What the fuck is happening in America?

What the fuck is happening in America?


Looks like something record from a bizarro world.

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>liberals are the same everywhere

Did someone say Bizzaro World?

I will guide you

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I hope this journey has been fulfilling and education. Please enjoy your stay and do not hesitate to explore the rest of Bizzaro Earth and the shadow dimension

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the "artistic condition" is actually a kind of mental illness, where the artist's "art" are all un/conscious attempts for the artist to understand and deal with their trauma

Fuck this world.

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sauce you degenerate kangaroo fucker


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source? in AUS?

jews and faggots


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You know, I used to think this kind of stuff was degenerate, but then I sought help. If you look at art and theatrical stuff like this and automatically think it is weird you should really take the time out of your "really busy schedule" (I'm sure you CERTAINLY aren't a neckbeard living in grandmas basement) and talk to a therapist. You may be surprised on what they help you overcome.

As for the video itself - it has all the elements of art and even beauty. For example, it is a branch-off of Harry Potter, which is already pretty reputable art. She-who-must-not-be-named has obviously endured childhood trauma which has been reshaped into hatred which, in this battle, comes culminates into one final struggle with the boy-who-lived. They both, in the shape of interpretive dance, do battle with each other. Since the author of this edited piece left it unfinished, it is in lock-step with the idea of interpretive dance because it is up to you, the viewer, to decide the meaning and ultimately, who will win this struggle between good and misunderstood.

So, again, I must urge you to seek help if you really think this is degenerate. It is merely art, and therefore cannot be degenerate.



Holy fuck that is disturbing, reminds me of that pizzagate video of the pizza parlor basement.

Listen here, I know what youre doing. You majored in psychology and now youre out of a job. Youre not going to convince anyone here to go see you, you quack.

>It is merely art, and therefore cannot be degenerate.
Must jewish thing I've read all day.

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she cooks like a tall toddler

what the fuck

unironically the end times

One, I didn't actually major in psych. Though I did minor in it (plus some extra courses for fun). Two, I am not out of a job. I'm the operations manager at coffee shop that actually roasts on location in Denver.

So please, before making assumptions try putting yourself in other's shoes.


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Welcome to the Weimar Republic. You know what comes next, right?

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im excited


Or do you mean economic collapse and apostasy against nature itself and then the culling of the (((pushers))) takes place?

The problem is that there is no free speech, so there is not adequate criticism of the problems.

Hold up. Wtf?

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We are witnessing the collapse of the western world. China was supposed to take the lead in a new world order. Through paris accord, Silk road, IMF moving HQ to Beijing, Democrats working closely with China.
Trump and his zionist neo-con administration represents the OWO and Soros and the CFR, Tri-lateral commission, Bilderberg seem to be advocates of the NWO.
I just want to clarify that I am not a religious person but that's irrelevant, our rulers are. The degeneracy we see is representative of a sinful nation, we see bible prophecies being enacted by our rulers to mark the end times. If our rulers are really trying to bring back Christ then we are on the precipice of something major. Damascus is supposed to be leveled to be uninhabitable in the bible, meaning nukes. From Isaiah 17:1.

what on earth are we watching here mate?

wtf did i just watch

None of you virgins are fathers. It's perfectly normal to caress your daughters areola and diddle her nipple and wear her panties on your head while you eat your wifes ass... This is just what fathers DO.

Why do I feel rage right now?

Consider the symbolic depth of such an utterance.

Because you got a boner and know you're going to jail you fucking pedophile.

You know, I'm not a fan of (((psychology))), for obvious reasons, but this post reeks of projection.

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China is a paper tiger. Truth be told there is no saving civilization. No life boat the elite can jump to and keep scheming. They are a product of this Culture as much as you are I and the dust bin of history will be our shared future.
There goals of a technocratic future and transhumanist eternity are nothing more then the Faustian mans obsession with the infinite translated to the world of the material. It is the most degenerate form and won't last much longer.

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two fat guys wearing dolphin masks is a fitting memorial to that cuckold
This will be the first and last time I agree with something I saw on NPC News

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Oh, I agree, it's just that the dolphin thing was too damn baffling to see.
>We go back to our regular programming
Like it was the most normal shit in the world.

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Fuck tits I thought the same thing. It sounded like the singer from Heavy Breathing

Vote Republican in 2018

Top tier parody, my man

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i thought voldermort was supposed to be based

sometimes I open my mouth to scream
but no sound comes out
is this loss?

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>artsy people are fucking weird

We removed objective standards of beauty due to cultural Marxism so now the “arts” are about being shocking, gross and disturbing since beauty is irrelevant.

Art is now about being avantgaurd for the sake of it and it’s hollow as fuck, that’s why I can’t atand libshits from nyc and San Francisco prattle on about art and culture, all the art and culture left in these places is smut and blatant money grubbing absurdity like this

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>nigger missed the birth of the child
im glad they at least grounded it SOME reality

I have a therapist and she would never force or encourage a line of thinking in that way. Shitty therapy.

Not enough art critics.

>obsessed with harry potter

It's honestly not that great of a series, neither the movies nor books were of note. I had more fun watching Fantastic Beasts then watching any of the harry potter films.

I love the irony in "Good Morning" juice advertising the terrible nightmare of Sweden's future.

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Jewish intervention

it could be worse.
we could have open borders...
like cuckanada

Ginsburg dies.


Thats a great gif. Can I use it?

Jesus fucking christ, holy hell. And kids were exposed to this shit. We deserve an asteroid.

what game please

You can be a skilled rapist, it's technically true.

I really don't see much of a problem here.


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lucky man

how fucking vile is this shit ..

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>We removed objective standards of beauty due to cultural Marxism so now the “arts” are about being shocking, gross and disturbing since beauty is irrelevant.
>still failing to grasp the depraved mind of the Jew
No. The Jew merely exploits the concept of art in modern society, (((it))) uses as a vehicle for introducing increasingly degenerate, perverse and corrupt ideas into common people's lexicon. That's why it's so important for "art" to have no definition, for then under its guise (((they))) can bathe the public in any Satanic abomination their wretched minds desire.

Did you learn nothing from the Weimar Republic?

the look at the enjoyment on her face..
we will never be this happy.

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Voldemort really needa chill before he cops this dick

>What the fuck is happening in America?
Weimar Republic levels of degeneracy, user. Guess what happens next?


yeah that's a big yikes from me

Thats just the left's rendition of "How the Grinch stole Christmas"

manifest destiny was a mistake

Iron Harvest.

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This was done on purpose.

it's... it's true. but food addiction can turn nasty

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That reminds me of
>pic related
both are stark displays of the extreme juxtaposition of what is being conveyed through facial expressions/words vs what we know will be the inevitable end result.

Both of those people are doomed to a hapless, miserable existence until they succeed in ending their own lives.

Also she's not enjoying any of that. She's an addict trying to get by.
>inb4 she wouldn't agree
Yeah, neither would a heroin addict with a steady supply.

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I can smell it from here

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You're right in the sense that you'll never be as "happy" as a crackhead when they're getting their fix.


Fucking lol
sexualized demon type being casting spells and perverse nudity
> no you're the crazies
Top banter

well.. first you accept niggers and women as equal, then you accept faggots as normal, then you accept men shaming and white shaming

then you expect them to value beauty in art

they only value degeneracy. they think degeneracy is easier and more tollerant.

everyone can be a degenerate. it's not hard.
so they will try to make a degenerate out of everyone

and if you resist.. they will destroy your career or whatever else you have as goals

especially if you try very hard to make something really epic.. they will fucking gloat at how you are forced to lose to some degenerate painting of some unidentifiable bullshit made with piss and shit

when will it end.. if ever

Wtf kek

They'll just have a countless nightmares and some weird fetishes later in life. Nothing a few years of therapy won't fix.

Yep. And it’s BEAUTIFUL

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Everyday the understanding of mass shooting intensifies

i just hope this is just social media whoring..

This is true museum quality modern art

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what's this green baby meme?

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ghostbusters type ghost

Is that Maynard James Keenan?


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