Hey aussies, are you guys going to atleast climb or do something to Uluru before they close it off to whites?
Hey aussies, are you guys going to atleast climb or do something to Uluru before they close it off to whites?
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Its fucking Ayers Rock, cunt
>voluntarily travelling to the middle of fucking nowhere to climb a large rock
Do you often fly to Alaska to snorkel with the native birdfish or whatever the fuck they have up there?
Were you born a niggerfaggot, or did you have to suck a ton of cocks and smoke weed in front of apartment complexes for a while to become one?
I came here to say that but I changed my mid
Lol the filename.
Someone should build a shopping mall on top of it.
Try again..
I came here to say that but I changed my mind
A bottle shop I think
Are they planning to close it off to the white-eyes? A shame I really wanted to climb to the top and piss on it just once.
What geological process makes a hill like that in the middle of a flat plain?
The rock has two names...what are you guys talking about?
Funny thing is, the local blacks don't even care so much about people actually climbing it, it's the boomers that die trying that they find disrespectful.
>35 deaths since the 40's, mostly heart attacks
Millions of years of erosion.
That's just what's left after everything else eroded away.
Anyone calculated how many pavement slabs you could make out of Ayers Rock yet?
people keep littering ontop of it. theres been cases of people throwing away dead batteries and diapers up there and it gets washed down into the local water supply and poisons the abos
No, from what I've researched the people enjoy tourists coming and spending money looking at it but not climbing it.
They apparently don't get any of the money either. Which is why I was asking aussies here about it.
i threw some rubbish on it when i visited in 2010.
fuck abbos.
absolute subhuman
Fuckin hippies trash everything, they’re the scum of the earth
Uluru is an arkose sandstone that was part of an alluvial system, surrounded by conglomerate rocks. After these rocks were buried and lithified sea levels fell and tectonics forced the rocks to rotate nearly 90 degrees. The weaker conglomerates eroded away while the stronger arkose remained.
t. geologist
Australia has states user. That rock isn't in any of them. It's in borrowed land, on borrowed time, on planet gorilla mars 9
i didn't want cigarette butts and fast food wrappers stinking my car up on the way home.
what makes you think hippies are doing it? it is probably a lot of foreigner tourists doing it too
You Australians should host a Shitposting Convention on top of it
>and poisons the abos
keep doing it then faggot
This is what I'm saying, the closing is next year which gives you shifty fuckers plenty of time for one last party.
Had abbos chuck empty bottles at me when I visited
When is the plan to purge them all?
Abo cunts get fucked
>When is the plan to purge them all?
abos just need to be taken from their parents while they're kids and raised in a majority white school system/community and they will come out fine. welfare is what has destroyed them and kept them down this whole time
wtf that fat bitch had a job before pain and gain?!
What can you tell me about the traditional owners of your land?
How about do what we did, put them in reservations in the outback and grant them semi-autonomy
>africa's eye is blue
What did the earth mean by this?!
Neat. It's hard to think it's there because everything else eroded instead of it being pushed up out of the ground
I expected an abbo hate thread and this is where it starts. Where the fuck is the bants you faggots, why aren't you making plans; they are closing off a national treasure off to you in a fucking year and you have no plans.
abo communities have rape problems on par with india
They look like a shit-covered prune rolled in cat hair
It was Atlantis, once
How could there not be a bomb ass city on that hill? No ruins found though, wow.
As long as it's self contained, let the abos fix it
It's a structural dome
>they are closing off a national treasure
they are just making it so you cant climb it, you can still walk up to it and touch it
Aussies should bomb it, if whitey can't enjoy it, then destroy it.
The abos will mismanage it (drink it) and then we'll get it back so fuck those cunts and fuck the fuckin rock
Absolute pussy. I would climb it if I could, it's a fucking tradition isn't it?
>As long as it's self contained, let the abos fix it
they wont fix it, and it doesnt matter if the rapes are done only by abos to other abos, it is subhuman to allow it to happen, and it is subhuman to allow abos to remain as savages
They're fucked
Big sweeplines in sand?
>I would climb it if I could, it's a fucking tradition isn't it?
its not really a tradition, this isnt the first time they have stopped people from climbing it and it also wouldnt be a problem if cunts werent littering like untermensch filth in the first place
Perhaps, that unique land formation would be too interesting to ignore in the times it was flooded.
>denying other people agency to fail is subhuman
I didn't realize you Aussies where such staunch environmentalists. Just hire a guy to pick up the trash at the top, whats the worry?
it is in both our and the abos best interest to civilise them
>build a shopping mall on top of it
A resort for the ultra rich, more triggering
It was in Frisland, not the Sahara, and you know it.
Forgot pic
th-that's me!
as the traditional owner of NEW NORFOLK I would like to say Palawa People please fuck off back to your own island. It's called Flinders island now don't pretend you don't know where it is.
Shoo, shoo!!
I suppose it's one thing for natives, but that kind of attitude is why Africa is so fucked. We tried to civilise them, and they didn't change, just begged for more gibs
Incorrect - they are fucking neanderthal tier rock apes who should be genocided
it is a lot bigger than it looks,and the rubbish rolls off and goes into the water supply, again, none of this would be a problem if people didnt fucking litter, you call us 'environmentalists' because we dont want the natural beauty of the rock to be tarnished by rubbish. youre an absolute fucking kike
Then etch a a giant pair of stairs in it. It reminds me of this giant formation in africa that has a small village on top. Can't find it but i remember watching it somewhere.
The lost ownership when Europeans came and took the land by force. That's it. end of story. It's the way of the world. It's part of out history. It's happened and it was time long ago, to move on from it.
We no longer sleep under trees or kill and eat wombats for our tucker. This country is all the better for work done by settlers. The world is all the better for what settlers achieved everywhere.
It's time to move on. Trying to turn back time is a fruitless exercise.
I'm not an advocate for trash dude, it can be cleaned up but you don't have to relinquish fun from people just because some rock is sacred or whatever.
That is crazy cool. It's hard to belive the Sahara was a giant rainforest at one point.
imagine fighting for ownership of a big rock
climbing the rock isnt really a life changing experience, and people will still visit it even if they cant climb it
>rock climbing isn't life changing
Full. Of. Shit. People travel all across the WORLD to climb natural formations.
I was told this story about some amerifats climbing it in crocs in the dead of summer. They had to be heli’d off when their shoes melted away and their feet got scorched. Kek
>and it is subhuman to allow abos to remain as savages
Don't try sending them to school.
Let me ask you, Ausbros: what kind of benifits or drawbacks would there be if the Outback was terraformed and made green again?
Aboriginal intellectuals negotiating boundaries and treaties with neigbouring tribes:
Rednecks are the top litterers. Try camping anywhere that rural retards have been and its trash fucking everywhere. Cans of energy drinks, plastic hoses, diapers you name it.
The most littered place I've ever seen was next to a small, conservative town. The inbred locals were using their nearby BLM land as a wild west landfill. I literally saw a local faggot pull up his truck filled with garbage and just start throwing it all over the desert.
But keep pretending its the "hippies" that litter.
They got cute puppers.
it's still a territory. the invasion is incomplete. the war is a ceasefire at best.
>t. earthling
and they are wasting their money
Why do i see so many aus threads by non aussies? We are such a small country why do we keep coming up on here?
literally all big rocks
I guess that's just your opinion bro, damn i thought Aussies where more adventurous.
Because your country is interesting user, you should feel flattered.
Does that mean the next abo-on-white murder can be met with genocide?
Best ally, and somewhere I'm hopefully moving to soon
Its a giant tree stump
Are you by any chance making a slide remark about Gibraltar?
It's very un'murican to be that subtle you know. Step up, be loud, direct and obnoxious, or we might think that you are an illegal leaf.
Which state are you looking to move to?
Either SA or north Qld (Cairns or Mackay)
>you have to pay thousands of dollars to climb big rocks to be considered adventurous
tasmania is full fyi
lol not murder outright. we just put strychnine in alcohol and leave it on the side of the road.
Tasmania is beautiful but I read ScoMo is flooding it with refugees
Not a bad choice, im from QLD. Just a heads up if a group of abos asks you for a smoke you're about to get in a fight. Go for their ankles. They have thin ankles.
You're the most morose Australian I've ever chatted with.
Nvm he beats you by a wide margin.
>Tasmania is beautiful but I read ScoMo is flooding it with refugees
yeah the whitest parts of australia are being flooded with refugees, strange isnt it