when you become a big boy.
what does "run my 30" mean?
I might be a faggot, but at least I'm not a nigger.
Whats up with niggers and twitter? Do they really think (lol) that people care at all about every single nigger thought (lol) that pops into their head?
>eyo look at this white girl
Has everyone forgotten how to search for shit on the internet? You don't even have to use a different bar anymore, you can just set your search engine to duck duck go and fire away in the address bar.
me neither you piece of shit. but appreciate it, I found the 41 nigger facts
>I found the 41 nigger facts
And now for your penance for your faggotry you must construct at least [1] new and original content fun nigger fact. I'm sure there's something unique about niggers in hueland. Maybe they finally figured out a new way to fuck shit up.
now you're asking too much of me. I'm new to this race thing. I have being exposed to race realism in not much more than a year. and finally embraced it in recent months
She finna beat a bitch ass bruh
>Do they really think (lol) that people care at all about every single nigger thought (lol) that pops into their head?
I'm not sure that they are that self-aware. One thing is for sure, niggers really fucked up the neighborhood of the internet. This just goes to show you that wherever niggers go, they must destroy.
Cool White boy who hangs with blacks in my city here. You all over thinkin this. What he is saying is that he is going to attemp shoot her with his gun. As in she is going to RUN away from his gun. Please dont use google for slang, i recommend going out and interacting with blacks because they are cool people and black women love my cute white boy looks and charm lol
>now you're asking too much of me.
Constructing original content is expected of any user that expects to be anything other than a newfag faggot pleb. With enough effort and OC you might someday become merely a faggot.
>i recommend going out and interacting with blacks
I did this and now I'm a genocidal white nationalist that's too redpilled to live and too full of hate to die.
wtf is this supposed to mean?
i don't understand a fucking thing they're talking about.
someone tell me what point the negress who posted the image was trying to make and wtf the other nigger was talking about.
where is the fucking coon whisperer when we need him?
What was the original video?
They are fine, when castrated. The ayys never quite finished the african breeding program.