Should we make English the national language? I think it would help to unify our diverse population

Should we make English the national language? I think it would help to unify our diverse population.

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i personally think hebrew should be the national language
these are my own original thoughts

Holy shit, most people in the northwest don't speak English as a first language? That's a lot of indigenous ooga booga languages I'm seeing here, I thought abbos only made up like 5% of your population

shouldn't it be emu since they are the strayan master race

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Nah, write your own language you cunt.

yeah the population density map explains it a bit

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Thise areas are basically wastelands with 1 abbo per 20 sq miles, the population is centered almost entirely on the east and northeast coastlines

God damn, why are there so few people in the northwest? It's not a desert right? it's arable land

>No! We should teach people useless languages that only let them communicate with the subhumans that surround them in their immediate area. This will surely make it easier for them to integrate into society as a whole, get an education and get a job and improve their lives!

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abbospeak is still the second funniest language group after finno-urgic imo and you guys should probably make theirs the official one for laughs

hahahaha! oh sweet pea, some places up there have minimum YEARLY minimum temperatures of 90F, it can be over 95F for up to four months at a time. and did I mention humidity?

we use it for growing wheat

Let me guess, you live in the Wangka area?

>original thoughts
You’ve never had one of these schlomo. It’s why you hate the white man so much.

The northwest isn’t arable land save the Ord river irrigation project. It’s a literal hell suitable only for cattle

They don’t grow wheat there user.

Wtf are those ALLLL abo languages?

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for growing cows* whatever, I live like 4000km away from that place. go hunt some wild boar or whatever it is you people do

the only ones that survived the purge, yes.

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>the only ones that survived the purge, yes.

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Yep. You think that’s crazy, there are some 830 distinct languages in PNG, and that’s not including dialects. Then there are methods of counting. Once place I went in png they count in base six.

They range feed the cattle then finish them on silage or lukeana. God I wish you faggots would shut up about shit you have no idea about.

..b..but it was a cohesive nation of noble Aboriginals that was invaded and overthrown by the evil white men! They were living in peace and harmony with the environment and each other before those nasty British came and destroyed their Garden of Eden.

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As far as I'm concerned Western Australia is a de facto country. As a tasmanian it's shameful to have to provide power to your south australian neighbours, and doubly shameful to accept your gst payments. I'm happy to remain blissfully ignorant, just like you are ignorant of our snowstorms and death ants

>that one specc in the middle of the country
Is this where your Jews hide? Ours are in the cities.

Was there a single 'dominant' or powerful/interesting abo group, or were they busy sniffing glue already before the British prisoners arrived?

That's actually a US army base called Alice Springs ;)

It should be chinese

Kill all abos, succeed where our ancestors failed

You Ausies could fit like 100 million people just in the area around the southwest and south/east where the climate is nice.

That’s not even getting into the deserts and swamps/jungles that can still house many people with the righ infrastructure

Ausies get fucking and have some white babies

It's really obvious that it should

There were border clashes between tribal groups, but the vast areas you’d need to conquer and hold made dominance a non starter.
There are still long lasting enmities between some trivpbal groups, such as the Tiwi people and the Larrakeyah, Torres straight islanders and mainlanders, but the place is just too BIG

Like for real look at this, everything that isn’t brown/orange and red is completely livable and even the brown/orange area is fine with irrigation and AC.

You can even live in the red but it will take a lot of infrastructure work

Come on Ausies you guys need to lebensbraum your cotniment, 4-8 white children per couple NOW

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yeah okay lets replace all of dr zeus world with a bunch of fucking rental apartments


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lalalalala not listening those people would need sources of income they cant just exist in cities doing fuck all

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We don’t have enough of one pesky little resource to do that user. Water. See Goyder line. The rainfall is pitiful, and inb4 desalination

Dude you are severely overestimating how much space another 100 million people would take up, you could still preserve tons of land that deserves preserving you are as big as the USA and have the equivalent of Southern California climate many times larger than what we have

Desalination? What’s wrong with desalination? It’s expensive but because it’s easier to get water from other sources but if you did it enough the tech would improve and the price would fall like solar and fracking

do you even artesian basin?

not that I WANT more people here. but there's water underground.

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people living live fucking pack animals, forced into service jobs.

only a person from a city could think this was normal or okay

Yes I do into Artesian basin, which is why it shouldn’t be considered.

This is bigger than you roo boy, you and the kiwis might be the last hope of the white man

It’s the scale required. We currently have barely enough fresh water for 20 million or so coastal people. What you’re talking about is infrastructure to desalinate enough water for and additional 80 million.

>20 million people can't build 400 nukes

and why the fuck not? I'm not degrading myself to an ant colony just because the enemy does.

Well now I see the problem, the Ausies has the same negative “we can’t” attitude euros have.


It’s more a matter of ‘fuck off we’re fully user.

Can any of that land be reclaimed through geo-engineering? IIRC it used to be woodland before the Abos burnt it all down.

What about the southwest? I've always had a slight fascination with Perth

Geologically, the Pilbara and the Kimberly are some of the oldest on the planet. Apart from some riparian zones along riverbanks, the soil is of poor quality and would take quite some work to change the chemistry.
That said, the Ord River irrigation project stage 1 worked pretty well, unless you were a cane farmer.
Given how remote Kununurra is, getting produce to market is a big issue.

maybe in america it's okay to live in the suburbs and subsist on corn liquid. but I want a farm with real animals and real plants, and so do most other australians. use any negative word under the sun, I will still do what makes me happy.

Only been to Perth a few times. Once for my uncles wedding, again for the same uncles wedding, and one last time for his funeral.
Perthfags will be waking up in three hours time.

Do you bruces have any good abbo or spooky Australian wilderness stories?

Thank you for answering my question

There is no limitation to Americans running farms with real animals

We still grow most of the food on earth

yeah, this guy robbed me once. he lives in melbourne behind the aquarium. things were good at the start, he was my part time dealer. but one day he ran off into traffic screaming GONNA FINE A WOMAN! GONNA FINE A WOMAN with my fiddy buk in his hand.

Pine gap is the american military installation located near alice springs. They dont say what goes on there but ill bet its a radar/nuclear installation.

Joke's on you, I haven't gone to bed yet.
The metropolitan area is where like 80% of the population lives and we get nice weather most of the time. Most developed areas are around the river and along the coast so the city is fairly long and narrow. As you get further inland there's a bunch of hills and then pic related as far as the eye can see, with a few towns and whatnot scattered about.
The Southwest coast area is home to a bunch of neat agricultural regions such as vineyards and dairy farms. Also a lot of really nice beaches and tourist spots.
Most of our other farmed food production comes from an area to the north and west of Perth called the wheatbelt.

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Ehh, Albany is surprisingly nice, WA still feels like a foreign country though.

Been to Albany a couple of times and yeah it's pretty good. Got some family down there but it's about a five hour drive from here so I'm not heading back anytime soon.
I have to admit, It's kind of a strange feeling living in a city that's so vastly removed from the rest of the country. Travelling to the East means a longer flight than to some Asian countries so I've not been there outside of a couple of holidays.