>be german
>start both world wars
>create communism
>flood europe with refugees
>blame the jews
why are krauts so evil?
Be german
>>start both world wars
our enemies had it coming in both wars
>>create communism
yeah because almost every relevant philosopher is German
we weren't retarded enough to implement it though, that were the Russians
>>flood europe with refugees
that shit started decades ago, pushed by France, the UK and US, we only started doing it after decades of foreign occupation, brainwashing and diplomatic pressure
France actually created communism, much like every other ideology. France is where we come up with shitty theories and export them elsewhere to not suffer the consequences.
We're like the sneaky brother that gives prank ideas to his destructive german cousin and it always comes back to bite us in the ass.
Jewish "germans" are the worst, because of they you guys are getting even worst reputation. Also, germany DID NOT started it. It was Austria. WW2 was caused because the jews were scared of german influence in europe.
yes, we actually did start WW1
we encouraged Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia and we declared war on Russia and France
Germany wanted to strike preemptively because the French were propping up the Russians, who themselves got ever more powerful and were threatening Germany's and Austria-Hungary's position in Europe
try living on a diet of sauerkraut and black pudding for millenia
What did we do to become your ''enemy'' we were just minding our own shit we never bothered you nor those trecherous japanese dogs
this one again
>France actually created communism, much like every other ideology.
If you want to call the French enlightenment ideals a progenitor of communism then you are right.
>France is where we come up with shitty theories and export them elsewhere to not suffer the consequences.
You also implement them yourself. France has gobbled up Rousseau to no end.
You never were our enemy. We just needed to make sure that you can't be influenced by foreign powers and therefore tear a hole into our continental defense.
>pic related
Krauts need to go back to being Prussia and things will get better.
Mmmh that's true and the pic is also true but we thaught it was the most effective way to ''eliminate'' the competition from our markets.. hence why people call us the most jewish non jews we just like to sell stuff and buy stuff ''fair''
they combine collective instincts of asians with the cunning creativity of the whites
when you look into the eyes of an asian kid, you will see the same soulless abyss as when you look into the german child's eyes
Let's face it, post-prussian germany was and still remains a mistake.
The fuck is that picture.
they are chaotic evil coz no real Leadership.
They need a true Austrian to lead them my friend
>what are freemasons
>what is illuminati
>who do jesuits
>why is op faggot?
i know, but we have nearly full employment.
It's even hard to find Hobo-Artists
>All the evil jewy guys have G*rman last names
big think
Actually it was the Austro Hungarian empire who started WW1 though that country was poor as fuck so the Frogs and Brits blamed Germany because Germany had enough money for them to steal
WW2 was a result of the above
Everything else was unironically Jews
You have a based government.
>start neither world war
>nation that gave the most in the fight against communism
>the French were importing niggers before it was cool
>imblyinh it wasnt the jews
I guess the British started ww2 by encouraging poland to drop all negotiations with germany. Even worst that they didnt even follow through with their promise of protection
Most of The trash tier part of refugees (rapists murderers and thieves) that are coming to Europe, were the trash European states were sending to Iraq and syria and Libya since 2011 now Europeans have reinvited them back ,of course England and France are a gaint jihadists factories and they send a lot of them to Arabia
Anyway just take back your neo European citizens they literally screwed my country