This is really activating my almonds. Its just a car crash basically so why is this getting a press conference and a criminal investigation. Calling it the deadliest transportation accident since 2009. Something is off with this. The passengers were using social media before the wreck and cops are trying to find any info on social media relating to it. This is very weird to me. Maybe I've just been here too long. Usually when they act this way over something small then something is up with it.
LIMO CRASH IN NEW YORK: Whats the big deal?
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How did this kill all 20 people inside? Its a nothing accident that happens all the time.
They were drinking too. Drunks have the strange ability to take a beating in car wreaks and walk away often. Well not these folks.
I don't think anyone died.
Why is NTSB involved. The police on the news said they wanted to get the black box data??? Didnt know limos had a black box.
20 fucking people died, 17 of them in the fucking limo dummy. It was a wedding party.
God clearly did not approve of the union
yea 20 people died as result of it 2 pedestrians and the people inside the limo.This just smells fishy I mean im in ohio why is this mainstream news. This is more of a local news issue.
I just dont get it. They are doing press conference on it live on fox news.
Isn't it weird the haven't released the names?
seems like better time could be spent on something more important.
I'm guessing you get a list of names and you might find the answers.
exactly. they said the driver didnt have the right license to operate the vehicle.
Here's my two theories. Either Hillary and the Jews did another hit job...OR these people were "disappeared" into witness protection before arrests and trials start.
too many pajeets behind the wheel in america
So they don't know if the limo has seat bealts, or if anyone was wearing one?! Da fuk?! Go look you fucking idiots!
I think this might answer some questions. This was in a newspaper in conjunction with the story.
>Didnt know limos had a black box.
Probably talking about the vehicles onboard computer which tracks things like vehicle speed, breaking, system diagnostics, etc. All computer controlled ignition systems keep track of that shit, even if it doesn't have GPS data stored.
The middle eastern owner had four vehicles fail inspection over the last couple of years.
He apparently isnt in the US anymore.
The vehicle that crashed failed inspection.
The driver was not liscensed to drive the vehicle.
The owner also owns a 32 unit apartment building that his son collects rent for. He ran the limousine business from its parking lot before.
>This is more of a local news issue.
Slow news day, and 20 people died.
its ridiculous that they show pictures of the people but not their names.
>OP: Why are they talking about this?
>While talking about it
20 people dead is a traffic accident is hardly an everyday occurrence, so of course it's major news.
oh yea good point. That cop was acting like he was gonna get voice recordings from it. I guess his context is what made it seem weird.
yes it seemed weird. but its connected to some jews getting killed now i understand.
if your car is less than 15 years old its got a black box user
more than 20 people die in car accidents everyday.
Half the passengers were Jewish.
How do you fit 18 people in a limo? Does that honestly look like a totaled limousine to you? What's really going on here?
Even if the story checks out. It's just a bunch of dead drug using chads and stacies who were going "clubbing".
well as stated its connected to some jews getting killed in a wreck so this can be pruned or deleted now. Mods 404 this please. I have no further questions.
There sure are a lot of "twin brothers" in all these high profile cases.
It was the Ligma University collegiate Knife Throwing team
the story changed from wedding party to a birthday celebration.
The perfect crime
No one wears a seatbelt in the back of a limo.
so the owner of the limo company was a muslim? And failed inspection?
Diversity is our strength.
here we go
So just like I said
Either Hillary and the Jews did another hit job...OR these people were "disappeared" into witness protection before arrests and trials start.
Wasn't a twin sister killed as well?
my almonds are on fire
The owner of the limousine involved in a crash that killed 20 people in upstate New York over the weekend was a wire-wearing informant in two FBI terrorism stings, Fox News has learned.
The government credited Shahed Hussain with rooting out radical Muslims at mosques in the New York cities of Newburgh and Albany while he was working as a well-paid FBI snitch.
Hussain is listed as the owner of Prestige Limousine, which operated the 2001 Ford Excursion stretch limo that crashed Saturday in Schoharie, N.Y., according to federal records, which showed that four vehicles had been taken out of circulation by the company due to inspection failures in the past 24 months.
The records list an address in Gansevoort, N.Y., that Hussain used when he filed for bankruptcy in Albany in 2003.
The limousine was carrying 18 people when it blew a stop sign and crashed into a parked vehicle and two people at a county store. Everyone in the limo was killed.
Valerie Abeling told The Washington Post that before the crash her daughter received a text message from her cousin Erin Vertucci, one of the victims, saying that limousine “appeared in terrible condition.” Vertucci’s new husband Shane McGowan was also killed.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday that the limousine driver didn’t have an appropriate license to operate the vehicle.
He also told reporters that the limo also failed an inspection last month conducted by the New York State Department of Motor Vehicle.
"The owner of the company had no business putting a failed vehicle on the road," Cuomo said. "Prestige has a lot of questions to answer."
Prestige was also slapped with a cease-and-desist order Monday to stop the company from operating as authorities continue to investigate the crash, the governor said.
The person behind the wheel has been identified in reports as 53-year-old upstate New Yorker Scott Lisinicchia.
Hussain became an FBI informant after being convicted of federal fraud charges in 2002 in Albany, according to the Albany Times Union. He was taking payments from immigrants, some of whom could not read English, in a scheme to cheat on state exams to obtain driver's licenses.
As part of one of the FBI stings, Albany imam Yassin Aref and an acquaintance who owned a pizza shop were accused of laundering money for Hussain in connection with a fictitious terror plot, the paper reported.
They were convicted in 2006 and both sentenced to 15 years in federal prison.
Hussain reemerged as an FBI informant in 2009, when four Newburgh men were charged with conspiring to plant explosives outside two Bronx synagogues. Hussain befriended one of the men at a Newburgh mosque while posing as a wealthy businessman and then met the other three before implicating all of them them in the terror plot.
The foiled terror plot was trumpeted as a “textbook example of how a major investigation should be conducted” by then-Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, the New York Post reported.
However, during the trial Hussain’s truthfulness became a big issue.
In one instance, he testified about receiving substantial sums of money from a family trust in Pakistan during the pendency of the New York bankruptcy case.
He admitted under questioning that he had not disclosed the existence of the trust or the income he received to the Bankruptcy Court or his creditors.
The “Newburgh Four” were convicted and each was sentenced to 25 years in prison but New York federal court judge Colleen McMahon questioned Hussain’s honesty and the FBI’s tactics.
“I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that there would have been no crime here except the government instigated it, planned it and brought it to fruition,” she said. “That does not mean there was no crime.”
Messages left by Fox News for Hussain at a phone listed in his name were not returned.
An Albany attorney who said he was representing Prestige issued a statement Monday afternoon, expressing condolences to the families of the victims.
Lee Kindlon said the firm has been conducting an internal investigation and had taken its fleet of vehicles off the road.
“We have already met with State and Federal investigators, and plan to do so again, as it is our goal to provide answers as quickly as possible,” Kindlon said.
that lady lost 4 of her nieces and she can give an interview like its nothing?
how that fuck is that?
What’s Ligma University
I see now. Thanks man
Tom Hanks??!!
i saw one article on my newsbreak feed (can't find it now) that named the driver as being a mudslime, with a different name than the owner mentioned here EVERY other article i read said some guy on twatter admitted to being the twin of the driver
wurt the furck?
im sure its nothing user
Kek. The Jew world order is finished.
On the video they said it was a birthday party not a wedding. Why four nieces? No nephews? None of her own kids were there? Why were her eyes not all red from crying?
Hey im no jew. I was op. I just didnt care anymore once i found out it was just some jews dying in a firery crash. Seemed fitting.
You're a jew
It looks still to be structurally sound. Many of the windows visible are still intact which is odd for a no seat belt vehicle.
The owner of the company that owned the limousine involved in Saturday's crash that killed 20 people has been located, but he is out of the country in Pakistan, state police said today.
State police Major Robert Patnaude confirmed to reporters that the owner the company, Prestige Limousine, of Saratoga County, is Shahed Hussain. He did not indicate how long Hussain has been in Pakistan.
Asked by reporters if Hussain faces criminal charges in connection with the crash, Patnaude said that will be determined through the investigation.
"We'll determine whether there is any criminal culpability on the part of anyone, and, if there is, we'll hold them accountable," Patnaude told reporters.
Dont do that youll cause me to glitch out with that numbers mason stuff. Kek
so the long and the short of it is he's a slum lord who just makes money while avoiding any and all regulations and they've probably caught him before but because he "informed" on some "terrorists" they probably let him continue this bullshit behavior and now he's fled the country?
Honestly, they'll probably have to re-open the cases of the people he informed on if he informed on them to get out of inspection trouble or some shit.
kys kike.
Ouch. Hurts man. Really hurts me user. Thats just not nice at all. My ancestors would be livid. Lol
You're a Jew. THat's why you wanted this thread shut down.
i remember when there was a "Draw Mohammed" contest shooting. an fbi agent followed the 2 shooters there and then drove off when they started shooting. always shit like this happening. we need serious investigations into the FBI
Not in the same accident they don't.
not if they haven't identified them all yet, or contacted their families, no
what would you do with that information anyway?
there would still be some fucknut on here who would claim they were made up names or something
Fuck off kike
name of driver is already released for a day ??
suicide driver
The plot thicken
shitskins do this with fucking everything
Any regulation is ignored and scoffed at. Defying the law is like a business rule for them, even down to things like building permits, certifications, proper insurance, etc.
>driver was an FBI informant
Why would they release that information? Seems odd. Maybe they want certain people to believe he was an FBI informant.
Why would you post that filthy fake news link, Faggot? I ain't clicking that shit
It's called
Learn how to use it
>Deadliest transportation accident
Niggers a full tour bus crashed off a mountain where I live killing all aboard
>Trump, biggest kike cokcsucker
>fight the jews
how brainwashed can you be to belive that?
Ligma University's balls.
there are no seatbelts in a limo
But if it was staged, what would the motivation be? What's the endgame?
See, the story is a lie and fucked up! They can’t get the story right, like the Vegas false flag hoax.
First, it was wedding group, but they were married June 8! Then it’s a birthday party?! It keeps on getting changed! The people in parking lot changed, in their story. I don’t even think anyone died by the photos of this hoax drill. Looks like parkland or any fake school shooting scene to me.
All these police in this town are all in on it and we don’t know exactly what it is yet, but they are feeding the public horse shit.
I will link yesterday’s first thread in this when I find it.
Might just be the result of a feminized society.
"OMG this is, like, soooo sad, all of these people and it should be the happiest day of her life and now she's, like, dead?"
I can smell the bullshit from here. No fucking way a mini-crash like this end up killing everyone in the limo. I've had more serious car's accident without a scratch.
It looks like the limo could be used, windows aren't even shattered, no blood, no corpses... It's fake news. Maybe they were gassed (kek), shot or poisonned inside but clearly not crashed to death.
It involve some kike trickery, thats for sure.