Is this accurate? Why do Hungarians love mocking the Scottish?
Is this accurate? Why do Hungarians love mocking the Scottish?
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>everyone makes fun of sweden and germany
like pottery
I was pretty sure every neighboring countries mocks us the most
wtf Bosnians ? why a lot of people joke at them ? and Italians joke about Italians ?
what about belaruse
>Italy makes fun of Italy
wtf is wrong with italians?
Greeks dont have any balls to make fun of roaches.
Whatta basedgoys.
I heard Belarussians make fun of Jews a lot, that's why they're not included. Is that true?
we are a self-conscious people
also probably a good deal of that is terroni and polentoni insulting each other
a lot of things
Greece is the exact opposite LMAO
albos are great joke material honestly
French used to mock Belgians a lot. Every joke about retarded people was "How do Belgians do x", etc. But young French don't do that. In my generation (30ish) Belgians jokes were gradually replaced with blonde women jokes.
But why do you mock Scotland?
Sweden and Belgium getting mocked
To make it accurate make add us to the map as making fun of the turks
>always excluded
At least we get attention
kek, look up the relation between northern ireland and ireland
>also probably a good deal of that is terroni and polentoni insulting each other
>treating Italy as a united and cohesive entity
Also the other half are probably Molise jokes.
Scots are just extremely miserly people in jokes
And that's why we are not cucked. We are busy hating.
Probably because bosnian niggers arent allowed to swim.
Success breeds jealousy
>mfw belgium
Italy is wholesome. I like bantz
Also this map doesn't seem to be very exact, I'm sure the welsh make more fun of the english than they do the irish
>Romanians are eternal, they came from Atlantis itself.
>Romanians have invented how to piss while sitting.
>The first extraterrestrials to contact us will be all Romanians since they have colonized the galaxy 7 million years ago.
>The last Ice Age has ended because Romanians have turned on the heating.
>If there were no Romanians gravity would seize to exist and the Sun and the Moon would fall from the sky.
>Romanians have invented the platinum-made magic jumping kangaroo, when it leaps the Dow Jones rises exponentially.
>After Virgin Marry had given birth to Jesus Christ not even God could fix her hymen, but the Romanians did.
>The pure willpower of Romanians can turn heavy water into regular one and back to heavy again, without them no nuclear reactor would be capable of working on this planet.
>Romania is an eternal and unending salt mine.
>Romanians can't steal land since all land on the planet belongs to Romanians by allodial right.
>Every language out there is just a dialect of Romanian.
>All Romanians are transdimensional beings with the immense capacity to go back and forth in time.
>When Romanians organise themselves into a spiral a magical doorway to another galaxy opens up.
>There are no black people in Africa. Only tanned Romanians in Chad.
>All races stem from Romanians. Being a degenerate and inbred is a sign of living too far away from Romania.
>Before Nietzche wrote the Zarathustra he visited Romania to talk to the great sage known as Kăl-el.
>Romanians wrote all the books that could be found at the Phalos of Alexandria in Teleorman the library that contained all the knowledge of the world. Once it got burned down by the Bozgors the Romanians choose to pass on its sacred knowledge ass to mouth.
>Romanians were Muslims even before Arabs, they wrote the Churân but Mohammed the coward gypsoid Türk stole it.
because they know they can't invade them or something?
Unironically diversity is our greatest strength
If we hate that much other Italians who live a dozen Kms from us think of how litteral apes from the Congo are perceived
>least hardworking are Italians
It still buffles me that Belarus exists
You NEVER hear anything about them
Oh right. Basically the same reason English mock Scots. Thanks for the explanation, it just seemed weird that everyone else mocks their neighbour and Hungary mock the Scottish.
Poland btfo
cosy (un)comfy HUWHITE country
This right here, you said exactly what I thought. Our salvation is pure hatred.
Was it about French speaking Belgians or just Belgians as a whole?
Scottish is a synoym for tightwad for us
What did Andorra and Belarus do to not get a vote
What did Lichtenstein do to not even show up on the map
Why is Russia just yellow
>Austrians make fun of Germans
laughing Austrian painter who everyone mistakes as German.jpeg
>tfw nobody jokes about us.
>butt of the joke
Belarus is too serious for this shit.
We also have those jokes. Stuff like "What does a Scott do when he finds a box of band-aids? He buys a pair of shoes two sizes too small."
An Irishman walks past a bar
Campanilismo is the final redpill.
The Belgian accent was just another prop for the jokes so yes, I guess it was more about French speaking Belgians. We don't really care about non-francophone Belgians to be honest though.
Does Belarus even exist? I've never one post here
No laughing permitted by government decree.
kek your not wrong lad. Would it be possible to give an example of a Hungarian joke about the Scottish or would it not really translate?
Looks like reddit tier bullshit
In Latin America, Spaniards are the butt of all jokes.
Tu parles comme un Belge!
It was close?
Worst part of it is that the people you joke the most about don't return the favor. And it's a sad group according to the map: Romania, Serbia, Finland, Estonia, Turks...
>Why is Russia just yellow
Yellow and blue. Ukraine flag.
Mujo and Haso jokes are very popular
>czechoslovak-tier buffer state
A Scott is reading a book and from time to time, he turns off the lamp and then turns it back on immediately after. His wife asks him why is he doing that. "You can also turn pages in the dark", he replies.
>fuck the south
>fuck the isles
>fuck the center
>fuck the northeast
>fuck lombardia
>fuck valle d'aosta
t. Piemontese
>Who do europeans joke about most?
Yeah the question do it wrong, let's see what country jokes about europe most, fuck europeans fuck you all!
Belarus probably makes fun of Ukraine
They would better cut that shit out if they don't want another radioactive cloud coming their way.
What do turks joke about Greeks, that they made all of their civilization?
They do post occasionally although their flag would make you think it was some Arab country if you didn’t know what to look for
More Scottish jokes pls
I'm just surprised Greeks don't joke about Italians
Ukraine please don't we just gone done paying billions to cover up your LAST fuck up
Just gas them with regular sarin ffs
People make jokes about the fact Scots are supposedly miserly and tight with money (I have no experience of this but whatever). They used to make the same jokes about Jews but since that's vorboten now Scots are a safe PC exchange
Its why Scrooge McDuck is Scottish
Hurr durr stupid Greeks walking on 2 legs when Allah gave is 6 perfect legs to walk on
English, Irish and Scotsman decide to have a dinner together.
- I'll get the meat! - says the Englishman.
- I'll get the dough! - says the Irish.
"And I will bring my brother." - says the Scotman.
Two Scots talk. - Can you lend me a thousand? - From whom?
pro tip:
>those are (((jewish))) jokes :D
This. Glad to see so many compatrioti on Jow Forums
>Romanians hate Hungary
>Hungary doesn't even care about Romania
Jesus, why are romanians so butthurt?
I.. i thought we were Europes scoorges.
My life is a lie.
Nah. Mostly themselves. They are too shy to mock someone.
Also I think Jew jokes are probably more popular if you would look at what is actually exchanged between people.
The commies forced them to change all the kike jokes to Scot jokes.
It seems pretty accurate
Yeah but the Scots are just the Irish Jews of the North and they wear skirts. They're basically god's gift to racial jokes.
No you're le epic weed bros now
That's not really true
If it would be true there would be israeli flag in whole V4 and most of eastern europe
or gypsy flag
Why the Scotsman don't buy refrigerators?
Because he can't believe it that the light bulb switch of if he close the door.
A Scott writes to his son. "I'm sending you the 10 pounds you asked for. But keep in mind, you write 10 pounds with just one zero"
The ending of a Scottish father's letter goes like this: "I would have sent you some money, but I already sealed the envelope."
And now a clip from some people who made taking the piss out of the Scottish an artform:
We do on fourchen
If my romanian lenguage teacher knows english, I will show him this.
Yes, this is the reason we picked the Scottish people
>no offense :D
I mean just look at this shit. Belarus got the brunt of it. They also have restricted zones near the border with Ukraine.
They were mean to us when Transilvanya was under their rule.
Poor little white guy
>romanian lenguage teacher
Really setting yourself up for succes there Pedro
Jews, muslims and gypsies, yeah.
kek i laughed
I forgot the image.
>Norway and Sweden mock themselves the most
I don't even know national jokes on pepiks.
Only on germans
>Do you know how you call a beautiful woman in Germany?
>A tourist
But if you would want gyppo or jew jokes oh dear...
>did a loopy-loop around Ireland
Sane people doesn't acknowledge/recognize israeli flag nor gypsies flag.
I wouldn't say we mock the Scottish, it's only that "skót (Scot)" has become a word for miserable, stingy people and there are a lot of jokes about this type of person. We don't really think of actual Scots when using the word, as we have barely any contact with them, it's just a weird cultural artifact.