Can Venezuela even be saved at this point?
Not real Socialism
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Venezuela inflation is 1000000%
>remember the 6 million
I remember
Good old days, sounds like yugoslavia before it went to war with itself
If only they had tried real socialism this wouldn't have happened. Also U.S. imperialism.
It's caused by oil based economy too
I'm sure this is just a bump in the road on the way to socialist Utopia.
Ah yes, very true comrade!
>U.S. Imperialism
How did we fuck them up?
How the fuck does this even work. Like imagine making $488,865 in America and then it becomes worth exactly $1 within a year. Going from being able to buy a Ferrari to being able to buy a pencil
Kek this
The miracles of communism.
We didn't give them enough gibs. Also access to the US market is a basic human right
Venezuelans are coming to Argentina and they did not learn their lesson,I had a job interview for a telemarketer job about two years ago and there are a lot of venezuelans coming to Argentina. When we had been selected we were told that we must do our medical exams before working,I came across this venezuelan young guy from the job interview we had and the socialism thing came up and I said. "This is what socialism does" (refering to venezuela). He had a micro emotion of anger in his face and responded "the problem is corruption".
Basically venezuelans are dumb fucks who did not learn their lesson and are willing to try socialism again and if it fail they will blame it on corruption and not socialism.
Why has nobody tried socialism+gold-backed currency? oh... wait..
Socialists do this everywhere they go. The destroy and find a new host until they've ran out of things to destroy.
*laughs in australian*
my electricity bill doubles every year
You should've beat the shit out him
>keks en Espanol
bummer... califags ruin everything
>economy is 70% privately owned
>inflation was already at 56% before they adopted "socialism"
Jow Forumstards are the dumbest people alive
Can someone explain to me how socialism causes inflation?
At what point does it become a viable option to build underground to avoid the costs of aircon
>being able to buy a pencil
Look at Mr Moneybags here!
Let it be. Accelerationism FTW
I merely stopped talking to him at that moment and kept waiting in line for my medical examination,what can you even say to someone that stupid?
I'm not sure if you are joking or not because we actually do this :/
They print to much money because they are stupid and dont understand that in 99% of the cases inflation is a monetary phenomenom.
dude, venezuela's have nothing to do with socialism, they based their entire economy on a rising oil price, then when the oil price started dropping they tried to solve their problems by just printing more money. None of that has anything to do with universal healthcare or raising a minimum wage
>implying this isn’t all part of the fight for liberty
You gotta hit the bottom before you reach the top. They’re thinning out the population to have a more manageable citizenry. Those against la revolucion will flee or die off, those loyal to Venezuela and her people will remain through the struggle. (((“Inflation”))) a capitalist game.
Duh, with bitcoin
Is nobody going to comment how this is a great example of American math education?
At least try not to make it so obvious.
People end up moving to a barter system, and take whatever currency they have and spend it as fast as possible, but obviously the economy can’t function this way, and it doesn’t.
Real communism has literally never been tried, there have been various revolutions that established governments that claimed to be working to bring about communism, but it never happened.
Communism can't happen until after a society has reached post-currency. There are only a few books you need to read to learn about communism, so when you proliferate this meme, you are telling people that you're too lazy and vapid to read a few books to learn what the fuck you're talking about before you talk about it.
But don't tale my word for it, read marx and Engels for yourself, instead of being an ignorant fool.
And then the next time a "communist" tried toi prosthelytize to you, instead of spewing memes that indicate that you're an idiot, ask them how they plan to shit to post-currency while accounting for real-world logistics in real time.
They'll never answer you directly because they fucking can't, because communism isn't possible.
But you should know this instead of simply repeating it, stop being a pleb and go read a few books that had a profound impact upon shaping modern geopolitics.
And get into the habit of doing this for all subjects.
I merely read half of your comment and realized you are retaded,keep telling to yourself that your system has never been tried,if you try to apply your shit system we will kill you,thats why we have guns.
That's exactly why we're starting to kick them out.
Last month one of them killed a Brazilian in a fight, so other Brazilians beat him to death. Then another living on the street was killed with machete blows.
>Is nobody going to comment how this is a great example of American math education?
I cant, Im laughing too much.
Inb4 but no, it's actually only 488% and the comma is actually a .
>socialism fails everywhere eventually
Commies are the dumbest people alive, and then they starve to death.
Are you trolling or just American?
It's 4888.65x the previous year, that's how percentages work.
Do these retards really think the extent of government control found in a socialist government is possible without corruption?
Communism can't work with a human,in charge. Only an AI could manage it and even then it would probably still suck for everyone involved. An AI could organize things well enough to prevent starvation, but it'd still essentially be a nation of slaves.
It would be $488,865 down to ~$99.98 in one year. Still horrible.
Hitler time when?
>lives on giant desert island
>doesn’t cover it in solar panels