Im reading Italians being proud of Colombus. This is pathetic...

Im reading Italians being proud of Colombus. This is pathetic. There is not solid evidence of him being italian but even if he was, he never walked on the american continent. He didnt have the balls to leave the islands he knew were safe. The true discovers and conquerors were people like Cortes and Pizarro and thousands of unkown spaniards. If you appreciate the truth, the history and the brave men you'll agree with me. If you like to believe meme versions of history you you'll denie it.

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So what? They still have Amerigo Vespucci.

spic or wop, who cares? all excellent men

(Born in Genoa) He's NoT iTaLiAn! 1!1!!!!!1

I really dont care but it's true that there isnt a fucking document that proves it.
Americans gave it for granted so italian-americans have something to celebrate.

Are people on the left aware that he was Hispanic?

Silly Spaniard. Everyone knows Christoffer van Kolembos is Dutch.

So Columbus is like Jesus, every ethnicity/race claims him as their own.

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jokes on you colombus was BLACK

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Indeed. The life of Colombus before the travels to America is a mystery and there a theories of him being portuguese, galician, catalan... but nobody knows the truth.

God I hate Europeans

You should see the croats get a hard on over marco polo, or tesla for that matter.

>f you appreciate the truth, the history and the brave men you'll agree with me.
Whatever makes you happy, it sounds like you're going through a lot.

No I think the "whatever makes you happy" should be applied to the Italians that need to believe without proofs that he was italian, so yeah if that makes you happy dont stop believing.

>all excellent men

Was he?
What do we know about him?

All I know is he tried to get to China and accidentally hit an unknown continent.

He was Portuguese.

His father, Domenico Colombo was an Italian merchant who lived in Dritto Porticello street, Genova, as attested on the location-related contract in the State Archives in Vatican City (a copy of said contract is on display at his house in Genova. Historical Archives in Genova (to which even a history student can access) have documents regarding financial problems his family had due to Domenico's bad luck with business, on which Cristoforo mentioned his generalities.

The archive of the city of Madrid has his very testament, on which you can read «Siendo yo nacido in Genova».

I've never seen anybody doubting these facts except for Iberians. I think you should focus on what constitutes your already rich heritage than trying to bite pieces of others' like a nordicist. I recommend having a good sleep.

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You should see zlovenians having zero historical persons or history

He's a Maranno.