Jow Forums btfo.
Jow Forums btfo
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dead before 50
that's pretty funny to be fair
dead before 30
I get it. She dumped her 150lb boyfriend.
mutt wedding scammer btfo
It bothers me that I needed this explained before I got it. Getting slow in my old age.
what changed?
HAAHAHAHAHAH for like 2 minutes I thought she actually lost 150 lbs and she was just so fat that you couldn't even tell
Oh, didn't see the boyfriend beyond the mass.
Call the cops. She probably ate him.
She dropped her bf who's 150lbs
seconded. also looks like she’s lost a little colour.
>when you're so fat and troubled by your fat ass that dogs can pick up on your anxiety and avoid you out of fear of what's inside you
right it's also the dogs' fault LOL
It's an old joke, she didn't come up with it
Rancid swine got what she deserved
She looks like that fat guy from lost...
I didn't get it until I read the post you linked, either.
at least she is trying to exercise
Body Type = Full Figured
When are they just going to put the choice in of "Öbese Lazy Cunt"
Jow Forums janitor getting btfo
>her right leg
It looks like its dead already.
Not as funny as him losing 400 lbs
not as funny as a sudden painfilled heart attack when you are 35
look at the color of that knee, lools like someone is loosing her legs.
Why was he with her then?
>Body Type: Full figured
>Diet: Mostly anything
Luckily the guy can find a better girlfriend now
so many fucking spics in my country
The coke is a bigger problem than the pizza
super sized big blubbery whale
I imagine the straps are made with tank treads
Honestly at first I thought that she was lying/being retarded and that a good joke would be that the weight lost was his ex, and at end the joke was on me
He gets with a slam piggy then thinks she's going to lose weight for him
What a retard
Hey user, at least she's out and moving
slide thread
sage in all fields
>gtfo boomer
I love fat chicks so I don't see the problem
Having trouble finding the btfo here, this is the best thing for the guy. You did it wrong.
>bar barque
What's worse is fatty on the left isn't drinking coke, she's about to drink a bottle of ranch dressing
Chill, we ain't all like that user.
Lets forget about the fat for a minute. How do they still have teeth?
>dropped the entirety of my body weight
>still a hippo
she actually bent the second bar!
This desu
I took that as her dropping 150 pounds of weight on her boyfriend and killing him. Was a funnier image in my head.
>close your mouth
she could take some of her own advice
Can't lose what was going to leave anyway.
reubens literally used men to pose for those paintings which is why they all look pudgy and lumpy
Color me stupid too
No, she's gonna put ranch on the pizza.
Fat Fighters
Sauce here
Julius melt down with concerned looks
this took me a while to get
>the only person on the planet sacrificing himself to fuck me called me fat
>so it was totally me who dumped him and not the other way around
People make mistakes
I hate fat people. You should be shot for being fat in public
This bitch invented forehead belly.
hey my names julius i always thought it was a nigger name, us white julius's need to stick together
#MeToo I think I might be retarded
> bisexual
What woman would stoop so low?
The land whales have a practical reason for this. Not a lot of men have penises long enough to get through both her fat and his, fat sex is awful, if it happens at all. These pigs are just looking for black dudes to rail them, while they lie there like a bloated carcass.