The game is called "pick one." Its where you have choices but you get to pick one. Here we go:
>Christopher Columbus was a bad man and killed natives who trusted people not from their land and tribe.
>Open borders for everyone
Lets Play a game Jow Forums
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She makes my teepee want to go in her wigwam and make smoke signals
Do mine:
>OP is a faggot
>OP is a faggot
columbus. open borders only for israel
>All niggers permanently expelled from your nation
>All kikes permanently expelled from your nation
Your game is a faggot
why so mad, toothpaste?
new game, taek off ur top
Christopher Columbus wins
>exterminate Jews
>stick your dick in a blender
you spelt the name of game wrong, it's written S T R A W M A N
All niggers. Without their nog voting cattle (((they))) can't hand elections to progressives. And we get to keep all the delicious khazar milkers.
difficult choice faggot
obviously the answer is
>Christopher Columbus was a bad man and killed natives who trusted people not from their land and tribe.
dont be stupid and get stuck on sentimentality, who gives a shit about this ancient dude today? Keep shitskins out of the country today.
>it's a "let's make the goyim fight amongst each other" plot
Get some new schemes
That’s crazy, I fucked that girl like 10 years ago
proofs or it didn't happen
>patriarchy and rape culture are real. Men are taught to be rape monsters. Women don't have any power.
>Every person that educates and looks after children from mother to care workers/childcare to teachers are mainly female.
Sauce immediately
> slavery was bad
> they need to return to their homeland
Christopher Columbus was guilty of the same crimes everyone was of the era. The concept of savagry was alive, and probably should be today. He was guilty of seeing the world through a different lens than the self righteous loberals of today, who only want to protect lesser races and prevent evil white folk who hang monkey dolls (an obvious stand in for ni- I mean black people).
OP is a faggot.
incredible tits
Whoops. Didn't finish my thought because phone posting makes brain not good. Figure it out cunts.
What did he mean by this?
I would colonize the FUCK out of her.
Hello there le 56%
Why am I not surprised?
Christopher Columbus discovered the Bahamas and Haiti
He didn't discover America proper
>they need to return to their homeland
lincoln wanted to do that. but JWB was a dipshit and offed lincoln before his reconstruction plan could come into play
the mutt 80IQ slave army will dominate the world.
sure, open borders if i get to fight anyone that tries to invade my country.
delete this