Vancouver man says his truck was set on fire for supporting Trump

VANCOUVER, WA- A self proclaimed supporter of Donald Trump says his pickup was vandalized and set ablaze because of two bumper stickers that endorsed the president.
MacKay says he had been at the bar drinking the night before and decided to take an Uber home, leaving his truck overnight.
“I was coming by this morning just to check it on my way to work and it was gone,” MacKay said.

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Next time buy American

Watcha doin Cletus?

In front of a bar called "Garage"

Nissan trucks are made in the US

Be patient with him, he is retarded.

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you're right, probably stuffed with cuckadian turkey today

>designed by a woman
>built by niggers
>money flows back to France
Get a real truck, Nancy.

um, sweetie, he was the aggressor by putting inflammatory words on his truck
He committed assault on everyone who viewed his truck. People don't have a choice not to see his truck, so he is forcing this on them without their consent. The truck owner committed mind rape, OP. What kind of reaction did he expect? These words terrify people. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. These people were defending themselves against rape.

Fake. He did it himself.

isn't it funny how the (((insurance))) is funded by the same people who fund the damage?

>Thinks American vehicles are American
A fucking leaf

Hmm might do this to my shitbox to collect insurance money

I could see slashed tires or cosmetic vandalism. That pays big bucks on GoFundMe. Why a fire, though?

well, vancouver is the left coast, but this could also be a real sneaky insurance fraud. maybe the truck was a lemon.

there plenty of cars with bernie stickers around. get them

>inb4 dumb fucks start confusing Vancouver, USA with Vancouver, BC


Chinese colonists.

Gonna make a few states out of those provinces. Good to know we already have supporters up in the hat.

And here's one already

memeflag users will be slaughtered for fun

Do you think we can get them to put meme flags on their vehicles?


Most of conservatives who live amongst liberals in the northwest are being passive atm because we genuinely see there needs to be change but we saw our choices were shit too. Be it collapse or systematic reform we are waiting for one to happen, but its looking more like collapse is probably inevitable. Trump simply did not seem like a good president, I was shocked he got it. Can he still do whats right?... perhaps, but most republicans i talked to here wanted either Jeb or Carson but because one was black and one was a continuation of a dynasty nobody could make a solid decision and most just didnt vote. Most people i meet around here who openly support trump like this are usually oblivious rednecks who just do it for the negative attention. It very well could have been illegal mexicans who did this and fuck them, i hope they get sent back, but fuck this guys truck too.

Says the user if the worlds biggest dumbest memeflag