"Modern art"

Since when did it become ok for artists to have no talent? its been a steady degeneration from amazingly lifelike and important subject matter to psychedelic scribbles and crayon rubbings.

Attached: 20181008_153311.jpg (2560x1440, 1.01M)

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It's literally the Emperor's new clothes. Physical art has become largely a look-at-me phenomenon where 'aritsts' put out meaningless scribbles, pretend like they were deeply inspired with some complex nuance in doing so, and then idiotic wealthy ladies look at them and pretend to 'get it' to show off to their friends.

It's a bunch of pseuds circlejerking, more or less. Same with how Rupi Kaur poetry is regarded as 'intellectual' now. It's like when someone reads Joyce and then thinks that the mumblings of a schizo are on the same tier.

joyce literally is the mumblings of a schizo

there was a seinfeld about this

that's contemporary art, not modern

Since the invention of the camera and the ability to create a true to life picture of a thing or person at the press if a button.

Also this.

Dude i see Banksey related art shit always beeing promoted around Amsterdam. This shit was big in the weimar too. Its fucking disgusting absurd. Everyday im fucking upset that i look out of the train and only see ugly ass modern art skyscrapers mishapen as fuck. I see ugly train stations ugly art. Everything has almost zero to none charm. And it makes me wonder if im the spoiled brat. But i highly doubt it.

I figured it was as much.

literally jackson pollock

these pictures aren't bad btw

Im with you. lots of the new buildings downtown look like something a 1 year old would stack with legos. Misshapen and asymmetrical as all hell.

To make a masterpiece, or atleast a decent painting or something, it takes years of practice and dedication to the arts, but with the advent of the modern art movement, and quite a few digital and electronic tools to help those with less talent, the art world has quite literally been flooded with millions of medicore "Artists", who while trying to immitate the style of past great masters, seek to insert their own style and color palette into the mix, which has resulted in the crude, rainbow swamp that the current art world has descended into, with the few traditionists that remain being drowned in relative isolation as their efforts and works go unappreciated and unnoticed.

Retards like you are why people who look at these literal scribbles feel justified in 'getting it'. Talentless hacks who make meaningless garbage that gets passed off as high noveau culture are praised by the kind of people who pretend to understand Joyce and Pound but don't, and then hear people going 'Joyce is meaningless trash :^)' and think 'Wow I must be so smart if my circle can appreciate this literal blank portrait/human feces in a can/etc'

Ok? But are they good? if so how? because you "feel" them? What does that mean exactly?

It's money laundering.

There are a bunch of Jow Forums screenshots that detail this and it makes sense

t. AML professional


Life-like art is pointless. If you want to see a realistic apple look at an apple. That's what the person meant who painted tin cans.
The goal of 'drawing the mind' is much more interesting. That's what this artist is trying to do.

That is SAD and DEPRESSING. Guess its not just popular music that is a joke.

Same reason memes went from image macros to super self-referential. Most of these artist are classically educated and can do the shit you're talking about, but the art world has moved far beyond that, becoming super self-referential. Art like you are talking about is just going through the motions of artistry. New art is about pushing the boundaries of what is art and also how self-referential it can be.

Thousands of hours of intense study and practice leads to "getting it." But real art isn't to "be got," it's to be felt. But you're an absolute imbecilic pleb, I wouldn't expect you to understand.

So called meme masters ignoring hundreds of years of intense IMAGERY CREATION. Really smart fellas.

Art has never been about talent or skill, it just happened that in the olden days most people didn't even have a pencil and paper, so rich motherfuckers would finance artists, but they would only finance those who were very talented in doing realistic depictions of their achievements. Many artists even in ancient times did nonsensical art, but it wasn't part of an artistic movement so it never had any appreciation.

Selling modern art is about conmanship and networking. If you're making this kind of MONA-tier 'art', it doesn't matter what you paint. The skill is in SELLING it to braindead rich pseuds - the same kind of 'skill' that's required in seducing rich elderly women.

Some maybe, but as someone who flips antiques as a hobby, there is a market for rich people who just want to buy and accumulate expensive shit.

it's Jewish run money laundering

Retarded contemporary artist detected. Go back to making third grade handprints on canvas and calling it art, pseud.

t. real artist

Would you hang them up in your home? I wouldn't. However, they look very similar to the "art" created by my 5yo son.

Even disgust is an aesthetic experience.

You couldn't be more wrong, you stupid fucking faggot.

how much are those on sale for?
$50 at a coffee shop would be reasonable. anything more is pure kikery

Add three zeroes

Art is medicine. We'd fucking kill ourselves if we didn't have art to fill the void. It doesn't have to be pretty, it doesn't have to be skillful. It just has to give us meaning.

Attached: nietzsche.jpg (1600x1060, 280K)

Exactly this. Its like theyre not even trying and normies dont give a fuck or they agree that its ugly as fuck but yet this shit will be built.

It's been that way for quite a while. Remember Pollock?

Attached: 8Rj6Ma9[1].gif (1190x877, 281K)

People are just jaded, they see a bunch of shit and think that is what all art is. But I guarantee you there was plenty of shit in Leonardo or Raphael's time, it's just only the good stuff remains 500 years later so we think all of it was great then, it wasn't.

I was thinking $10...for both.
$8 if the frames/hanging brackets aren't included.

Today arts are great you just focus on the shit tier arts

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same thing happened with the music industry. on the old days you needed actual talent to get into a studio and put music out. now nogs just mumble into their iphone and put it on soundcloud.

Not a fan of contemporary art, but I can get behind that.

I took a shit once that looked better than these paintings.

>The lessons of the Renaissance masters in the techniques of shading and anatomy are on display on Sankaku Complex more frequently than in museums
Best timeline or worst timeline?

True art still exists. It just went more digital.

Attached: __melusine_original_drawn_by_ibuki_notsu__2f6103b480be209f45456cdaaa686a74.jpg (627x886, 534K)

This. Soundcloud, YouTube, etc, have opened the door to mediocrity & worse.

And how am I wrong? Look at the quality of paintings from 100 to 200 years ago, and look at whats being exhibited in today's galleries and art shows. Most modern artists just don't give a fuck about traditional art. Even though art is supposed to make you feel something, most modern artists convey only hasty scribblings in a desperate attempt to appear more profound than the last person before them, and in the process, moving further away from the fundamental teachings of the greatest artistic minds throughout history.

It looks aesthetic

>t. real artist

How many respected art critics have interviewed you? My last interview was by a based fat dude in New York who got shit-canned from his big publications because he supported Trump.

You've never done anything, faggot. Go paint a tree that you won't bother to study for more than 15 minutes. My nature work was based on weeks, 5 hours a day, of pure concentration on the natural subject. You have never, and will never, put this dedication in, you fucking dilletante pleb faggot. I am a patrician of the sun and you are a dying scorpion squirming on it's back in the desert as I beat down upon you. I surgically extract the advanced aesthetic methods of satanists and Marxist scum, I steal the fire and I use it and understand, while you scream like a toddler "FIRE BAD! FIRE HOT!"

You shut your mouth when matters of true art are raised in the future, boy.

Do you even correspond with big artists who are on our side? Do you even know who they are? Can you name one?

Attached: brakhage.jpg (300x225, 10K)

>Thinks if you take enough college credits suddenly Basquiat isn't shit .

its true, most people think they can do it but they never do it and just complain

It's pretty interesting, the shapes are crude and make an impression which sparks the imagination.

Since Andy Warhol. Warhol skyrocketted the concept of pop art into the mainstream and ever since then art has been degenerated more and more into the contemporary ("conceptual") art you see nowadays.

The literal mission statement of contemporary art is that the message (concept) is the most important aspect of a piece. This of course gives rise to all manner of 'art installations' which are all horseshit. Things like style, technique, mastery, etc have no place.

If you say, "heh, that's funny, that sounds a lot like the social justice movement," you'd be correct. Also note that Warhol was active until the early 70s which is when all this cultural bullshit started in the first place.

>I'm a braindead generalizing NPC
>all da modern art is blank white canvasses and thoughtless scribbulls!!!

People like you get hit by cars every day.


nah hes absolutely right

Why don't you stop paying attention to (((elite))) circlejerks? There's still plenty of less celebrated more enjoyed art being produced. So what if it's not hanging in some NYC gallery? Stop being such a NPC.

From the thumbnail I thought they were warcraft 2 screenshots

Very subjective experience, but the user you responded to isn't wrong.
I feel that the obvious point here is the contrast, but it's done well.
Using similar but slightly different shapes on totally different dynamic backgrounds, one makes the shapes look 'busy' and 'chaotic' while the other makes them look 'calm' and 'ordered'.

Having said all that, I agree that taking a big fucking black rock, chiselling a few random chunks out of it, calling it 'the obelisk' and giving it a Turner prize (the biggest art award at the time) is pretentious and lazy, not to mention the inspiration process being a falsehood.

Damn...you have effectively ended that anons hopes and dreams.
Can I save this pasta?

I studied art and da Vinci has made some absolute shit. Though he was a genius and multi talented motherfucker so he didn't spend all his time in nonsense, but apparently rich fags paid him well for his more abstract pieces, just for the reason to own a da Vinci piece, and he was happy to sell them.

Art fight!

I dropped out of middle school, faggot, never even considered going to college, faggot. Was already well, well, well on my way while you fawning over pokemon.

This has been going on for nearly 70 years.

Joyce was intentionally obscurantist because he thought it would bring him "immortality". He said, “I put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant." Genuine art doesn't come from that kind of intention. Joyce was a mental masturbator who loved smelling his own farts. I find people who love Joyce tend to be the same kind of person. But I suppose one man's trash is another man's treasure.

Attached: joyce.png (231x280, 74K)

Hilarious. Imagine being such a pathetic pseud you actually, unironically judge the quality of your mediocre-at-best 'art' based on your equally pseudointellectual praise by the lowest common denominator.

For your own sake, I hope you're just larping. Otherwise, you have a sad, sad life, and no matter how many crocodile tears you get, not one person on earth is going to feel the slightest pang of genuine emotion when you inevitably end your meaningless, pathetic existence.

based and redpilled

money laundering and judaism

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/pol is art. prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't

Look buddy, I'm not saying ALL modern art is bad, but as I'm sure most people would agree that most modern art in the digital age can be very crude in appearence, or so abstract it not even art anymore.

Besides, in did you not say that art takes skill and a profound understanding of the subject matter to be considered "True Art"?

Modern art is just a way to launder money you retards. God damn this place has gone downhill.

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>the idea of the ‘masterpiece’
Not even going to bother with you

interesting parallel to memes. seems reasonable.
you an art major?

When I was in Paris, I first visited the Louvre and then I visited the Museum D'Orsay. Here's what you can see when you do so:
The Louvre was art attempting to illustrate stories or capture historic/religious events. The more beauty and realism you could develop, the better.
Museum D'Orsay shows you the development of modern art. Extremely talented artists attempting to discover the philosophy behind art -- trying to understand what shapes and colors could communicate with the soul. It was not an attempt to mock the realism of old art, it was an attempt to DISTILL what draws us to certain paintings and sculptures. They weren't trying to paint a face. They were trying to paint what makes a brain PERCEIVE a human face. If these men were alive today, they'd almost certainly be at the forefront of image recognition technology.
But then, push forward and you have untalented hacks thinking "That guy painted a face in 10 strokes. I can paint one in 8 that's just as good!" that aren't motivated by the philosophy of art. They aren't attempting to understand the boundary of what makes us see an angry human in a set of circles and rectangles. They are trying to make people stand in front of their shitty, poorly-conceived canvasses and say "HUh... this works for me on tho many levelth" It's a disgusting cargo cult.

Attached: Paris-Musee-DOrsay-Vincent-van-Gogh-1889-Self-Portrait-2-Close-Up.jpg (1066x800, 258K)

I was just about to say this. Too much newfags

Well I don't want to argue the merits of individual artists, we all have tastes, i'm more just saying if you pick out only the best 50 pieces from the 20th century and present them centuries from now, you could make this look like a golden age of art too.

Both but I prefer internet over museum

>not even one cock and balls
Schoolchildren have more talent.

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What makes those paintings valuable is the artist throws in a child slave with the deal.

Money Laundering and retards


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What, a painting expressing a lifetimes worth of accumulated skills and understanding of a specific subject is bad now?

art is a feeling inside you.
thus it comes out looking like this.. or that. or whatever is in front of you.

you cant explain talent when it comes to art.
you can only explain how it makes you feel when you see it.
people that are on a totally different spectrum of thinking will interpret this art in another way.

i get nothing from it because i dont know the artist and i dont understand it.

Modern art is just a method of money laundering. It makes it hard to prove since the value of a piece of art is subjective.

Literal money laundering and a way to hide their taxable income.

>t. real artist

Don't you have a le epic based wooden dragon to finish?

A friend of mine told me she took classes in order to be able to appreciate abstract art. The first thing I wondered aloud was "If you have to take classes to understand what you're looking at, what the hell is the point? Aside from it being made to be unapproachable by common people?" Modern art is just another monkey status ladder to separate the 'with it' from those squares, daddy-o.

Money laundering/taxes.

Art ownership, sale, and purchase is a game for the rich based around keeping money compared to giving it to the tax man.

If you appreciate classical values, you have to pick and choose your artists on the basis of their actual merit and they can potentially command prices to match.

With modern art, you can pick and choose your artists as lowest bidder and/or more easily manipulated.

You’re joking right? Are you this dumb

It’s all about saving money user, icons such as the Golden Gate Bridge would not be designed that way today, absolutely no thought would be given to the aesthetics of the bridge.

Kids drawings bring me more joy and entertainment than modern-art ever could

Just like part of every generation says the children are out of control, have no manners blablabla, part of every generation says new forms and styles of art aren't art. It's just the eternal closed minded conservative who can't handle anything he isn't used to.
The same thing was said throughout history about many artists who are now in high regard and who conservitards would now use as examples of high European culture.

I'm not disagreeing with you, what you are saying is absolutely how it is. Through the history, the contemporary "wisdom" has been that current art is degenerate trash.

James Joyce enjoyed a good brapping

>8 December 1909: 44 Fontenoy Street, Dublin.
>My sweet little whorish Nora
>I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

It's money laundering, nothing else.

> You can buy something for half a million, not show a passport, and ship it.


What do you stand to gain from LARPing as the lowest scum on earth? You do such a good job of impersonating someone so pretentious and stuck up their own ass that they genuinely think that the mediocre trash they produce for mass audiences is meaningful or effectual is unique or intelligent, despite the fact that they've clearly never done a single impactful thing.

If you're not just LARPing and are genuinely this kind of pretentious, do-nothing, pathetic, pedantic pseud, well, it's probably best to rip off the band-aid now and realize that your 'surgical extraction' and 'pure concentration' has been done before, done better, and done earlier by people infinitely smarter than you could ever hope to be. But then again, if this isn't a LARP and you're the kind of person to unironically believe that you are a 'patrician of the sun' and other people are 'dying scorpions as you beat down on them', then you're much too stuck up your own ass to ever comprehend reality and will live until the day you blow your tiny little brains out believing yourself intellectual superior to everyone, with nothing to show for it aside from a collection of pathetically mediocre at best and utterly meaningless and trite at worst pieces.

If this is a LARP, I'm sorry you've had to interact with these kinds of people before to impersonate them so well. If it's not, I would say I feel sorry for you, but I honestly don't. You've done this to yourself. But hey, maybe someone will take your suicide scene and claim that the random, meaningless splatters on the wall were an inspiring message about hope and consumerism.

lets see the picture you painted

Attached: 1538313491210.jpg (181x200, 11K)

So deep

>My last interview was by a based fat dude in New York who got shit-canned from his big publications because he supported Trump.
That sucks right there

>Joyce was a mental masturbator who loved smelling his own farts.
He liked smelling the farts of others more.

I would if they complemented my decor.. but if I saw them at a museum I would barely glance at them