Why do y'all hate jews?
Why do y'all hate jews?
because they're Jewish
>mfw i will never impregnate an Israeli girl
Lurk moar
Just the goat fuckers hate Jews.
Just look at the flag
Hey OP you're gonna be drafted into the IDF and killed like the fucking bitch you are before this year is over.
I unironically love Jews. Israel is our greatest ally.
>why do you hate actual satanist
You should lurk more, as (((op))) is:
>hiding her true flag
>posting kikesses to make you want to support Kikesrael
>1 post by this ID
All fields. Your time will come soon enough, (((op))).
I wonder who's behind this post
Most Jews lost their religion over the last few centuries and became left wing. Jow Forums hates them because of their over-representation in the left. Orthodox Jews are actually based tho.
because of their leading role in transforming Europe from monolithic societies into a multicultural mode.
What's your best guess? Retard.
I don't.
I'm only LARPing.
There are no good jews, go back to Auschwitz, kike.
(((They))) make it so easy, OP
(((They))) really do.
>I wanna dock in Natalie's Port,man.