Nigger Hate Thread

>shaniqua has a chimpout over whitey hanging a monkey doll, immediately assumes das raycis
>whitey apologizes, only angers the apes even more
>apes are trying to get LSU administration on her ass
Niggers are scum that must be cleansed. They are subhumans that contribute nothing to our society, only trying to bring down those more successful than they are.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>"I bet you said "yea.. this the one" WELL ITS NOT
what did the chimp mean by this

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i hate chimps

Apologies mean nothing to the niggerape. They only understand reparations.

Eventually these people will understand they have nothing to gain by apologizing or appearing to be tolerant and understanding.


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>"Mup da dooo didda"


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that's another thing, they can't be fucked to learn our language, opting to use a bastardized version of it.
you can't call them out for doing that without being called raycis in this day and age either.

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I just did, lmao
fucking worthless cunts


Yeah it really is time to genocide these retarded dindus. Get their population down to rhinoceros levels.
Completely worthless subhumans who have no place in the modern world outside of a zoo or wildlife preserve.

You don't apologize to niggers.

> they can't be fucked to learn our language, opting to use a bastardized version of it.

If you apologize they won't be happy till they have cut your throat. Don't ever apologize to a nigger.

>whose laughing

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Hang monkeys and photo them in solidarity

name checks out, jesus christ

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I thought it was a dog, then I found out it was a monkey. Oh well.

Bump more.

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Niggers are so obnoxious that they actually made me love mother Russia with all her stupid shit, just because there are no niggers here.

>mans best friend
Fascist pls

yes but there are also jews

Yea but jews are everywhere, they are like mosqitoes - unpleasant, but what can you do.

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where is that, and why was she killed excatly?

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>wahh i cant be racist anymore because blacks are finally able to ruin our lives for it

I for one is glad this racist white girl will get in trouble and never be able to get hired from a job ever again. Her being homeless or working fast food is a just and fair punishment

It's brazil mate , probably a ex of some drug lord, until the drug lord cut her head off

So does it really boil down to each and every one of us becoming brevik

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Based pitbull doggos are living weapons.

lets just hope she was a jew i guess

Russians are the niggers

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This one actually pissed me off. Whoever strangled that kid needs to burn.

Pic related, also her profile picture is her smoking a joint

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Th-this wrong... no wonder they grow up to be bullies then criminals.

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what the fuck, this made me really angry
nogs are the absolute worst.

Which of those words was "big"?

I'm guessing anything with more than two syllables.

Jesus, just when I thought I was desensitized to everything. Feels bad, man.

>They only understand reparations.
and violence