You probably guessed this already but the cop that the white guy killed was black.
You probably guessed this already but the cop that the white guy killed was black
>don't @ me
why is this a trend?
lel who care
oh shit zim zam missed one!
Forty percent of police ambushes are committed by blacks, who are only 13 percent of the population.
They have every reason to fear pulling up on blacks.
What's the missing link? Why arrest one and kill the other?
>surrendered to the police
It must be related to race...
>surrendered to the police
wonder why he wasnt killed...hmmm
Cops don’t kill people based on the level of crime that’s been committed. They kill people based on their actions during arrest. If an armed mentally ill white man is aware enough to not be killed during an arrest, how dumb do you have to be to get shot while unarmed?
this probably didn't happen but if it did.
good on whitey for hating the pig niggers
and good on the pigniggers for not hating whitey
He had a chance to surrender in the first place a black person would've been dead before opening their mouth
Don’t ever @ me or my wife’s child again!
The statistics actually show that the white dude is more likely to die when shooting at a cop than when a nigger is
Have the white Cops got their Bikes back?
It did happen. The guy was like 74 years old. His son was getting served a warrant for raping a 10 year old adopted girl, when his dad started blasting the cops.
>Can't understand why niggers get shot chimping out during and arrest.
>Can't understand why whites live when they surrender peacefully.
Watch Live PD for a month and you'll see how to handle yourself with the police.
>surrendered to the police
those are the magic words.
You don't open your mouth to surrender, you drop your weapon and put your hands up.
Go on and post some examples of police officers murdering blacks while surrendering. Hard mode: officer gets off scot-free. I'm sure you believe it happens all the time, so you have examples, right?
>"surrendered to police"
Funny how that phrase is never included when a nigger wielding a gun is shot by police, maybe there's a correlation?
>managed to shoot 5 cops without them hitting him once
>half the time the nigger gets ventilated before he can even draw his gun
>the cop that the white guy killed was black.
Fucking based.
New-age nigger speak, white cucks love to emulate it as well
So was the old dude inside his house when this happened? Details.
The difference being this guy was inside of a house, and to prevent more innocent bloodshed, they neogiated his surrender. If they had a clear shot they would have taken him out. Do niggers and liberals have no idea what the term context means?
>surrendered to the police
>isn't dead
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder if the first part is at all related to the second part HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
did he forget he wrote the word surrendered?
6% of the population, because its exclusively black males.
Actually probably 3%, because even that is almost entirely 14-30 black males.
Actually probably 1%, because of those 14-30 black males are committing almost entirely within cities which are just a fraction of the population.
So really its closer to 1-2% of the population committing 40% of police ambushes.
> he surrendered
Key difference. Niggers don't do this.
stop applying the morals and standards of humans upon them.
Animal control is who you should call when dealing with groids, not cops. Cops just handle it the way they think an animal control (who you should have called) would handle it.
So they put the feral animal down.
Its a civic duty after all.
This, it blows my mind (actually not really) that black people are too stupid to grasp this.
Pretty much this.
>go to restaurant, be loud and obnoxious
>police arrive
>rush at police with a chair above your head shouting incoherently about wakanda, how you're going to get justice for trayvon, etc
>get shot
>go on a shooting spree in a nursery
>lay down gun and surrender peacefully
no, it's just that even the most deranged white sociopaths have more common sense and social skills than most coons.
The 1% controlls 40% of the nations Police ambushes.
Time for #occupydetroit
if it were here he'd get executed anyway even after surrendering lol
maybe that's what the twitter guy wants?
Its probably .5 percent because 1/2 the 14-30 males are already in prison for other shit.