Why did Brits sacrifice their empire to defend an insignificant country like Poland?

Why did Brits sacrifice their empire to defend an insignificant country like Poland?

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The empire would have surely broken up into self governing nations by this point anyway, right?

Jews told them to

the real quesiton is why the did the brits sacrificed their empire and then imported millions of the non white people they ruled over

>whites didn't enslave the worl-

>because of poland
They sacrificed it for their masters

the truth is much worse

we sacrificed it for belgium


No, some of the major politicians of the time wanted to federate the empire.

>defend Poland
What defend? They gave it to the communists and never lift a finger to free it.
The British are traitor scumbags

Nationalism and independence movements killed that empire Indians Arabs Africans all wanted independence and the British empire was very weak to do anything because ww2 consumed most of it power

Bloody oath. The brits have fucked us around since federation

Churchill was working for the Rothchilds and so he did everything he could to serve his jewish masters.

It wasnt at the sacrifice of the empire. The fall of the british empire was more of a consequence of WII and the rise of nationalist and socialist virtues.

You make mountains out of molehills. You caused half the shit on yourself, even Canadians were better soldiers than you.

Im pretty sure its because your country attacked them?

yeah and the fact that in 1945 the brits where at brink of bankruptcy and couldn't even pay there bills

This was deliberate in order to glorify the crypto jew Ataturk and bring the secularists to power. Thus allowing the creation of Israel.

We shouldn't have joined WW1 at all. And you guys didn't come to our aid during WW2 in our time of need. I remember being taught in school that after WW2 Australia turned away from the UK and looked up to USA as an ally as the USA protected us in the Pacific Ocean

They didn't, they fought to stop German expansionism. You might meme about the EU being the new Reich but it's not based on Germanic blood loyalty.

I think he's asking for the "real" reason.

De never declared on them

Look at Europe now. Would "blood loyalty" be a bad thing?

>We shouldn't have joined WW1 at all.
That's just an opinion many Australian disagreed with it at that time and do now.
>And you guys didn't come to our aid during WW2 in our time of need
If you didn't notice it wasn't going swimmingly for us.
> I remember being taught in school that after WW2 Australia turned away from the UK and looked up to USA as an ally as the USA protected us in the Pacific Ocean
When then you were taught wrong, they never fought for you or the British. They fought to destroy the Germans and Japanese.
A transnational one would be.

Because Chamberlain believed Hitler wouldn't be dumb enough to expand further, into Poland, after it signed a defence treaty with UK and France.

All your points are valid. It stoll didn't stop the general feelings of betrayal felt by the Australian public and the admiration of the Americans for "saving us", even though it was only a side affect of other things

You're right about WW1 too, a lot of Australians still had british identity and supported the war

in the bongistani's defense, Bermuda and a couple virgin islands should be red still

Because ((((they)))) wanted it that way, (((they))) wanted to move to America

it was fun while it lasted

on an unrelated note... anybody know where I can still find some Moon Man songs?

Maybe but it would have taken longer. Alternatively we could have federalised the Empire.

If Germany did not invade Belgium and bum fucked the Russians while keeping the French at bay you could of easily won the war before Britain inevitably joined the war.

Daily reminder the British Empire still exists, but is now subtly called the Commonwealth realms.
Here is what the British Empire looks like now.

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a country without the union jack on the flag shouldn't be included

Brits had the biggest brain drain in history, literally all the smart Anglo-Danes moved to America and Britain had to repopulated from Welsh and Irish stock. So sad honestly.

The UK should unironically be kicked out of the commonwealth.

End of the day if the Queen is head of state they fall under her realms.
As for the flag I wouldn't include that otherwise that'll include Hawaii!

Commonwealth realms != The commonwealth

Mate come on, it's dead.
Funnily enough the conservative party of Canada is the one trying to push the Canzuk meme

They didn't defend Poland they let the Soviets shitstomp them without a fight

To be fair they would have won the war on ANZAC day if Russia had bothered to show up

Kraut, I know autism is 50% of your DNA but let me (try to) explain it to you anyway.

The Brits couldnt give one less of half a fuck for the poles. They didnt want German Snowniggers gaining too much power, and Hitler had already gobbled up czech and austria.

So Kraut, is that enough explanation for your autismo brain?

Actually Chamberlain correctly predicted Poland was next, but instead of funding an army to help Poland he poured resources into the Navy, radar, and airforce to protect Britain. Also he assumed France and Poland could destroy Germany and work together



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>insignificant country like Poland?
It wasn't insignificant.

Fuck off cunt we should have turned our guns on you at gallipoli instead of the Turks. Atleast they respected us more.

>p-polska stronk

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Because they were autistic. The Treaty of Versailles guaranteed war between Germany and Poland at some point anyway, since it severed Eastern Prussia from the rest of Germany. And even though all of Hitler's writings and speeches up to that point had advocated for Eastern expansion and war on Bolshevism, Britain and France decided that he was enough of an existential threat to start WW2 over.

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>Fuck off cunt we should have turned our guns on you at gallipoli instead of the Turks. Atleast they respected us more.
What did we do that was so wrong? Next time learn how to fire your gun.

>Here is what the British Empire looks like now.

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We should have dismantled Germany like the French wanted.

Germans get one thing. Death.

You are the descendants of Brits you stupid fucking cunts.


The Queen is the monarch of Canada, my friend.

Nobel laureates per capita:
UK: 19.945 per 10 million
USA: 11.342 per 10 million

Three words: sucks to be - adding a fourth - you.

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To destroy us
WW1 was in vain from a British perspective since we could still industrialize

unironically worth it

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The British Empire: spanned the entire world, and every continent. The sun never set on it.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire: a tiny patch of land in the southeast corner of Europe.

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You're welcome little brother, but stop selling out your country to chinks.

>this level of cope

>inb4 irrelevant

At least we are aware and accept reality

O say can you see

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>Britain and France decided that he was enough of an existential threat to start WW2 over.
That's a funny way to say "Hitler started WWII by invading Poland".

Very true.

Worth it mate. You deserved it.


Trump is curing the disease here. How's mama May working out?

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>The British Empire: spanned the entire world, and every continent. The sun never set on it.

Fast forward to now

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>"Hate crime is an incident or crime which is PERCEIVED to be motivated by prejudice or hostility"

What the fuck?

So if some paki dings your car in a little fender bender can you PERCEIVE it to be a hate crime and get more charges. Or rather...lets be real here, if the races were reversed?

Fuck's sake England, wat R U doing?!

>tfw I get stuck with this nigger flag because brits decided they suddenly didnt have balls

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>Trump is curing the disease here.
Do you really believe that?

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Why did the Germans sacrifice their dignity to get doubleteamed by Americans and Russians?


>Austria is objectively an insignificant little wart of a country, compared to Britain which created the largest empire to have ever existed in human history - b-b-but that's okay because at least I "accept reality", r-r-right?
Sure thing Hans, if you want to be known as an insignificant little wart then that's just fine.

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>Trump is curing the disease here
>Trump is curing the disease here
>Trump is curing the disease here
>Trump is curing the disease here

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Hows London these days? Are whites the minority yet?

>Brits take a loan from USA for WW2
>Have to sell Empire to pay it back

>USSR takes a loan from USA for WW2
>Tells USA to fuck off and never pays it back

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thats in canada lawl

>All of these triggered Brits
>throw an autism fit with the rest of Europe for four years
>at the end, decide that Germany should pay for everything because the French are that assblasted
>destroy their economy, military, and social structure, while also putting millions of Germans under foreign rule
>they still manage to become the dominant European power within two decades and take most of their land back
>only part missing is the corridor that connected East Prussia to the rest of Germany
>decide that this will be the hill you die on
>proceed to get fucked so hard that Uncle Sam and Papa Stalin have to rescue you, but only after dismantling your empire and putting you in crippling debt
The Eternal Anglo and the Eternal Frog singlehandedly destroyed Western Civilization, and managed to still look pathetic while doing it. Amazing. Greece would also have Constantinople back (twice) if it wasn't for you two

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wait is it actually

Wrong pic, but same general idea

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>yfw you watch two niggers arguing on who stinks more

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they werent defending poland, they were defending their jewish masters

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Ah you trigger me epic style

this is a mood.
fuck off, 1910's, 1940's britain

>never pays it back
they invaded manchuria.

no, we're not muslim. you must be thinking of another colony like bangladesh or something. hey, they even look like you.

>the one blonde girl is surrounded by black people
fucking typical

are you retarded?
you do know canada is less why than the US?
they take in a million refugees a year despite having a populaton smaller than california.

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Muslims as a percentage of the population at large:
UK: 6.3%
Austria: 6.9%

Oh dear oh dear.

Poland had the 4th largest army in 1930's Europe, after the USSR, France and Germany.
So Poland couldn't be an insignificant country. Also the fact that WW2 was started over Poland also doesn't make Poland significant, rather opposite.

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Yet we invented the computer and the Internet way after 1776.
And tons of other shit like trains, tanks, and we had the first operational nuclear power station.

Obviously we had some brain drain in order to make you, but think about it - if you are a millionaire or genius in the British empire, why would you give it up to go make something of yourself in the log cabins of the American wilderness? Some guy strikes it rich mining gold in the USA, OK, but then there were English guys with mines all over the empire.

calm down muhammad

>we invented the computer and the Internet way after 1776
no we did. and in the 90's americans were the only ones of the internet fuck i miss it.


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jesus christ they actually had an army

>Austria is officially more Muslim than Britain
All of my keks.


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jesus fucking christ this is peak burger education

What do you expect from The (((British)))? They were the biggest puppets for Jews. That’s why they stopped Russia from exterminating the Turks and reclaiming Constaniople/Anatolia. Thats why they gave the holy land to Jews after the Ottomans got raped senseless. That’s why they stopped Hitler from fighting against the Jewish-Bolshevism. And even to this day, British worship Churchill, the biggest puppet for kikes in history.

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Not only did the sun never set on the empire, but it was 12 noon somewhere in the empire at all times, every individual division of the earths timezones had an empire territory.

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RIP Archie

>They were the biggest puppets for Jews.
I wonder who is now...

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