Why is there a growing hatred for ‘alpha-male’ masculinity?

Why is there a growing hatred for ‘alpha-male’ masculinity?

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so who do you think he raped?

LOL Mayer is the face of the Onions movement. Didn't his past girlfriends also say he has a small dick?

He’s half Jewish.

>boy those alpha males sure are jerks, huh ladies *helicopters meat up on stage* yep, they are just the worst

What a fucking timeline we are living in

Imagine being a Jew. Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birth thing. Imagine a 50/50 chance the guy who mutilated you will immediately suck on your dick and taste your blood. Imagine being ugly, with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic, and a religion that says you are Chosen and better than everybody else. Better than the handsome athletic smart goyim, better than the pretty goyim girls that ignore and reject you. Imagine that insecurity and the manic emotions in response. Imagine that inferiority/superiority cognitive dissonance branded into your mind. Imagine being conditioned from birth to be a paranoid malignant narcissist. Imagine the passive aggressive hatred for the society around you. Imagine the joy you feel as your network of Chosen People elevate you to the heights of your career. Imagine the exhilaration as your network picks a goyim to destroy, and the feeling of triumph and community as you all profit from your successful hunt. Imagine that predation ever-expanding to encompass all that makes you feel inferior, and consuming the flesh to feed your feelings of superiority. Just as your flesh was torn from you as a baby, just as you were violated by a freak's mouth with your mother's betrayal, just as your blood was feasted upon. And so you do unto others as was done to you. Imagine being a Jew.

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only beta butt bois fuck kids
Hrm checks out

I'm sure there are many legit jews here who care bro.


Because alphas aren't really alphas. They are codependent insecure men that push for the creation of betas. To feed their egos. Imagine baby boomers as alphas and how because they are addicted to power they basically shafted everyone they could. Balance of everything is best.

He always got compliments from women which makes this whole nu-male phase of his all the more hypocritical.

>Why is there a growing hatred for ‘alpha-male’ masculinity?
So you really not know or are you just trying to bring attention to it

Theres a video somewhere where the girl in it said she fucked john. The first words she said were "let me see that fucking butthole"

I bet these guys walk around women acting like heroes believing all women are thinking about how hes such a " good guy "

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Mayer's premise is flawed from the start. Men aren't considered alpha for taking women. They're considered alpha because women want them.

Alphas are not aware of your existence neither would they care about you if they did. They do what they want, when they want, without thinking about it and women reward them with sex for it.

Holy shit, project much?

They tried to say Trump isn't alpha as fuck, and even the feminists couldn't keep a straight face, so this is their backup plan

I hope this becomes a thing. Because sooner or later enough people will come to the realization that the more bitches bitch about "Alphas", the more they can't stay off their cocks.
Then ever so subtly, normalfags may come to the realization that you just can't trust what women say because they just don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

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>john mayer noodles out the first few notes to the "Magic Mike: XXL" theme song and the crowd goes wild. teenage girls are screaming and crying. beatlemania is here again

Wasn't this guy the one that said his penis is a white supremacist?

This is in fact an Omega personality. There are more than 2 options user.

That's so weird that s o y b o y s are so jealous of alphas. I wonder what's up with that.



Literally beta uprising

Attached: beta uprising.webm (1920x1080, 1.73M)

They are afraid.

Most social justice issues are just tactics women can use to gain an advantage over other women when it comes to mate selection.

Men are evil stay away - > Well, I found a good one for but your cats will keep you company
Alpha males are bad for women date onions boys - > Chad fucked me for four hours straight last night. You boyfriend would rather jack off to hentai?

Nah he's legit.
He's hilarious and generally correct.
Would be bros with

>t. Vagina

The funniest part about these redpill comics is that the woman still cheats on Chad anyway.

Nah I'm neither alpha nor their codependent opposite beta. Learn that you can be much more.

It's not hatred. It's envy.

>Why is there a growing hatred for ‘alpha-male’ masculinity?
There isn't. There is a resentment of beta males trying to act alpha.
Real alphas are not even aware they are alpha, they don't think about the world in those terms. An alpha probably thinks everyone else can be like them. An alpha probably has a "pull yourself by the bootstraps" attitude towards women and the world in general.

The issue is that there are lots of betas spending inordinate amounts of time and money (including surgery, steroids, pick up artist books and classes, etc.) trying to emulate what an alpha is. They suck at it, they manage to fool some women, but they suck at it. Women hate them for it.

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Nah, more like dumb alphas are fucking everything up while self preserving alphas refuse to take leadership roles without corrupting themselves. Not all alphas are "evil" "degenerate" just insecure dumb ass alphad and all the betas that are too dumb to take/claim their spot

Chad is an NPC

The guy listerally hasnt gone 2 days without a 10/10 sucking him off. Whats he bitching about alpha males for?

Half Jewish is full Jewish.

>treats women like shit
>fucks 1000000 hot women because of it
ok John.

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there are legitimate concerns with male relationships in the US particularly, toxic masculinity is the femshit take on it but they didn't invent the idea and eventually just turned it into an insult

You are describing a gamma. Alphas still cave to social pressure. They are still codependent to approval and social pressure. Just to keep the alpha role

Civilization was created to protect the weak from the strong.

>In popular culture, Omega men feature mainly in comedy movies like the overweight, unemployed video gamer in Knocked Up, the dork who literally seduced an American Pie, and most Ben Stiller movies. An Omega guy has nerdy habits, like collecting comic books or being a Trekkie, and lives blissfully in his own world.

Nah. Alphas act like I described. They don't call themselves alpha. They are not even aware of the concept unless it was shown to them. Real alpha males (not betas pretending to be alphas and overcompensating) are likeable and friendly, if they hurt your feelings its likely because they didn't really think about it. They didn't think it would be a big deal.

Nah. You are describing a beta male trying to act alpha. The whole fucking alpha/beta/omega personality traits are bullshit rationalizations by losers anyway.

He's getting older and more out of touch with the cultural spotlight he craves. I suppose he thinks this commentary will keep him relevant. Look at us, we're talking about him, aren't we?

LMAO this faggot is the new stand in for Jerry Garcia in the most pathetic limp dick version of the grateful dead yet. The Bass player won't even play with them this time lmao. There are still (retarded, young) people who follow them around like they're the actual band and not all 75 years old and falling asleep

guess what? girls will always be attracted to alpha males
get fucked basedboys

That's a gamma personality. Read some more want to be alpha user!!!

The ultimate NPC you could say as Chad is not programmed by others, Chad is following his instincts granted by nature.

>Looks down at mutilated dick
It's easy if you try

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True alphas have no love or care for society as a whole, so of course betas hate them.

>be beta
>feel empowered from the feminists
>hide behind them and yell at the alpha male

Pathetic, but not unexpected

Alpha males by their very definition are alpha because they are not only impossible to influence but also thrive in conflict and seek challenge. Any attempt at using force and subversion against them only makes them stronger and elevates them to an even higher extreme of masculinity. So this cucklord is engaging in a self-defeating paradox.

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Jew here , you’ve got the first half surprisingly accurate and hits me right in my kosher feels. It’s really not a great existence

To me, being an alpha male is just about standing up for yourself, being confident, and not caring about the approval of others.

Women will be attracted to power, most often achieved by alpha, omega and sigma personalities. The stereotype of a "jew" being a sigma with a sprinkling of alpha sometimes. Read some more anons. All personality types are welcome in the world but if any gets too high it creates problem. We can watch out for each other. Beta NPCs need to not idolize their alphas though. You idiots get played too often

80% of American men know that feel too.

a complete faggot, yet my twelve year old daughter loves him, reason number 432 why the jews need to be gassed

your 12 year old daughter is going to start listening to the grateful dead and snorting ketamine. Lucky for you shitskins are repulsed by hippie music.

What's this goofy fuck even talking about?

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Guess i'm an alpha in a low testosterone body

Where are you Kakarot? Betageta can only fight so hard on his own before he needs his rival to help out.

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Imagine being such an alpha you don’t think you’re an alpha.

>Imagine having your dick mutilated right after you've finally calmed down from the whole traumatic experience of birth thing.
Don't need to imagine that.
>Imagine being ugly,
>with an overbearing mother who coddles you to the point of making you neurotic,
Check again. Maybe I should convert to Judaism.

Alpha-male is a very clever construct of the jew.
It provides a definition of male that people on the right will generally find as acceptable and good qualities, and people on the left will find toxic, thus it becomes a good solid wedge to divide the goy
The truth is there is no such thing as an Alpha male as long as there are men who have qualities that fit both inside and outside the scope of such a limited term

she knows I will disown he if she ever produces a shitskin child. it is fucking tough for white kids nowaday because half the kids in her class are shitskins and mutts

Go alpha or go bitch....

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He gets an erection every time he sees a woman? wtf is this guy talking about? You must see like 100 women a day, am I to believe he is getting erections throughout the day in non sexual settings? lolwut

>Alpha-male is a very clever construct of the jew.
except as an ecological fact, the alpha male clearly exists in animal species and would conceivably exist in groups of feral humans

Isnt this guy literally known for banging tons of chicks and ditching them? You can't have it both ways, John.

>John Mayer is anti alpha-male
Lolwat? He was literally the Chad of All Chads way back in the 2000s.
The simulation is cracking...

Because Chadism created roastie feminism and destroyed the West.

Yes I meant alpha male as it applies to humans, it clearly does not. Anyone who knows anything about wolves knows why a Chad isn't necessarily an Alpha

Alpha male is largely a myth in the animal kingdom. It doesn't exist in wolves as originally reported. That study has been thoroughly debunked and trashed as junk science. It also doesn't exist in most primate species. In baboons and chimps it isn't the "alpha" who has most of the sex, it's the other males who are banging all the girls on the side while the "alpha" wears himself out with 24/7 posturing and displays of dominance. He can't watch all the women all the time or have sex all day long so the other males wind up having the majority of the sex.

Which is not to say that omegas or incels will ever have any sex. Even in those species the women have some standards.

Let me simplify it.
Alpha ISIS Chad wants to rape non believer. Needs to get beta followers to agree and terrorize region so laws get changed and eventually gets his way.
Gamma john mayer wants to rape someone, recognizes most women are currently THOTS, makes music collecting money and fame. Random THOTS/virgins arrive all randomly dropping their soaked panties after signing a sexual consent form.
Random sigma inbred hick wants to rape girl, convinces family member incest is ok because love is super special and convinces them to never say anything yo anyone understanding the guilt of it would probably fuck them both over.

These are the differences of how each personality is toxic

> feral humans
Eh. Not too long ago some men had 10 or more females that they impregnated while other males died with no children. These were not all feral men, it's human's nature to be honest. We kind of stopped it happening with marriage and civilisation that birthed from marriage but degeneracy/promiscuity is bringing back the natural order nowadays.

because "alpha male" is often times just acting like a dick in your work place thinking your a fucking lion that doesn't take any shit.

"My dick is racist"
-John Mayer

He said nothing of substance, just virtue signaling as usual. And whatever women say, deep down they still want to be wooed by an alpha male.

John "If you really had a hood pass, you could call it a nigger pass." Mayer

this. They’re majestic animals. Everyone is naturally drawn to them, even lesser men who hope to feed off his droppings. To deny his supremacy or the supremacy of his cock is like denying the power of the sun. It’s dumb and people see through it.

this really is the fundamental truth
Act dominant and a bit mean and girls will fall for that. "slapping, choking, being dominated" these are all the top sexual fantasies women have.
They WANT to be dominated.

Just the good half

These people are just low-key hating on nigger culture and I don't think they even know it.
Probably going to get a few dipshits killed when they try that "anti-alpha" shit on a nigger in the subway.

sounds a bit gay lad

It’s not gay it’s knowing my place

(((John Mayer)))

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How many trim did he slay?

>Why is there a growing hatred for ‘alpha-male’ masculinity?
Farmers must have increased their $oi harvest.

this guy was a big player back in the day. Breaking other celeb hearts

The Grateful Dead was finished in 1995. All subsequent incarnations of the band have been shitty nostalgia acts

Yeah those fucking alpha male with their domintaning presence,actitude and looks...

wtf is that webm?

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pretty sure that's from TomoNews

Wow, got so much pussy he turned into one

Jerry Garcia was based and redpilled. this guy plays guitar good but hes a cuck bitch.

When actual alphas start speaking against alphas then maybe I will listen.