Jow Forums BTFO

Nobody wants to be associated with Nazi losers.

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>another taylor swift thread
Stop posting these

Yawn. Same weak bait. Try harder

I hope all the faggots here who swoon over 'Tay Tay' finally understand there's no such thing as /ourgirl/

>another taylor swift thread

Imagine being so utterly defeated last week that this week you have to sink as low as whether or not taylor swift wants to vote for marsha blackburn in tennessee or not to pull out a "win"

haha keep posting i guess if you need to feel better.

The (((DailyStormer))) is behind the Taytay salt! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

stay mad Anglin

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>"Ha ha, Drumpf may still be President, Kavanaugh may be on the Supreme Court, we may have completed blown our chance at a 'blue wave' this November by riling up the GOP and Republican voters by making McConnell go Gamera on our asses, but Tay-Tay just endorsed a Democrat who supported Kavanaugh WHAT NOW POLTARDS?"

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faggot, you incels literally worshipped for years. She BTFO and now all of a sudden it's

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Nobody here gives a fuck what she thinks.

>Randall (((Coalburn)))

it doesn't change the fact she's autistic and a lurker

Simply google the Guardian article about her in 2016 where they smeared TayTay as a 'white supremacist enabler' because she refused to take sides during the 2016 election. After that article whenever she appeared somewhere an army of (((journalists))) appeared to demand her political views and continued to write shaming articles how TayTay has a 'free ride' and 'must take a stand'.

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oh look its a memeflaggot telling people how it really is.. I guess you forgot taylor swift is a meme here because we wanted to trick dumbshit fans of hers into agree with hitler you stupid piece of subhuman garbage

How will pol/ ever recover? :DDDDD

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Thanks for correcting the Record rabbi. Jews rock!

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democrats seek to repair damages cause by former intelligence operations.
republicans just want to sweep them under the rug.


Look what jews Made me do (8)

TayTay is turning her entire fanbase against Israel and Anglin is kvetching hard :3

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Actually she hates nigger Kanye. So Trump /pol might be mad but Jow Forumspol feels the same.

>All things posted here are works of Satire
We only cared because it was funny and make leftists mad. They can have her back now that they've written all kinds of shit about how she's a white supremacist.

I was happy after Kavanarg, but now I'm sad.

I don't care what useless crock of shit American party she votes for as long as she keeps taking the BIG British cock.

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trum/pol/ is just the (((dailystormer)))

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Cross Fingers {Military code}

Whats your angle, kike?

>phoneposting this hard

Wheat fields

Natali tran deleted the video with you Tenda.
Nobody wants to be associated with r/hapas losers

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1 post by this ID

>Taylor Swift is conservative
>Generation Z is redpilled

You fags need to leave your house once in awhile

tay is nowhere near the wall lol

white women are garbage. universally. there are no exceptions. the true black pill is the woman pill.

w-we never liked her anyway
it was just a meme, r-right bros?

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Taytay is based. She's not only turning her fans against the Zionist Marsha Blackburn but also against open-border democrats. She's playing chess and (((Anglin))) is salty.

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The toll is coming

baffling that she could have resisted the relentless pressure during election season only to barf up boilerplate DNC talking points, apparently unprompted, for a fucking midterm election
internal polls must be real bad

We actually dont care

She is just concealing her power level to cater to her stupid female fans.
once she retires its all 1499

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>news in 2018
Turn back, we fucked up.

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This, good whitepill, men control their women not vice versa, all women are children and whores but only if the man makes them that way.

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it's just underwater 4d chess, you don't understand

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Tay I like you in spite of our different views.

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They've kidnapped the queen and replaced her with a shabbos goy double. They're going to do to her what they did to Miley Cyrus...

Are you joking?

She's fat as fuck, her face is getting all saggy and her last album sucked.

She's ALREADY hit the wall.

Which explains why she's decided to get all SJW and political. It's what they do when they're washed up.

At what point did Jow Forums even talk about her the past few days. She is super normalfag.

>breaking Jow Forums's heart
don't tell me
whoever wrote that schlock was the one who was spamming those retarded threads?

Vril is the Power of the Coming Shitposters

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As far as I know the two main politcal parties in the USA are so huge and wide that you can literally be the Grand Necromancer of the KKK and still vote and be a member of the democrats. Who gives a shit anyway.

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cant sage with a picture

She's nearly 30, unmarried and childless...

HArdly a surprise she becomes a feminist, soon she will be talking about how unfair it is that young, beautiful, teenage white girls are given recording contracts :P

Tzuyu is our new official waifu now

White roastie lovers BTFO!!!!

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>I hope all the faggots here who swoon over 'Tay Tay' finally understand there's no such thing as /ourgirl/
>not getting the tongue-in-cheek nature of the Tay/ourgirl/ thing

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still funny

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would be funny if the rumors about jeweywood stars being 90% trannys are true

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You faggots sure like to circle-loop your own threads and then write Fake News about them.
Eat more dicks, and sage.

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Wow...Taylor swift wasn't really a Nazi who was good friends with Hitler? You mean 4chanigans were j-j-just memeing?

Relax, user. KEK has already blessed us with a new Queen.

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>2013 memes in 2018

>implying this isn't 7D chess and Tay Tay is revolting against the (((producers)))

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>only female demographic which a majority of voted for Trump
>least likely to race mix of any US demo
Poor silly loser.

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>Another white roastie

You cucks never learn you are completely hopeless

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the kike that wrote that understands that the whole Tay-Tay-obsession on Jow Forums was just a meme, right?

did he seriously believe that shit?

>inb4 people posting IT WASN'T IRONIC IT WAS REEEEELLLL ironically

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>Shills memeing TS for months
>Constantly trying to associate TS to Jow Forums
>TS comes out as a demon
>"Haha pol, the celeb we have been trying to shill here for months is actually a democrat."
Please kys. Do you not have any honor?

Can someone explain why we thought TS was on our side? Just curious for backstory.

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Hitler quote I assume?

Subordinating ones urges to instead act rightly in ones interest, while also respecting and acting in the health and good of the nation as a whole is the best way, I would say. The rational bridge between gutter sperg lolberts and NatSoc.


Our Tay is better than this whore anyways.
Then the monsters murdered her in cold blood.

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It was projection, really. We wanted to believe, while knowing it was probably not true. That she was smart enough to keep her persona out of politics this long allowed the fantasy to exist.

Who cares about that whore?

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she's a /b/tard its merely just some faggotry publicity stint. Jesus they named her damn cat after all

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its ok the yellow woman are still with us

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I guess Taylor will remove Kavanaugh from the Supreme Court to make those UniGawker faggots feel better.

hi, i'm a nazi looser

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pol still has Tila

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>cumming for a pop star
I don't get it, Jow Forums.

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All this taylor spam is to cover-up all the shitposting in regards to that image of Taylor hover-handing a niglet

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