Considering that the right has given up any moral/ethical stance (grab 'em by the pussy and fuck a pornstar raw blah...

Considering that the right has given up any moral/ethical stance (grab 'em by the pussy and fuck a pornstar raw blah blah blah).....can someone explain to me why Christians vote right wing when Jesus was explicitly a social democrat.

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actually, Jesus was an Absolute Monarchist if anything.

Kys kike

Why is that obviously Levantine man portrayed as a negro? They look more like Mediterraneans than anything. Also, Christianity is a feminine religion.


Jesus was pretty clear in that you should voluntarily give your wealth to help the unfortunate, not vote in regimes to steal everyone's money and kick a few crumbs down to the poor.

Considering that op has given up any moral/ethical stance (grab 'em by the dick and fuck a fellow faggot raw blah blah blah).....can someone explain to me why op posts bait when Jow Forums was explicitly fine without it.

Sage you dumb kike

repubs are bad but democrats are worse with the lgbtq++ shit also abortion

blessed are the meek

Were you born a niggerfaggot, or did you have to suck a ton of cocks and smoke weed in front of apartment complexes for a while to become one?

Jesus was apolitical, which is one of the reasons the Jews did not accept him.

"render into Caesar that which belongs to Caesar" was not a statement of approval but of dismissal. the next line makes it clear "render unto God that which belongs to God." earthly kingdoms are irrelevant next to the kingdom of heaven.

Because the other side wants to kill them and destroy our society.

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Jow Forums was not "fine" without bait.

its an uncomfortable circlejerk.

Because God hates faggots and Democrats consistently break traditional moral values. The right is just as bad, which is why I am libertarian.

who's "them"? and why do you feel frightened?

the left hates white people and therefore we won't vote for you.

why do you use this shitty exemple? Jesus was against usury. So jesus was against progress. End of story. There isn't a single political ideology that ressembles what jesus preached. Anglo moralism isn't the basis for all ideologies lmao.

Jesus was for sovereignty and against slave ownership. God was also against one world order, which was tried in the past and will be attempted again.

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"Why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye? You hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." (Matthew 7:3-5)

>Jesus was explicitly a social democrat.
[citation needed]

He was a Theocrat.

Lol what? Jesus was against institutionalized religion

These threads are retarded. Everyone will share their stupid opinions about whether jesus was a democrat or a republican...

This is close to the truth. Jesus was against all types of institutions

Actually, Jesus was Nazbol

Jesus was an anarchist.
No no, not anarchist cookbook anarchist.
An actual anarchist. One that follows God exclusively.

He was not. He was against the institutionalized religion of the Pharisees and Sadducees. He instituted his own religion which today we call Christianity.

Same reason leftists vote for corporatist dems. They pay lip service to them.

Jesus was not a socialist you memeflagging faggot. He didn't come down to make peace, he came down with a sword to divide. Read the fucking Bible before you even attempt to shit on it, self-righteous NPC.

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

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>feminine religion
That is quite a feminine statement. Can you please elaborate?

>Jesus was a black socialist democrat transgender with polio and crazy ideas that were a twist on Keynesian economics but applied to protoneofascism

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>do not cast pearls before swine

It is
It correlates with femine personality traits and woman are more likely to be Christians

>literally created a theocratic monarchy not even on Earth, but as the seat of the divine itself
Yeshua was a Zionist whose concept of the kingdom of Israel was stretched to encompass the entirety of the world. The ultimate tyrant whose grace as obtained through subservience is the only ward against an eternal damnation he defined.

Virtue is not unmanly, in fact quite the opposite. That is why you see so many faggots affiliated with natsoc ideals.

The "ethical" stance of the left is completely anti-Christian. Even Satanism is closer to Christianity than the absolute state of the left.

Gospel of Thomas:
>114. Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary leave us, for females don't deserve life."

>Jesus said, "Look, I will guide her to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling >you males. For every female who makes herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven."

It is a male religion. There is no explicit female figure, and God is always depicted as a father. Also, one is not Christian because one tells you. It has to happen in heart. Is a serial killer suddenly a Christian if he gets dipped in water by a priest on death row?

Can you show me on this doll where Jesus touched you, kike?

Spiritual law is not tyranny. Are you also protesting against other laws that stretch across the universe? Do you regret how your cells work? Do you protest the fact that you have a memory or can feel emotions? There is a truth out there(not saying christianity encompasses it all), and to deny it brings only damnation.

The bible supports nationalism to prevent a new world order. See tower of babel and mystery babylon.

your jewsis is a nigger

>That is quite a feminine statement. Can you please elaborate?
Jesus spent his time rounding up and preaching to the sick, the weak, the poor, basically all of the untermensch. He appeals to the soiboys of society. I praise Catholicism for uniting Europeans against the caliphate invasions into Europe, but those Christians were largely just pagans larping as Christians. Even in holidays like Easter and Christmas you'll see the pagan traditions bleed through (eggs and rabbits representing celebrating the fertility Goddess during easter, and the Yule tree and great feast on Christmas are the most obvious examples). I love how the pagan traditions were preserved, and I recommend to continue practicing them, but the middle eastern practices needs to be removed from Europe.
>General religiosity was mainly related to Agreeableness and Conscientiousness
>Additionally, there was a weak positive association with extraversion, and a very small but significant relationship with low openness to experience. This same study also found that the two different concepts of religiosity and spirituality both involve an overall compassionate attitude towards others and positively correlates with agreeableness
>Mean level sex differences were found for Neuroticism, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness (women higher on all)
>inb4 femine personality means you are more manly
It is proved by science that men with femine personality/disorders people are more likely to to have problems with fertility
Taking it together - woman are more likely to confirm social norms and as Christianity is somewhat a social norm and promotes Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Neuroticism, it is a femine religion

Dems no longer represent anything close to anything based on Jesus.

Dems = Satanic illogical SJW'ist communism based on Islam, Globalism, degeneracy, and racism

Dems = Pharisees.

Be a Right leaning Independent

>Is a serial killer suddenly a Christian if he gets dipped in water by a priest on death row?
according to the rules, yet a baby who wasn't told about zombie jew is damned to burn in a lake of fire or boiling shit or (insert whatever is really bad here)

No it is not male religion
It is beta male religion which stands for Femine male
Collectivism (Agreeableness, Conscientiousness) are both proven to be femine. Females try to hold close to others and males, while male like to keep a distance

Jesus was a National Socialist.

Because fuck you. Sage

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Those miracles are also metaphors. Blindness can be mental, like when you experience di-vision as a result of divide&conquer social engineering. Why else do you have difficulty to see the overlaps between the traditional feasts around the world? Easter in Europe is the same fest celebrated around Astarte and Ishtar in the ME.

I guess it can't be helped that the Indo-European man spread his ideas across continents. I Europe needs a religion that is racially for Europeans and doesn't embrace everyone. The alternative is that you will get civic nationalism like America does. We're rapidly becoming a hispanic nation because boomers don't care as long as their are Christian.

>I Europe
I think Europe*

Religion is always collectivist and female. That is why I wanted to hear why one would post such pleonasm. Christianity is ultimately about personal responsibility, and a personal relationship with your creator. Submission only to God, not to worldly leaders.

Jesus was right wing and the Bible is ultra-right wing.

Faggots think that the Bible is 'love thy neighbor as thyself' or 'turn the other cheek' as if a disposable condiment for the greater social order.

God cast fire down on the degenerate hoards time and time again in OT.

God loves obedient, disciplined, quality humans out of the hoard of shits and degenerates. That's that Christianity REAL Christianity is.

God hates protesting niggers and protesters. He loves Pioneers, Inventors, and Providers of families.

t. evangelical homeschool christian who's parents were recked by the 60s degeneracy.

Why the FUCK is Jesus black?

Also 1 Samuel 8 is a pretty good pill on governmental power.

>social democrat
>speaks of how he has a kingdom in heaven, and will rule a righteous kingdom on Earth, and all who refuse redemption for their sin will suffer second death
Lol, yeah, right.

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Low Agreeableness means selfishness/immorality
Low Conscientiousness means irresponsibility and impulsiveness
I agree with that religions are more likely to be femine, but a person as manly as he can be is trying to rule the world himself according to he wants
Females are always second in our society

>can someone explain to me why Christians vote right wing when Jesus was explicitly a social democrat.

Because to vote leftwing will result in the eventual destruction of those christians. They daily shoah did a good episode on this recently about why the hard right christians support trump and it was basically "hes better than the alternative in that hes not actively trying to kill us. "

There's a big difference between being a sinner and openly advocating / celebrating Sodom and Gomorrah level degeneracy. The Christian right accepts Trump because he's not a hypocrite. If he was pounding his fist on the bible and got caught pounding porn stars they would have disowned him. They accept him as a flawed man chosen by God to do His work.

I've done work inside the homes of blacks before so these weren't social calls. Most of them have pictures of black Jesus on their walls. It's weird how people can even think Jesus was black.

Also Jesus considered himself a king, as did and do his followers. That's not exactly social democracy.

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Jesus Christ was the original anti-Semite

We've become very efficient at making this thread


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Jesus was black...

Jesus was... a nigger....

It kind of all makes sense now.

I can. Deus Vult. True christians know when to crusade.

"In times of war, laws are silent"

What are you a fucking Puritan? Oh that's right, you're a fucking hypocrite NPC. Fuck outta here faggot.