You're numbers don't mean shit, stop trying to meme an old women to death, it will only make her stronger
She'll outlive us all
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RBG will die, soon.
And I will laugh.
She couldn't remember the 14th amendment.
Welcome to Jow Forums, where all your memes come true
Their injecting her with ripe children's blood
RGB bites it Dec 12 2018
Cheq em
disrespectful to digits earns the opposite of a bump fucking faggot
She'll live well pass 100
>She'll outlive us all
I'll take that bet.
100 days from today you mean
Jewish women live forever. She will retire at 90.
Sotomayor and Breyer on the other hand... well... lets just say their days are numbered.
I give her 3 years
She dies fag.
That’s the face of someone begging for the sweet relief of death inside.
sotomayor is a fat spic that probably has diabetes. breyer and ginsburg are both old as fuck and will probably have strokes soon. I predict by 2020 they all die and we have ted cruz, trey goudy, and alex jones on the supreme court.
Bitch her neck dont even work
In the clip where they ask her about Kav's confirmation hearings she looked like the last days of Steven Hawking. If she has gone down that much since the workout Meme, it can't be long.
So much salt its glorious
Checked and overruled
Double checked.
there have been a lot of digits saying this month. I'm not a doctor though
I saw one calling it on October 17th
The digits have been pointing to a death soon no doubt.
Maybe this shouldn't be a "job" for life? Seems like a dumb plan.
This is sexist
Ruth Ginsburg is cursed to die of phenomena by winters end she will never see another summer day.
death cometh
She will die this October.
Double confirmed.
How bad is Sotomayor's health status? Diabetus/10?
Not a chance. Sixes are better than fours.
>alex jones
That would be nice for the 1st and 2nd Amendments
Fun fact: she died 3 months ago. Liberals removed her skin and now make Kathy griffin wear it until the next liberal is in office.
lives to 100
declared mentally incompetent, and replaced, at 86.
Top kek
>85 years old
If Trump wins re-election, she'll have to last to her 90s before she either dies or steps down.
She'll be fine. Now if the democrats can scrounge up someone decent by next year, I'll be sweating.
Stepping down isn't an option for her. If she quits, the Dems will have her poisoned.
My dark horse to kick the bucket is Roberts. He is known to faint/have seizures. Thomas should retire too if GOP retains Senate control after midterms.
Why does Jow Forums get so pumped for SCOTUS dying?
The next time Dems secure majority, they’ll just expand the court. Having a conservativr court actually gives them a rally point
My numerals say she'll live to 100+ easily.
If repeating squiggles, RIP
>The next time Dems secure majority, they’ll just expand the court
Yeah, and they'll change the Electoral College to the Popular Vote.
And they'll give bigger states more Senators.
Stop living in fucking fantasy land.
Dub dubz overrules. Motion stands.
Then we violently revolt and start killing them all.
>Stepping down isn't an option for her. If she quits, the Dems will have her poisoned
Something like THIS......... but more likely they have worse set-up for her and her surviving family,----in the event of her bailing ship
gay frogs will soon be illegal. Sad for Pepe
She will fall and not get back up.
December 13th
>Visiting my parents
>Talking about politics, my dad asks, "How old is Darth Vader Ginsburg anyway?".
>Whip out my phone and ask Siri, "How old is Darth Vader Gisburg?"
>Sends me to her wikipedia page no problem
Was pretty funny.
She's holding out for the midterm with her last hope being that the Dems take a majority in the Senate and can block any nomination Trump puts up. If that happens she can finally retire and 2020 becomes a referendum on her seat.
What's going to happen is the Dems lose more seats than anybody thought possible because conservatives now refuse to respond to polls and thus skew the results heavily to the left. When this happens she'll either step down or die of a stroke very soon after. Count on it.
Sending chaos energy to induce death
She will fall asleep during a session and not wake up
My dubies prove you wrong. She'll live to 107
> that probably has diabetes.
She does have diabetes. Just the other day, she had to call an amberlamps to fix her diabetes before going to work.
I wonder if they’ll Nelson Mandela her
Feeling nervous?
Kek has spoken! The old bitch is cursed in the name of Kek! Praise the name! Praise!
what do you expect she was already 62 when they signed it
Obviously KEK has other projects for us all to be working on he has already promised that she will die, leave it be and find something mire productive to do even if it meens sacrifice.
>user thinks he can alter her fate
Far too late, the prophecy has been foretold. Death is coming on swift wings for Ginsburg, she will not survive the winter.
She's cursed now!
>that sombrero
it's in gematria. she won't make it past nov
Who do you think Trump would pick next?
Her fate has already been foretold. October 17
>when you’re literally the deep state’s cum dumpster
Those Marxist man hating jew feminist never die before 100.
>Tiny weights
>In spite of that, she's breathing through her mouth
They're certainly trying to keep her healthy, but that's a losing battle.
Six years is a long time for somebody that age. Just takes one hiccup to incapacitate you and force resignation.
Anyone find it interesting that libs oppose Kavanaugh because he's "partisan", but worship at the altar of RBG, even though she's openly criticized the president and said she'd stay on the court until Trump is out of office?
>isolation movements
What the fuck, just bench, OHP and squat. She could use however light a weight she needs.
How are tricep extensions going to keep her healthy?
When people use women in place of the singular woman, is it a metaphysical statement about how women lack personhood and are interchangeable, or just a typo?
This is only 9 days away. It needs to be made a sticky to either confirm, or deny, the power of digits, once and for all.
She should have started sooner.
Lets use the man if to curse jimmy kimmels son to death!
This year
Next year
November 14th
Oct. 17th faggot.
Kek already told us.
If she drinks it is Possible
She will die on Nov 7th
I’d fuck her
I'd actually rather she didn't die right before the election.
Dems are demoralized after the Kavanaugh fiasco, but if it suddenly becomes clear that, "If you don't take the senate, Trump will appoint another justice", then suddenly you have both sides equally motivated.