It's almost as if you have to be a selfish prick and be born rich to get somewhere.
It's almost as if you have to be a selfish prick and be born rich to get somewhere
yeah those fucking chinks are the worst, agreed
what, you think life is a BIRTH LOTTERY and luckyborns get all the glory?
You think we are such like animals? Maybe it's because you don't study hard enough.
>if we stop producing anything and sink trillions of dollars into unproven new energy sources this is certainly something that will stop the climate from changing even though it has since the beginning of time.
God damn it. I fucking hate these people.
*insect clicking intensifies*
It's almost like the solution to climate change is telling 8 billion people they can't burn fuel to get around or power their homes.
In America it would be a huge inconvenience. In the third world it would kill billions. But I guess that's just a new high score for a communist.
I cry thinking about the high carbon footprint of medieval Europe.
Maybe some of us actually care about the poor and starving Africans. Global warming will increase areas suitable for farming, increasing food supply to feed the world’s poor. It will also promote biodiversity, by expanding tropical regions and rainforests (which coincidentally will eat up more CO2, sadly limiting the scope of the warming.)
Suck it warming faggots.
@pixelatedboat did it entirely on the strength of his shitposting. salute!
and then the indians, and then black africans
Fuck wealth redistribution
And fuck communists
No user. The climate is a system without any diminishing returns. The temperature is going to continue rising indefinitely and nothing like the co2 consumption of trees or the cooling caused by increased rain fall due to warmer seas should be considered. Just think about all these well cropped photos of wet polar bears on a lone ice sheet.
What I don’t get is why the oil/gas/automotive companies are the main ones standing in the way of it. Wouldn’t it make more sense for them to use their vast wealth and influence to make the switch to green energy, but rig it so they’re at the forefront of it’s development?
The oil companies are the ones who first started climate change research back in the 70s, they’ve known about it forever. Instead of covering it up and doubling down on dirty non-renewable energy that they know is fucking with the climate, why not privately research and develop alternatives and be the first to roll them out?
fuck yeah!!!!!
yawn, small scale cycle
look at bigger picture
>I fucking hate these people
I do too
>burning down your house to reduce your electricity bill
flawless logic
Put down the smartphone and pick up the tree branch, you hypocrite fuck.
These fuckers really piss me of. Fuck, i think im gonna go burn something.
>losing team's flag
okay kid
They are. The University of Michigan alone, as an example, spends billions on energy research and I know for a fact that the major energy companies are doing anything and everything they can to be the first to whatever new energy source they can find. There are trillions upon trillions of dollars at stake. I've heard rumor that Lockheed is really close to some major breakthrough, but I don't know the exact specifics. Keep in mind, though, there's an old saying that any new technology, once they realize it can be done, can often get to 95% viable very quickly, but that last 5% can often take decades. I forget the name of this concept though. So, useless I know, but maybe someone else knows the name of it.
The alternative exists for electricity generation. It's called nuclear fission. It's not nearly as dangerous as retard hippies that protest it claim it is and produces way less waste than comparable coal. Hydro kills fish and wind kills birds.
The biggest red pill for you is that solar panels are created using crude oil byproducts for what is nowhere near efficient enough given current battery technology. And then there's the issue of how heinous lithium mining is on the environment. Solar in its current form is the biggest fucking meme where we kick the concerns of the damage we do down the road and pretend it's not actually worse.
I will simply say this: It will be an attempt to save humankind that will end up destroying it.
True alternatives like CO2 sequestering are democratic, not monopolistic. 1000s of small corps own windwheels and other ways of power supply.
BP has now a sun as a logo and builds solar power grids as mad. But its a much more balkanized industry.
wherent they saying about 3 years ago that we have already fucked the climate and it is fucked for good?
No one is going to change shit, its nature baby and its going to kick our ass no matter what... im comfy with that how about you faggot?
>A full 250k years before modern humans existed
Safe to say we'd like the climate to be somewhere around the conditions that allowed us to get to where we are currently. The ice age wasn't so great for anybody.
That’s not an argument dipshit. I could discuss the science that shows CO2 has nothing to with warming, I could go over the data showing how the earth has always been warming or cooling throughout earth’s history, sometimes rapidly, I could sit down with you like a child and explain the political motivations behind handicapping the world’s lone superpower economically, but Im on a mobile and I have better things to do with my time. That being said, my pithy little original comment is still completely accurate, and you have no argument. It doesn’t matter though because we now have Trump. Go peddle that bullshit to the Chinese. See how seriously they take your absurdities.
>nuclear power is totally safe
fuck all the way off with that bullshit.
>implying we have any control over it whatsoever
You can name a small handful of nuclear incidents in the entire history of the technology and every one of them was based on human error using outdated reactors. Meanwhile we don't talk about environmental damage caused by coal or gas because they're so frequent it's just taken as a given.
I wonder how you'd calculate the carbon emission of the Roman army making camp
Energy is only a small part of the problem (if you even believe a probelm exists). At the end of the day, living in an industrialized society will destory the planet and there's no way to avoid this.
Even if we were to go full hunter gather, the climate would still change and there's nothing we can do about. NYC was under 3 miles of ice 20,000 years ago.
>a small handful of nuclear incidents
Lmao they’re absolutely devastating if they even happen once, and they kind of happen a lot. Every place there’s been a nuclear accident or waste has leaked is a place no human can live for the next 500-1000 years. Nuclear energy is insanely dangerous. Lol “small number”
>Meanwhile we don't talk about environmental damage caused by coal or gas because they're so frequent it's just taken as a given
We’re literally in a thread talking about it right now- it gets brought up constantly in the news- nobody ACTS on it, but it gets talked about. Both nuclear energy and non renewable carbon energy are both dangerous and retarded. One is just a lot faster than the other
They actually have soil samples. Same reason they know the Khan's killed 10% of the world population.
>In the third world it would kill billions.
>Caring about the Africans
Yeah go there, go right now. Buy up land and farm it.
OH WAIT, you can't. They'll kill you and the other boers. They don't want you or your help.
You faggot
your punishment? now you can't unsee it either.