It has given a voice to retards, or turned people into retards, or woken people up to how many people are retarded. How this shakes out right v left matters less than the fact that it's true.
>leftist conspiracies Have you faggots ever been right about anything? Enjoy the sound of a right-leaning Supreme Court for, oh, the next 50 years. Hahahahahahahaha
>diversity diversity diversity >never about the product, ever
I'm giving Bioware another year before they're shut down
Eli Ramirez
Here's hoping Anthem flops.
Henry Williams
Spreading the Arab Spring purposefully.
Jordan Ross
holy fuck HOW THE ROFL
Parker Bell
damn, just realizing the missed opportunity to send >your wife is one spooky bitch >*picture of skeleton hip close up*
Isaiah Gutierrez
For candidates a very important one, they can throw their ideas out and bypass the media or the usual (((interpreters))). For anyone else it's pretty much useless. Twitter is nothing beside bots, marketers, corporate accounts and people that shitpost relentless in "happening" (mostly sport or tv show related) #.
Just ask yourself, why would anyone spend time on twitter beside marketing? >reading endless streams of absolute bullshit and endless bot posts? >reading all the marketing pitches added to any trending #? >dumping your own shit that most likely nobody will ever read? There's literally nothing.